ann coulter Donald Trump Politics

Ann Coulter Hates “the new” Donald Trump

Ann Coulter is slowly beginning to realize that Donald Trump is nothing more than a cunning Republican politician, who has master the art of  saying whatever is necessary to get votes. The loose-mouth Trump made a political name for himself and Republicans like Coulter fell in love with his 3rd grade mannerism – a trait they look for in their leader.

But the politician in Trump is looking forward to bigger things than the elementary level maneuvering necessary to win the Republican base. Trump wants more, and the mare basics would not appeal to this larger audience. So Trump is surrounding himself with party insiders, people who know the ropes, people who could help him navigate his way out of the muck Republicans wallow in, and into a more generally accepted mode.

Donald Trump is a politician, and he is changing, and the Republicans stuck in the muck cannot accept his change.

Slowly, Ann Coulter and the other juveniles in the Republican party are beginning to realize that they have been fooled. Fooled by a 3rd grade Republican politician and his 3rd grade mannerism.

ann coulter bill o reilly Politics Stupid

Ann Coulter on Bill O’ Reilly – “Good God He’s Stupid” – Video

So the donald went on Bill O’ Reilly the other night and continued his fight against “illegals,” taking his deportation argument even further with his new stance – even if you’re born here, you can be deported if he becomes president! According to the donald, “illegals” come to this country to have their babies, also called “anchor babies” by many in the Republican party, so these babies, born in the U.S.A, are not Americans.

But O’Reilly wasn’t having that argument and at the end of the interview, O’Reilly fired back at Trump.

“If you’re born here you’re an American. Period. Period,” he said.

Ann Coulter, a strong defender of everything donald apparently missed the interview, but later tweeted that her email was “exploding with denounciations of Bill O’Reilly for interview w/ @realDonaldTrump.”

A minuite later, she tweeted, “Sorry for delay. O’Reilly: “YOU WANT ME TO QUOTE YOU THE AMT? IF YOU’RE BORN HERE YOU’RE AN AMERICAN! PERIOD!” #GoodGodHesStupid

Indeed Coulter, indeed!

Watch the O’Reilly interview below.


ann coulter Immigration Nikki Haley Politics

Ann Coulter – Nikki Haley “is an immigrant and does not understand America’s History” – Video

Today’s Republicans are not like yesterdays. Today’s Republicans think – among other things – that an American is someone born in the US of A (Ted Cruz is apparently the only exception), and that immigrants to this nation simply cannot understand what it truly means to be American. You can see that way of thinking in the way these Republicans act and you can hear it in the things they say.

Here is a perfect example. South Carolina governor Nikki Haley is a proud Republican (I don’t know why) and a pusher of everything Republican. But her name and the fact that she is of Indian decent have confused the Republican mouthpiece, Ann Coulter. Coulter appeared on Fox Business network and proclaimed that Haley, whose parents immigrated from India, cannot understand American history because, well, “she is an immigrant!”

“I’m appalled,” Coulter said, when talking about Haley’s decision to remove the confederate flag from certain locations in South Carolina, after the deaths of nine African-Americans at the hands of a racist. “I really like to like Nikki Haley since she is a Republican. On the other hand, she is an immigrant and does not understand America’s history.”

It should be noted that Nikki Haley was actually born in South Carolina and the last time I checked, South Carolina was part of the United States. But today’s Republicans don’t let simple facts get in the way of their hate for everything immigrant and their love for propaganda.


ann coulter Politics voter suppression voters women

Listen To Ann Coulter Say “women should not have the right to vote” – Audio

In the audio recording below, a famous Republican voice explained her position on women voters – they shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all.

“If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat [sic] president,” the Republican said. She then goes on to explain that taking away women’s right to vote is a “personal fantasy” of hers.


ann coulter Christianity Politics

Ann Coulter – Single Mothers Produce The Most Criminals And Muslim Is Not A Religion

She has a way with words, but hearing what Ann Coulter had to say tonight on Fox News’ The Red Eye, made me take another look at the screen. The group was talking about criminals and one guest Joe Derosa, stated that the environment is responsible for creating “most criminals.” To which Ann Coulter chimed in claiming that single mothers produce the most criminals, a talking point that originated in 1995 with the Republican group, the Heritage Foundation.

Most criminals come from single mothers. It’s true. And I think you’ll agree on my other point which is why this leads to my conclusion, once you committed a violent crime let’s say, I say death penalty.

At this point, there’s laughter in the group but Coulter wasn’t finished. She then continued to say that if a criminal cannot convert to Christianity, then they should be put to death. Mr. Derosa asked if she’s only focusing on Christianity and not any other forms of Religion, to which Coulter answered in a rather sarcastic tone, “what, Muslim?” She then ended with “that’s a FANTASTIC idea!”

Watch the video below.

ann coulter Politics Republican

A Highly-Favored Republican Voice Wants to Increase The Voting Age

Republicans are doing all they can to suppress and in some cases, take away the voting rights of ordinary Americans. Their latest efforts includes requiring voters IDs and a new low in Ohio, where a Republican led assault is on the way to reduce the amount of time voters in Democratic districts have to cast their ballots.

In some of these cases, the courts have ruled that these forms of suppression – or “maintaining the integrity of the voting process” as the Republicans have called it – are illegal and should not happen on American soil.

But now another voice considered highly favored in the Republican circle is trying to change the rules. Ann Coulter wants to increase the voting age.

According to a recent interview on Fox News, Mrs. Coulter said, “I think we ought to raise the voting age. You can’t drink until you’re 21. We don’t have a draft anymore. Why are we letting infants vote? Their brains aren’t fully formed.”

It’s just amazing that before Barack Obama won the 2008 election, there was no need to change anything. After 2008 however, Republicans have manufactured every conceivable reason to change the process in their favor.

Imagine two runners competing in a race and after the winner crosses the finish line, the loser claims victory because during the race he (the loser or today’s Republican party) decided that the last person to cross the finish line wins.

Side-note: Barack Obama overwhelmingly won the youth vote in 2008.

ann coulter Featured

Ann Coulter Compares President Obama to Flava Flave

Ann Coulter is one of the so-called influential elites in todays Republican party. And this just shows how far this once respected party has gone off the edge.

In lastweek’s CPAC gathering, Coulter addressed the crowed to discuss important issues concerning the American people and how to get things back on track. This apparently, was the best solution to the issues she came up with.

ann coulter democrats Politics

Our Blacks vs Their Blacks – A Conservative Point Of View

Republican Ann Coulter said it last week while tripping over herself to defend Herman Cain from the recent sexual harassment claims, “Our blacks are so much better than their blacks” she said, because “you have fought against probably your family, probably your neighbors. . . that’s why we have very impressive blacks.”

We know, these people makes no sense. But trying to understand how Republicans think about black people, we found the illustration below.

This must be what they’re talking about.

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