Featured Immigration

Melania Trump Illegally Worked Multiple Jobs in the United States

If you arrived in the United States and illegally made money, you’d be in a lot of trouble. But Melania Trump, the woman Republicans want to be the next First Lady of the United States, apparently worked illegally when she came to this country, and Republicans are clearly okay with that.

Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 that occurred in the seven weeks before she had legal permission to work in the country, according to detailed accounting ledgers, contracts and related documents from 20 years ago provided to The Associated Press.

The details of Mrs. Trump’s early paid modeling work in the U.S. emerged in the final days of a bitter presidential campaign in which her husband, Donald Trump, has taken a hard line on immigration laws and those who violate them. Trump has proposed broader use of the government’s E-verify system allowing employers to check whether job applicants are authorized to work. He has noted that federal law prohibits illegally paying immigrants.

Mrs. Trump, who received a green card in March 2001 and became a U.S. citizen in 2006, has always maintained that she arrived in the country legally and never violated the terms of her immigration status. During the presidential campaign, she has cited her story to defend her husband’s hard line on immigration.

Donald Trump Immigration Politics

Republican Con-man Donald Flip-Flops on Immigration – Video

If there was one policy you thought Donald Trump wiuld be consistent with, it was his stance on immigration.

When he announced his candidacy over a year ago, shipping immigrants back to their country was Trump’s number one talking point, and he rode that talking point all the way to his party’s nomination. He would balk at his supporters at rallies telling of his deport all immigrants plan and his supporters would happily applaud in anticipation of finally getting their country back.

But all things come to an end apparently and Trump has jumped off his gravy train choosing instead to flip-flop on his most sacred issue.

Clearly motivated by his sagging poll numbers in the general election, Trump tried to con voters his way during an interview with Fox’s Sean Hannity, by softening his immigration stance. The Republican businessman/politician told his followers that his plan to ship people out if the country was basically illegal, and that he would now “follow the laws” instead.


Donald Trump Immigration Politics

Trump Tells Republican Voter that He’ll Deport Members of Her Family – Video

She is a registered Republican but has undocumented immigrants in her family. An anomaly, yes, I know. Everybody knows Republicans don’t have immigrants as part of their family, right? I mean, that’s just unheard of! But in this unheard of situation, the registered Republican anomaly needed to know what will happen to her family if Donald Trump becomes president.

…if Donald Trump becomes president… I shudder at the thought!

In a town hall meeting, the Republican anomaly explained that although she has a family member in the military protecting America, there are members of her family here illegally and they have been here for illegally for 25 years. What will happen to them if you are president? She wanted to know.

Trump answered;

They’ve been here how many years? We’re going to do something. For people that have been — look, we’re either going to have a country or we’re not going to have a country. But many people are very fine people. and I’m sure these are very, very fine people. They’re going to go, and we’re going to create a path where we can get them into this country legally, okay? But it has to be done legally.

“You will deport them first, right?” Asked the host.

“They’re going to go, and ” Trump said. “Then come back and come back legally.”

I cannot guarantee it, but I’m sure the registered Republican anomaly will vote for Donald Trump in the election. Republicans aren’t very bright.


Immigration marco rubio Politics

Rubio Admits – His Immigration Policy Would Have Kept His Parents in Cuba

Marco Rubio, trying to save his presidential campaign, did a town hall on MSNBC Wednesday night and was asked a question by an audience member: “If you were to institute your merit-based immigration policy, wouldn’t you be, I mean, shutting out people like your parents?”

Rubio replied, “Yeah, well, you wouldn’t shut them out, but it’s a different process. My parents came in 1956. The world is a different place from 1956.

“When my parents arrived in the U.S. in 1956, my dad had a fourth-grade education, maybe. My mom had about the same. If they came today under those circumstances, they would really struggle to succeed.”

Rubio said that “unless you have a certain level of skill or education, it’s very hard to find a sustainable job” in the 21st-century economy.

“So we always change policies when times change, and immigration policy’s no different,” he added.

“And so, today in the 21st century, the immigration policy has to be primarily based on merit. That doesn’t mean everyone’s a PhD; it does mean when you come in you should be able to prove what skills you’ll be able to bring to the U.S.”

China Donald Trump Immigration Politics

China Hating Trump Sold Immigration Visas to Chinese Investors

It’s business as usual for the businessman turn Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump. And seeing an opportunity to basically sell immigration visas to Chinese investors, Trump reportedly pocketed millions.

Bloomberg reports that a “Sopranos”-themed video with Chinese subtitles was used to attract the investors through a controversial immigrant visa program for the building, which bears the name of Trump, who has strongly criticized China throughout his presidential campaign for taking away jobs and money from the U.S.

