Featured Politics

Erik Rush – Gun Reform Will Turn Us All Into Muslims – Audio

Erik Rush a frequent guest on your “news” channel Fox News, has said some dumb things in the past. And just when you think he couldn’t get any dumber, he goes on his radio show and insinuate that any gun reform will turn the country over to Islam. He then took it one step further, saying that one day you will wake up and realize that you’re a Muslim.

You think I’m making that up? Here is his exact quote.

Rush warned Americans, like others, may soon be “waking up and going, ‘holy crap, we’re all Muslims.’”

“They are trying to dilute, subvert and nullify our Second Amendment rights so we won’t have — we’ll have armed jihadis coming to our doors and we won’t be able to defend [ourselves],” he added.

Featured Politics right wing nut

Right Wing Nut Kills Jews, Another Right Wing Nut Blames Obama

And yet, another reason for the nitwits in the Grand Old Party to blame Obama. This time, they’re accusing the president of inciting a right-winger into killing Jews.

Erik Rush, another favorite of the far right Republicans and a competing voice of Republican reasoning, has figured out the real reason for the shooting at two separate Jewish facilities where three people were killed last weekend. As far as he is concerned,  it’s all Obama’s doing.

On his radio show Tuesday, Rush accused the Obama administration and the media of promoting “anti-Israel sentiment” and “fomenting racial discord between various races.”

“The anti-Semitic tone that is being tolerated, in my view, by so many in this country and as a result of the tone I believe that the administration and the press have set, they’ve chosen to capitalize on every racist incident that has happened when it is in the interests of their agenda or their ratings, fomenting racial discord between various races, between blacks and whites and the anti-Israel sentiment has become pretty much epidemic,” Rush said. “I’m kind of surprised that we haven’t seen more in the way of anti-Semitic violence.”


Featured Politics

New Right Winged Conspiracy – Obama “Murdered” Everyone on Malaysian Flight MH370 – Audio

Erik Rush

This is Erik Rush, a frequent nut on Fox News and a regular nut+ on WorldNetDaily. It is Erik’s theory, based on the noises in his head affectionately called his “sources,” that President Obama has first hand knowledge of what happened to the people of flight MH370 that disappeared earlier in March, because the President had the crew and passengers “murdered.”

Erik Rush claims that the Obama administration took control of the flight and landed it on Diego Garcia. There, technicians on the flight were interrogate because they wanted to “abscond to China.” Rush goes on to say that after the interrogation was completed, the United States government had everyone on the plane “murdered.”

And you thought you heard it all.


Politics South Africa

Right Wing Nut Says South Africa Could Have Been Better under Apartheid

WorldNetDaily columnist and regular Fox News guest Erik Rush told his radio show’s listeners last week that while he opposes apartheid, South Africa may have declined since the fall of the racist system, adding that the late Nelson Mandela “didn’t do much.”

“You know I hate to rain on the parade here, but there really isn’t a whole lot to celebrate aside from this synthetic symbolism that is being made out of someone who, you know, didn’t do much,” Rush said. “Apartheid went away, great. There are South African blacks who have told friends of mine they wish it was back because the country was safer, if you can believe that.”

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