Christianity Politics

Watch President Obama’s Full Speech at The Prayer Breakfast – Video

It has already started. On the right, the talk in the Republican and conservative arena is that President Obama never mentioned Islam, but criticized Christianity in his speech today. On one of these websites, the author wrote…

At none other than the National Prayer Breakfast, Obama once again attacked Christianity’s   perceived offences in the name of Christ and the Crusades of over a thousand years ago,  while specifically leaving out references to atrocities committed in the name of Muhammed and Islam…..

Of course, the website author nitpicked a 3 minutes section of the 24 minutes speech and presented that as the basis for their criticism. A false criticism that is, because the entire speech focused on ALL religions and how extremists hijack these religions for their own sick use.

So for those who wish to know the truth, I challenge you to listen to the full speech, instead of soundbites and nitpicking.

Do you accept the challenge?


Christianity Featured

Glenn Beck – It Is “a badge of eternal dishonor” to be an American Citizen – Video

In his program today,  Glenn Beck urged his audience to get passionate about what’s going on in America, before they’re “thrown up against the wall and thrown up against the wall and thrown up against the wall, you might even get a billy club to the head!”

Beck was expressing his passion for Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, a Sudanese woman facing prosecution for refusing Islam and converting to Christianity.

Beck wants the US government to interject into this matter and save the Sudanese woman because she is married to a United States citizen, and he cannot figure out why Barack Obama is not making Meriam’s plight a national security issue or something, because…FREEDOM!

He then declared that America has gone “so dead inside” that it is now becoming “a badge of global and possibly eternal dishonor” to be an American citizen.

ann coulter Christianity Politics

Ann Coulter – Single Mothers Produce The Most Criminals And Muslim Is Not A Religion

She has a way with words, but hearing what Ann Coulter had to say tonight on Fox News’ The Red Eye, made me take another look at the screen. The group was talking about criminals and one guest Joe Derosa, stated that the environment is responsible for creating “most criminals.” To which Ann Coulter chimed in claiming that single mothers produce the most criminals, a talking point that originated in 1995 with the Republican group, the Heritage Foundation.

Most criminals come from single mothers. It’s true. And I think you’ll agree on my other point which is why this leads to my conclusion, once you committed a violent crime let’s say, I say death penalty.

At this point, there’s laughter in the group but Coulter wasn’t finished. She then continued to say that if a criminal cannot convert to Christianity, then they should be put to death. Mr. Derosa asked if she’s only focusing on Christianity and not any other forms of Religion, to which Coulter answered in a rather sarcastic tone, “what, Muslim?” She then ended with “that’s a FANTASTIC idea!”

Watch the video below.

Christianity Politics Rick Santorum

Santorum Use Christianity To Foster Fear In His Followers

How low do you have to go to call yourself a Christian, then use Christianity and its teachings as a fear mechanism for keeping your faithful followers in check by lying to them and invoking their deepest fears – that their faith is being challenged by the all powerful, all mighty president, Mr. Obama?!

Well, if you’re Rick Santorum, you can go pretty low. In the video below, Santorum does just that as he used God and Christianity to tell the audience that President Obama has taken us 1down a road of “overt hostility to faith in America.”

Christianity God Religion

New Prediction – The End Of The World Is This Friday

Yes, Friday, and we’re not talking about the Ice Cube Movies either.

Harold Camping, the Family radio evangelist who wrongfully predicted that May 21st 2011 would be the end of the world, is at it again. This time, Mr. Camping is saying the end will come next Friday, October 21st, 2011.

So what happened on May 21st? Mr. Camping had this explination;

What really happened is that God accomplished exactly what He wanted to happen. That was to warn the whole world that on May 21 God’s salvation program would be finished on that day. For the next five months, except for the elect (the true believers), the whole world is under God’s final judgment.

So according to Camping, if you weren’t saved on or before May 21st, then you have some very serious issues as next Friday approach.

One can only wonder if the Evangelist Camping ever read the book of Mark, Chapter 13, verse 32 – when Jesus’ apostles asked about the end times. Jesus answered, But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels who are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take you heed, watch and pray: for you know not when the time is.”

No one knows “but the Father.” Does this mean Harold Camping thinks he is “The Father?”

Oh Wow!!!

Christianity Mitt Romney MSNBC Politics

More Republican Hypocrisy From The Extreme Right Wing

Michael Smerconish, a radio personality and author who identifies himself for the most part as a Republican, appeared on MSNBC today to talk about the new Republican presidential controversy – Mitt Romney’s Mormon religion.

Romney’s religion was thrust into the spotlight over the weekend when two influential Conservative Christians advised the audience at a Voters Values Summit, to avoid voting for non-Christians in the 2012 election. Robert Jeffress, a Dallas Pastor and Bryan Fischer, head of the American Family Association, told those in attendance that voting for anyone who wasn’t a Christian would be wrong.

The attack was obviously aimed at Mitt Romney, the present leader in the Republican race for a nominee to take on President Obama in 2012. Jeffress called Romney a “good man,” but claimed that Romney’s Morman religion is the same as a cult.

When Jeffress was asked if he would vote for President Obama who is a Christian over Mitt Romney who is a Mormon, Jeffress emphatically said no, he wouldn’t. Apparently, President Obama’s Christianity is not Jeffress’ version of Christianity.

Michael Smerconish was asked on MSNBC to explain this kind of hypocrisy. He tried.


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Christianity Mitt Romney Politics

Christian Conservative Says Mormonism Can Change Laws To Allow Polygamy

Guess that answers the question – Will a Christian vote for a Mormon to be President of the United States?

How exactly can Mitt Romney get the Christian Conservative’s vote – a major voting block of the Republican party – when Byran Fischer has decided to take away his right to freedom of Religion?

Fisher, one of the leading voices in the conservative community and director of American Family Association is telling his audience that Mormons like Mitt Romney – are not protected under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

“The purpose of the first Amendment is to protect the free exercise of the Christian religion,” Fischer says in the video below. He then goes on to explain how Mormonism and Christianity are two completely different religions, and that the practice of Mormonism could eventually lead to laws being changed to allow polygamy.

Looks like Mitt Romney is done before the first vote is cast in the Republican primary next January.

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