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Glenn Beck – It Is “a badge of eternal dishonor” to be an American Citizen – Video

In his program today,  Glenn Beck urged his audience to get passionate about what’s going on in America, before they’re “thrown up against the wall and thrown up against the wall and thrown up against the wall, you might even get a billy club to the head!”

Beck was expressing his passion for Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, a Sudanese woman facing prosecution for refusing Islam and converting to Christianity.

Beck wants the US government to interject into this matter and save the Sudanese woman because she is married to a United States citizen, and he cannot figure out why Barack Obama is not making Meriam’s plight a national security issue or something, because…FREEDOM!

He then declared that America has gone “so dead inside” that it is now becoming “a badge of global and possibly eternal dishonor” to be an American citizen.

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