cannabis Featured Weed

Reporter Quits On Live Broadcast – “F*ck it, I quit” – Video

Was it the cannabis? Was she high? We don’t know for sure, but whatever made this reporter quit her job on live television with an expletive, is definitely one for the ages.

Charlo Greene, a reporter for Anchorage-based television station KTVA, revealed that she was at the center of the story she had just covered, telling viewers that she is the owner of an area cannabis club.

“Now everything you heard is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska.”

And then came the profane, sure-to-be-viral on-air resignation.

“And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice but: Fuck it, I quit,” she said, giving a final shrug and walking off the set.

The woman who served as anchor of that night’s telecast was left reeling.

“Alright, we apologize for that. We’ll be — we’ll be right back. Pardon for us,” the clearly flustered anchor said.


Featured marijuana Mike Brown Shooting Weed

Republicans Found Their Talking Point – That Michael Brown Had Marijuana in His System

Republicans have looked for a narrative to defend the killing of Michael Brown since his lifeless body laid on a street in Ferguson, and now, with newly released information suggesting that Mike Brown had marijuana in his system, Republicans have found their talking-point.

Earlier today, I brought you a story of a rally that happened, not in Ferguson, but outside the area, where 125 people held a protest in support of the trigger happy police officer. Of the 125 people protesting, 124 of them were white. These people held their protest before the marijuana news broke, but now, Republicans like Rush Limbaugh and Bryan Fischer are ecstatic, hardly able to contain their enthusiasm in blaming Brown for his own death.

On his radio program today, Fischer happily proclaimed;

“We know now he did have marijuana in his system, and we’ve had stories, remember, we’ve had stories from Colorado, people going berserk on marijuana and killing people, hyped up on marijuana. So it’s more dangerous than people think”


Entertainment Weed

Video – Pot Being Sold In front of Mall Police Officer

There are a lot of pot heads out there. And they have no respect for the authorities.

marijuana Politics Weed

San Jose – Vote Today and Get Free Weed

Cannabis clubs in San Jose are offering free pot and discounts to patients who go to the polls Tuesday and vote in several contested races.

The Silicon Valley Cannabis Coalition is organizing the “Weed for Votes” program as an effort to increase voter turnout at Tuesday’s election.

“We have a huge opportunity to make a large impact in who runs San Jose,” coalition director John Lee said in a statement. “Although we may not have regulations on the June ballot, insuring the right politicians are elected is even more important.”

Politics Weed

Republican Representative Brings a Joint to a Hearing – Video

John Mica

“I have this joint here,” he said. And with that announcement, the congressman,  Rep. John Mica (R-FL), waved the rolled Mary Jane in the air.

“This is… okay, don’t get too excited, some of you. This is not a real one. It’s a mock one,” he said.

The Congressman was discussing the penalties of marijuana possession when he displayed the Ganga. Asked by a fellow congressman if he rolled the weed all by himself, Mica replied that his staff helped. “They have more experience,” he said.

As far as I know, this was the first time Cannabis made its way on the House floor.

CNN Health Weed

CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta Admits He Was Wrong About Weed

Dr. Gupta writes: Over the last year, I have been working on a new documentary called “Weed.” The title “Weed” may sound cavalier, but the content is not.

I traveled around the world to interview medical leaders, experts, growers and patients. I spoke candidly to them, asking tough questions. What I found was stunning.

Long before I began this project, I had steadily reviewed the scientific literature on medical marijuana from the United States and thought it was fairly unimpressive. Reading these papers five years ago, it was hard to make a case for medicinal marijuana. I even wrote about this in a TIME magazine article, back in 2009, titled “Why I would Vote No on Pot.”

Well, I am here to apologize.

I apologize because I didn’t look hard enough, until now. I didn’t look far enough. I didn’t review papers from smaller labs in other countries doing some remarkable research, and I was too dismissive of the loud chorus of legitimate patients whose symptoms improved on cannabis.

Instead, I lumped them with the high-visibility malingerers, just looking to get high. I mistakenly believed the Drug Enforcement Agency listed marijuana as a schedule 1 substance because of sound scientific proof. Surely, they must have quality reasoning as to why marijuana is in the category of the most dangerous drugs that have “no accepted medicinal use and a high potential for abuse.”

They didn’t have the science to support that claim, and I now know that when it comes to marijuana neither of those things are true. It doesn’t have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. In fact, sometimes marijuana is the only thing that works. Take the case of Charlotte Figi, who I met in Colorado. She started having seizures soon after birth. By age 3, she was having 300 a week, despite being on seven different medications. Medical marijuana has calmed her brain, limiting her seizures to 2 or 3 per month.

I have seen more patients like Charlotte first hand, spent time with them and come to the realization that it is irresponsible not to provide the best care we can as a medical community, care that could involve marijuana.

We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that.

I hope this article and upcoming documentary will help set the record straight.

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