Celebrities Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson Seen in Full Islamic Dress – PIC

Since her marriage to a 41-year-old Muslim billionaire, Wissam Al Manna in 2012, it was believed that Janet Jackson converted to Islam. But multiple photos published by Mirror UK seem to confirm what many people already believe.

Visit Mirror UK for more photos.

ISIS Politics terrorists

Conservatives’ Only Weapon against ISIS? Call them “Radical Islamic Extremists” – Video

These conservatives have paraded around the conservative news media calling the President, among other things, “weak” for holding a three-day summit on ISIS and not using the words, ” radical Islamic extremists” while talking about the group. The president has already described them as terrorists, but conservatives think that using the term, “radical Islamic extremists” would force ISIS to magically change its mind about their brutality and live in peace and tranquility like Monks.

So when one of these conservatives came on Shepard Smith’s show armed with his talking-points that Obama is not doing enough against the terrorist group, Smith wanted a little more beef than just talk. So he pushed back and asked for specifics. But of course, there were none as the talker came only armed with… talk!

The talker is former George Bush Ambassador for Special Political Affairs, Ambassador Stuart Holliday. His mission was to continue parroting the talking point that Obama is weak for not calling ISIS names like “radical Islamic extremists,” a talking point conservatives parroted into a nifty little analogy – that Obama’s three days summit on ISIS terrorists is like holding a fire drill in the middle of a fire. But when Shep asked the talker what else should be done, Holliday had no ideas. Nothing!


Barack Obama ISIS Politics

President Obama Explains – ISIL is NOT Islam, ISIL Leaders are “Terrorists” – Video

Once again, because of the small mentality of so many in the media, President Obama found himself today explaining the obvious, that ISIS or ISIL and Islam are different and that America is not fighting Islam. “We are not at war with Islam,” the president said.

Calling it a “recruiting tool” used by ISIS when they falsely say that America is at war with Islam, the president stated that “we must never accept the premise that they put forward, because it is a lie!”

He continued: “Nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy that they seek! They are not religious leaders, they’re terrorists!”

Yes, there are many people out there working in the media who needed to hear this distinction, and instead of spending their time covering the important stories and the terrorist activities of groups like ISIS, these so-called journalists and pundits spend a sickening amount of time confused and wondering if America is at war with Islam!

But now that the president has clarified this distinction, are these people going to move on and cover the real news? I strongly doubt that!


Featured Politics

Fox News Pundit Wonders if There are “Islamists embedded in the White House” – Audio

Apparently, there are Islamists embedded in the White House because the White House’s statement after the murder of 21 Egyptians by ISIS, did not specify that these Egyptians were in fact, Christians. Thus, according to Fox News Pundit and contributor, Thomas McInerney, there must be Islamists in the White House.

McInerney made his comments on the Worldnet Daily Propaganda Radio Machine.

ISIS murder

ISIS Reportedly Beheads Japanese Man… For Islam?

I mean this is getting old. What other reason could there be for a group that calls itself, The Islamic State, to kill people? Is this a requirement of Islam, that you capture innocent people then murder them if you cannot receive a ransom? And if it is a requirement, is it in the Quran?

The father of the Japanese hostage purportedly killed by Islamic State (IS) militants is hoping his son could still be alive.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the video apparently showing the killing of 42-year-old adventurer Haruna Yukawa was likely authentic and demanded the militants release the other hostage, reporter Kenji Goto, 47.

But Mr Yukawa’s father Shoichi Yukawa said he was “hoping deep in my heart” his son was still alive.

“My mind went totally blank,” he told reporters on Sunday, a day after news broke of the video footage. “I am hoping deep in my heart that it is not true.”

IS, also known as ISIS or ISIL, had threatened to behead Mr Yukawa and Mr Goto unless it received a $200 million ransom.

“If I am ever reunited with him, I just want to give him a big hug,” Mr Yukawa told Japanese TV.


Conservative Christian Bryan Fischer – “Allah is a Demon god” – Video

While Pope Francis suggests that it is wrong to talk bad about someone else’s religion, even saying that freedom of speech does not extend to religions or religious beliefs, Bryan Fischer, Director of the American Family Association called the leader of the Muslim people, the Prophet Muhammad, “a demon god!”

“It is impossible to blaspheme Muhammad,” he said. “You cannot do it. Why? Because you can only blaspheme the True and Living God and Muhammad does not represent the True and Living God … Blasphemy is something that you can only commit against the True and Living God and we know, from the biblical standpoint, that Allah is represents a demon god”

Charlie Hebdo Politics

Anonymous Hackers Threaten Islamic Websites In Response to French Shooting – Video

In a video message done in French, the hacktivist group Anonymous vowed to avenge the deaths and murders of  the souls lost at Charlie Hebdo. “We can not fall to the ground. It is our duty to react,” the group said.

