Donald Trump Politics voters

Bill Maher – Trump Voters are “revenge of the cavemen”

Bill Maher took to his blog to dissect the type of people who will vote for Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump. And during his research, Maher found that Trump’s voters are basically morans.

“It feels right, doesn’t it? What we’re experiencing now, not just in America, but around the world, is the revenge of the cavemen,” Maher wrote.

While admitting he had no definitive evidence behind his reasoning, Maher was buoyed by a YouGov study asking male respondents to identify themselves on a 0-6 scale of masculinity. While 65 percent of men older than 65 years of age said they were “completely masculine,” only 30 percent of men between the ages of 18 and 29 gave a similar response.

According to Maher, this age difference helps explain Trump’s popularity.

“Trump voters are overwhelmingly male and older, and think the world has gotten too PC, too ‘gay,’ and they’d like their country to be more ‘manly’ again,” the host said. “That’s where Trump comes in. He’s going to kick everyone’s ass. He’s going to win. He doesn’t care about your feelings. He wants to dominate you. This appeals to a certain cross-section of America.”

ann coulter Politics voter suppression voters women

Listen To Ann Coulter Say “women should not have the right to vote” – Audio

In the audio recording below, a famous Republican voice explained her position on women voters – they shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all.

“If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat [sic] president,” the Republican said. She then goes on to explain that taking away women’s right to vote is a “personal fantasy” of hers.


Politics voters

This Is Too Much Excitement for Mitt Romney’s Candidacy

They can’t contain themselves! These Romney supporters are beaming with excitement for their 2012 Republican hero as they proudly display their signs in support of the candidate. Anymore display of excitement and we may have to censor this group as rated R, wait no… X!

Barack Obama Domestic Policies Medicare Paul Ryan Republican Tax Tax cut United States voters

Paul Ryan Can’t Explain His Trickle Down Economics To The Voters

Republican Paul Ryan is able to go on television and proclaim the myth that taking money from seniors and giving it to billionaires in the form of a Tax cut is the way to get America back on the economic track. On television, with the media bought and paid for by some of these same billionaires, Ryan is never questioned about exactly how is this concept supposed to work. But at home, the people of his state knows better.

In a town hall meeting, with the very same voters that put Mr. Ryan into office, questions were asked about his budget plan for which Ryan had no favorable answers. Among other things, Ryan’s plan would give seniors an $8000.00 check to be put towards purchasing their own health care from the private market.

See for yourself!

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