The EB-5 visa program, which provides mostly Chinese nationals a two-year visa and chance at residency for those investing at least $500,000 in a project aimed at creating jobs, has been of concern to critics who characterize it as the U.S. selling visas to those without proven skills.

Bloomberg quoted the US Immigration Fund, which said the Trump Bay Street luxury rental apartment building raised $50 million, roughly a quarter of its overall funding, from loans through the EB-5 program, mostly from Chinese investors.

Featured Immigration pope francis

#Insanity – Trump Guards Christianity Against The Attacks of The Pope

Donald Trump has basically offended every group on the planet, and Republicans love him for it. Now, Trump is engaging in a religious war with, of all people, the Pope.

Speaking at the US/Mexico border, Pope Francis was asked to comment on Donald Trump’s immigration plan to build a wall between the two countries. The Pope did not hesitate to point out the hypocrisy of the Republican leader who loves to call himself  “a Christian” every time he talks to Christian Republican voters.

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” he said. While Francis said he would “give the benefit of the doubt” because he had not heard Trump’s border plans independently, he added, “I say only that this man is not a Christian if he has said things like that.”

Trump, a Presbyterian and the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, responded within minutes.

“For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful,” he said at a campaign stop in South Carolina, which holds a key primary on Saturday. “I am proud to be a Christian, and as president I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened.

So now Donald Trump, the man who is known for using the podium to spit his profanity, is now the gatekeeper for Christianity, and he is accusing the Pope of attacking and weakening said Christianity!

Who will win this holy war? Amazingly the profane laced, xenophobic has a good chance of winning this war against the Pope among today’s Republicans. What is wrong with these people?

Donald Trump Immigration Politics

Donald Trump’s Ad Tears into Hypocritical Ted Cruz on Immigration – Ad

We know they’re all hypocrites, masters at saying one thing now because they’re looking for votes. But what Donald Trump did to Ted Cruz in this new ad was actually brilliant. He matched the things Cruz is saying now to what he said in the past, and guess what? Ted Cruz, as it turns out, is just your regular everyday Republican establishment politician, saying the things he deem necessary to win over a particular audience.

In other words, Ted Cruz is the epitome of a politician… although he wants you to believe he is an “outsider!”

The video below shows just two different sides of Ted Cruz on the immigration/amnesty issue – his stance when he was for immigration because it was the right thing to do, and his stance now being against immigration, since the people he is pandering to for votes are also against immigration.


Immigration marco rubio Politics republican debate Terror

Canadian Born Republican Presidential Candidate Tells World America’s Secret – Video

In case you missed the last Republica.n debate, and I won’t hold it against you if you did, Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio got into a heated back and forth to prove how tough they will be against terrorism and immigration. And in the process, Ted Cruz blurted out some info abiut the NSA and data collection that was should have remained classified.

“What [Rubio] knows is that the old program covered 20 percent to 30 percent of phone numbers to search for terrorists,” Cruz said, clearly annoyed that he was being challenged by Rubio. Then he shared this indo. “The new program covers nearly 100 percent. That gives us greater ability to stop acts of terrorism, and he knows that that’s the case.”

Realizing what Cruz had just done on a nationally and internationally televised debate, Marco Rubio quickly interjected.

“Let me be very careful when answering this,” Rubio responded, “because I don’t think national television in front of 15 million people is the place to discuss classified information. So let me just be very clear. There is nothing that we are allowed to do under this bill that we could not do before.”


Domestic Policies Donald Trump Donald Trump Immigration Immigration Reform News Politics

The Republican Party is not just the Party of “NO”, It’s the Party of “NEVER”

Later this week the country will celebrate a milestone: the date that Marty McFly used to travel to the future in Back to the Future II, the second movie of the trilogy that represents the greatest expression of Reagan-era optimism that Hollywood has yet produced. If only the remaining GOP candidates would sit down and watch all three movies. Then again, they’d reject their sunny demeanor and hopeful message as liberal claptrap and probably only find succor in the fact that almost everyone in the future has a gun.

If anything, this past week’s Democratic debate uncovered the starkest difference between the two parties, and it’s almost the opposite of the 1980s. In this election, it looks like the Democrats will be the ones looking confidently forward, while the Republicans will continue to paint a distinctly negative picture of the country.

According to the right, we are being invaded by hordes of illegal immigrants who are sucking up our resources, taking our jobs and marrying our women. The EPA is bent on destroying free enterprise by covering us in regulations, and the president wants to take our guns. And those are the more moderate accusations. Meanwhile, the Democrats put forward a future that included a higher minimum wage, expanded child care and paid time off, health care and a narrowing of the gap between the wealthy and everyone else.

