
Fox’s Shep Smith Slams “Extremest” Governors Refusing Refugees – Video

I’ve said this about Fox’s Shep Smith before, that he is working on the wrong network. Now, there are times when Shep toes the line and push the Republican talking points, then there are times when he goes out on a limb all by himself and, yes, speak the truth!

Since the terrorist attacks in Paris and the revelation that one of the attackers made their way into France as a refugee, there have been much talk, primarily among Republican presidential candidates and some governors, that America should turn away any and all refugees from Syria. And it was totally expected that the hosts at Fox News will mindlessly push that talking-point, but there goes Shep again, stepping out on another limb.

“In the face of terror, will we panic, or be calm and deliberative in approach? Confronted with those who want to change our way of life, will we abandon our freedoms and the rights granted to us by the Creator? Or will we welcome huddle masses yearning to breathe free?”

Smith of course is talking about the Republican presidential candidates and the 15 or so governors, primarily Republican governors, promising to reject any refugee sent to their state. Shep continued;

“Our shining city on a hill is vulnerable. We’ve always known that. If we change it to accommodate the savages, have they won? And what then would be left to protect? We profess to stand as an example for all the world. Our unique experiment in freedom, tolerance, openness, and equality is our gift to societies and peoples everywhere. Come, join us. Enjoy a chance at the American dream. Today, we mourn, but we cannot allow ourselves to become like those who want to destroy us. We cannot resort to the tactics of the barbarians. We must fight for what we believe in and who we are, guard our freedoms faithfully for the generations to follow. And we must not let the rhetoric of potential and political extremists among us lead us to self-destruction. When there’s panic, we show resolve. When there’s calm for extremism, we resist. We are America. We must lead.”


ISIS Politics terrorists

Conservatives’ Only Weapon against ISIS? Call them “Radical Islamic Extremists” – Video

These conservatives have paraded around the conservative news media calling the President, among other things, “weak” for holding a three-day summit on ISIS and not using the words, ” radical Islamic extremists” while talking about the group. The president has already described them as terrorists, but conservatives think that using the term, “radical Islamic extremists” would force ISIS to magically change its mind about their brutality and live in peace and tranquility like Monks.

So when one of these conservatives came on Shepard Smith’s show armed with his talking-points that Obama is not doing enough against the terrorist group, Smith wanted a little more beef than just talk. So he pushed back and asked for specifics. But of course, there were none as the talker came only armed with… talk!

The talker is former George Bush Ambassador for Special Political Affairs, Ambassador Stuart Holliday. His mission was to continue parroting the talking point that Obama is weak for not calling ISIS names like “radical Islamic extremists,” a talking point conservatives parroted into a nifty little analogy – that Obama’s three days summit on ISIS terrorists is like holding a fire drill in the middle of a fire. But when Shep asked the talker what else should be done, Holliday had no ideas. Nothing!



Members of Fox News Now Denouncing Their Network’s Coverage of Bergdahl

I don’t think they got the memo. Apparently, Juan Williams and Shep Smith were not aware that a smear campaign was on the way against a member of the military, Army Sargent Bowe Bergdahl, who was recently released as a prisoner of war after being held in captivity by the Taliban for five years.

Earlier this month, Shep Smith expressed his displeasure about the way his network and the Republicans were attacking the soldier.

“If you desert or commit treason, you have to be proved to have done so. We can’t just decide because some people come on television and yakety yak, and we’ve got a report of this and a report of that and that’s what happened. As the Army said, as the Pentagon said, you bring them home. You bring them home first, and then you investigate.”

And now, Juan Williams is doing the same. In a recent broadcast, Williams spoke his mind on the unfair malicious defamation of everything Bergdahl that Fox and the Republicans are perusing.

“You don’t make judgements at the opportunity to bring that young man home….But the idea is we don’t leave people in the enemy’s hands. The enemy saw him as an American soldier. This young man suffered. He was caged, Chris. His parents suffered. And yet people want to argue about the father’s beard. They want to say they shouldn’t have a parade. Let the military decide. The military is best positioned not us sitting here on this panel and not all the political people on the Republican side who have flip-flopped, flip-flopped, Chris in the most craven way. Unbelievable…”

Glimmers of hope from these two on a stinking [or sinking] ship that is The Fox. Hopefully they’ll jump ship before they’re pulled to the bottom by all the venom the rest of the cast spews!

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