The group vowed to fight for the “inviolate and sacred right to express opinions in any way” and said those who opposed freedom of expression can expect “a massive frontal assault from us, because the struggle for the defense of these freedoms is the foundation of our movement.”

“We are declaring war against you, the terrorists” and vowed to close accounts on social networks linked to terrorists. He wore a Guy Fawkes mask to disguise his identity.


Rand Paul on Charlie Hebdo and Islam – It Is a “barbarous aberration of a religion”

Rand Paul appeared on The Sean Hannity radio show today to discuss, among other things, the recent shooting on Charlie Hebdo in France, and while talking to the Fox News host, Rand Paul, a top Republican actively pursuing the White House in 2016 said, “That barbarous aberration of a religion is opposed to the free flow of ideas.”

Even though the two suspects still at large were reportedly born in France, Paul soon brought up immigration policy, suggesting, “You’ve got to secure your country. And that means maybe that every Muslim immigrant that wishes to come to France shouldn’t have an open door to come.” He continued: “It’s also my concern here. I think our border is a danger to attack, as well as our student visa program. Several of the attackers on 9/11 were here on student visas they had overstayed.”

When Hannity quoted a New York Times editorial saying it’s no time “to smear all Muslims with a terrorist brush,” Paul laughed. “I think they must be totally deaf and dumb,” he said, “Because, think about it. I haven’t seen any Christians or Jews dragging people of the Islamic faith through the streets, but I am seeing the opposite. I’m seeing Christians beheaded, I’m seeing people who say anything about Islam being shot, unarmed, being shot.”

He continued: “And so, yeah, should the rules always protect everyone’s rights? Yeah, but I’m not worried too right now that we’ve infringed on their rights, I’m worried that Christians and Jews are being killed around the world.”

ISIS Westboro Baptist Church

This Muslim Expresses Her True Feelings on ISIS – PIC

I never thought there was a proper comparison for The Westboro Baptist Church, but now that this Muslim has dared ventured out on a limb and compared ISIS to the hate-mongers in Westboro, I can absolutely see the connections. They’re both the same. Beheading their ‘enemies’ as in ISIS, or rejoicing when others are killed as in the Baptiste Church, hate is hate and these two groups are masters of it.

Christianity Featured

Glenn Beck – It Is “a badge of eternal dishonor” to be an American Citizen – Video

In his program today,  Glenn Beck urged his audience to get passionate about what’s going on in America, before they’re “thrown up against the wall and thrown up against the wall and thrown up against the wall, you might even get a billy club to the head!”

Beck was expressing his passion for Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, a Sudanese woman facing prosecution for refusing Islam and converting to Christianity.

Beck wants the US government to interject into this matter and save the Sudanese woman because she is married to a United States citizen, and he cannot figure out why Barack Obama is not making Meriam’s plight a national security issue or something, because…FREEDOM!

He then declared that America has gone “so dead inside” that it is now becoming “a badge of global and possibly eternal dishonor” to be an American citizen.

Featured Politics

Erik Rush – Gun Reform Will Turn Us All Into Muslims – Audio

Erik Rush a frequent guest on your “news” channel Fox News, has said some dumb things in the past. And just when you think he couldn’t get any dumber, he goes on his radio show and insinuate that any gun reform will turn the country over to Islam. He then took it one step further, saying that one day you will wake up and realize that you’re a Muslim.

You think I’m making that up? Here is his exact quote.

Rush warned Americans, like others, may soon be “waking up and going, ‘holy crap, we’re all Muslims.’”

“They are trying to dilute, subvert and nullify our Second Amendment rights so we won’t have — we’ll have armed jihadis coming to our doors and we won’t be able to defend [ourselves],” he added.


Right-Winged Radio Host Tells Listeners To “Post Negative Ads About Islam”

Dumb people come a dime a dozen and for some strange reason, ten of the dozen comes from the Republican party. Here’s an example:

A radio host in Sacramento is asking his listeners to post negative ads and comments about Islam and their leader, Prophet Mohammed. I guess the killing of innocent Americans in Islāmic countries and the fact that deployed troops would be in danger means nothing to these wing-nuts if the outcome of their rants is havoc in the world and an opportunity for them to blame President Obama for that havoc.

Jack Armstrong on KSTE’S Armstrong & Getty show asked his listeners to post negative ads about the prophet Mohammad.

“Some of you people that are good with the computer make an anti-Mohammed ad post it to Al Jazeera. We need to swamp them with ads until they grow up,” said Armstrong.

“We just ask for you to respect other faiths just as in the Muslim faith we don’t insult Christians and Jews and other prophets,” said Sacramento area Muslim Tawfiq Morrar. “Couple hundred in the streets of Afghanistan do not represent the 25 million residents of Afghanistan. That said, we know that Jack Armstrong does not represent the majority of Americans.”

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