For those of us who remember the politics of the 1980s, it is a stark contrast. Reagan was the smiling optimist and the Democrats were the scowling pessimists warning the country about the threat of nuclear war. Of course, many of the Reagan-era policies did lead to significantly negative outcomes, such as the orgy of prison building that now houses more prisoners than any other country, and the wealth gap created by Reagan and Bush tax cuts. But other policies did clean up some of the entitlement messes and the economy took off and helped a large number of people.

Today, the Republican Party is not just the party of “no”, it’s the party of “never.” They will never raise taxes. They will never acknowledge climate change. They will never recognize a women’s right to an abortion. They will never acquiesce to gay marriages. They will never allow anyone who came to this country illegally with any chance at either becoming a legal resident or a citizen. They will never talk to Putin or the Iranians. Never, never, never.

How incredibly dangerous.

Yet, they continue to say NEVER in their debates and on the campaign trail, especially the three candidate who will never (I borrowed the word) be elected president, namely Trump, Fiorina and Carson. But even the candidates who do have a chance–Bush, Rubio, Paul and Christie (I’m telling you, do not count Christie out just yet)–are part of the never caucus.

The Democrats, by contrast, were a far more voluble on what is possible in this country. They spoke about how we can address the wage gap, address the changing climate and protect people’s rights. Hillary still has problems with Benghazi and the e-mail issue, but recent Republican comments clearly show that their investigations are political, and that gave her the opening she needed at the debate to claim the high ground, at least for the moment.

Once the primaries are done and the nominees chosen, it will be more difficult for the Republican to move credibly to the political center and still maintain the far right’s blessing, than it will be for Clinton to appease Bernie Sanders’ supporters and gain their votes in November. In a general election, most voters want an upbeat message about how the candidates will lead the country forward and solve its problems, not a general indictment of how terrible things are. The problem for the GOP is that the longer their message is carried by the unelectable three, the more difficult it will be for pragmatic voice to be heard.

If they can find one.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Donald Trump Immigration Politics

Obama on Immigration – “America’s greatness doesn’t come from building walls”

In his address to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, president Obama took on some of the Republican presidential candidates and their backward stance on immigration. And although he did not mentioned names, allow me to say Donald Trump!

“There’s nowhere they want to go further backwards than on immigration,” said the president, who noted his administration’s progress on reducing the Latino unemployment rate and providing more health care to the minority group.

Although he did not address him by name, Obama appeared to direct some of his comments at Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who has taken one of the toughest stances of any presidential candidate on illegal immigration.

“You’ve got to realize that America’s greatness doesn’t come from building walls, our greatness comes from opportunity,” Obama said.

Trump, whose campaign slogan is “Make America Great Again,” has vowed to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico to stop illegal border crossings. He has also been criticized for making a series of disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

Immigration Immigration Reform

Immigrant Family Confronts Scott Walker – Like Talking to a Wall – Video

Talking to a Republican armed with talking-points is like talking to a wall. No matter what you say, no matter what you ask, you will be hit with the same talking-points the Republican said before, because, that’s all they have… talking-points.

Watch as this immigrant family confronts Walker and experienced first hand the effects of a Republican armed with talking-points.


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ann coulter Immigration Nikki Haley Politics

Ann Coulter – Nikki Haley “is an immigrant and does not understand America’s History” – Video

Today’s Republicans are not like yesterdays. Today’s Republicans think – among other things – that an American is someone born in the US of A (Ted Cruz is apparently the only exception), and that immigrants to this nation simply cannot understand what it truly means to be American. You can see that way of thinking in the way these Republicans act and you can hear it in the things they say.

Here is a perfect example. South Carolina governor Nikki Haley is a proud Republican (I don’t know why) and a pusher of everything Republican. But her name and the fact that she is of Indian decent have confused the Republican mouthpiece, Ann Coulter. Coulter appeared on Fox Business network and proclaimed that Haley, whose parents immigrated from India, cannot understand American history because, well, “she is an immigrant!”

“I’m appalled,” Coulter said, when talking about Haley’s decision to remove the confederate flag from certain locations in South Carolina, after the deaths of nine African-Americans at the hands of a racist. “I really like to like Nikki Haley since she is a Republican. On the other hand, she is an immigrant and does not understand America’s history.”

It should be noted that Nikki Haley was actually born in South Carolina and the last time I checked, South Carolina was part of the United States. But today’s Republicans don’t let simple facts get in the way of their hate for everything immigrant and their love for propaganda.


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