
Conservative Christian Bryan Fischer – “Allah is a Demon god” – Video

While Pope Francis suggests that it is wrong to talk bad about someone else’s religion, even saying that freedom of speech does not extend to religions or religious beliefs, Bryan Fischer, Director of the American Family Association called the leader of the Muslim people, the Prophet Muhammad, “a demon god!”

“It is impossible to blaspheme Muhammad,” he said. “You cannot do it. Why? Because you can only blaspheme the True and Living God and Muhammad does not represent the True and Living God … Blasphemy is something that you can only commit against the True and Living God and we know, from the biblical standpoint, that Allah is represents a demon god”

Featured marijuana Mike Brown Shooting Weed

Republicans Found Their Talking Point – That Michael Brown Had Marijuana in His System

Republicans have looked for a narrative to defend the killing of Michael Brown since his lifeless body laid on a street in Ferguson, and now, with newly released information suggesting that Mike Brown had marijuana in his system, Republicans have found their talking-point.

Earlier today, I brought you a story of a rally that happened, not in Ferguson, but outside the area, where 125 people held a protest in support of the trigger happy police officer. Of the 125 people protesting, 124 of them were white. These people held their protest before the marijuana news broke, but now, Republicans like Rush Limbaugh and Bryan Fischer are ecstatic, hardly able to contain their enthusiasm in blaming Brown for his own death.

On his radio program today, Fischer happily proclaimed;

“We know now he did have marijuana in his system, and we’ve had stories, remember, we’ve had stories from Colorado, people going berserk on marijuana and killing people, hyped up on marijuana. So it’s more dangerous than people think”


Osama bin Laden Politics

Byran Fischer Claims Obama Was Not in Situation Room when Bin Laden was Killed

Now I can officially say that I’ve heard of it all. I have thought this was the case for a long time, but now, this story proves to me that Republicans would say and do anything to get free press.

Republican and Conservative talk show host Byran Fischer is floating around a theory that president Obama was not even in the Situation Room the night Osama bin Laden was captured and killed.

Fischer states, with much conviction I might add, that the photo showing the President, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama’s Security advisors in the Situation Room the night Bin Laden died, was achieved through Photoshope.

Fischers theory goes something like this: the president looks down on everyone, so they had to find a photo of him looking up. They had one, and they managed to insert that photo of Obama looking up into the famous Situation Room photo. Fischer explains:

“President Obama never looks up at anything; he looks down on everybody at all times in all circumstances. He’s got his nose up in the air looking down on you, looking down on me, looking down on the press, looking down on the American people.”

Fischer also explains that Hillary Clinton would be unfit to be president because she was “horrified” at what she was looking at.

“She’s horrified, she frightened. Is that the woman you want to get the 3am phone call? You want her to get the 3 am phone call? Seriously! She’s sitting there at the table with her hand over her mouth, in shock.  Now the guys around the table, they’re sober, they’re focused, they’re intent, but they are not freaked out.  Hillary Clinton is freaked out by what she is seeing on the screen. Do we want her taking the 3 am phone call? I don’t think so”:

See the unbelievable nonsense unfold below.


Republican Bryan Fischer – It’s Okay to Discriminate Against Gays

He was talking about a gay teacher who was fired by her Catholic employer
after her sexual orientation was revealed. Pastor Fischer, head if the AFA – The American Family Association – said that “we should reclaim the word discrimination.”

“The school discriminated against this teacher, yes they absolutely did and they should have. They were absolutely right to do it…. It is right to discriminate against people who engage in aberrant sexual behavior, we should discriminate against people like that.”

Fischer went on to suggest that someone’s sexual preference should be equated to shoplifters, and stated that we discriminate against shoplifters, so its okay to discriminate against gays.

Mitt Romney Politics

Etch A Sketch Moment: Romney Appeals To The Gay Community – The Right Wing Protests

In his effort to shake the Etch A Sketch and erase some of the things he and his Republican presidential candidates have said against the gay committee in their numerous debates, Mitt Romney hired a gay man as his National Security Spokesman. Needless to say, members of his “severely conservative” base have seen through this very transparent move by Romney to suddenly appear more inclusive, and they are calling him out on it.

Bryan Fischer, one of the most vocal Conservative leaders against the gay committee took to his Twitter account and tweeted that Romney’s move was another way of telling the “pro-family committee to drop dead!”

[blackbirdpie url=”!/BryanJFischer/status/193508518282797056″]

But according to The Chicago Phoenix, Romney’s shaking of the Etch A Sketch is working.

Chuck Wolfe, CEO of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, praised Grenell for taking on the role with the Romney campaign.

“Good for him,” Wolfe said. “We applaud the participation of out professionals in government and politics. Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, serving openly is important. It allows you to speak honestly about yourself and the LGBT community to colleagues inside campaigns and government offices.”

It remains to be seen if the rest of the LGBT community follows Chuch Wolfe’s lead and fall at Romney’s feet.

Mitt Romney Politics

Byran Fischer Calls Mitt Romney “Tacky, Impolite and Rude!”

Bryan Fischer, the head of the American Family Association, have repeatedly attacked Mitt Romney‘s Mormon religion. Given the opportunity to respond to Fischer’s constant claims about his beliefs, Romney used a small part of his speech at the Values Voters Summit last week to briefly address the situation. Although the Republican presidential hopeful did not call Fischer by name, Fischer came out swinging after hearing what Romney said.

So what did Romney say at the podium that ruffled the feathers of Mr. Fischer?

We should remember that decency and civility are values too. One of the speakers who will follow me today has crossed that line I think. Poisonous language doesn’t advance our cause. It’s never soften a single heart or change a single mind. The blessings of faith carry the responsibility of civil and respectful debate. The task before us is to focus on the conservative beliefs and the values that unite us. Let no agenda narrow our vision or drive us apart.

Bryan Fischer was besides himself. How dear Romney say these things about him? Below is Fischer’s response, as recorded on his radio show;

It was just an odd thing to me, it was just bizarre because I did not think that Mitt Romney would fall for the bait. I mean, the Left was trying to goad him into attacking me and I didn’t think he would do it – I thought he had too much class for that. What he did was completely and utterly lacking in class. It was tacky, it was impolite, it was rude, he insulted his host in the presence of the guests; the host who had made it possible for him to speak to the pro-family community. I just thought he had more class than that.

When I came out into the main lobby outside of the room where we were meeting, I was just besieged by the media, just inundated, enveloped with media. I had never experienced anything like that before and the only reason was because Mitt Romney attacked me. So they wanted to know what I thought about that and I explained that I thought it was pretty tacky, I thought it was unpresidential of him to do that. And they said “when Governor Romney was referring to your ‘poisonous language,’ what was he talking about?’ I said “I have absolutely no idea.”

Jesus used poisonous language. He was the one who referred to the Pharisees as a brood of vipers. I’ve never said that about anyone. I mean, Jesus used far more incendiary and inflammatory language than I have ever used.

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