
Dr. Justin Frank Explains – Mormonism Makes It Easy For Romney To Lie

It seems that lying is now an acceptable part of politics. Yes, we know that lying and politics sometimes go hand in hand, but yesterday’s politicians at least tried to minimize the lies and appear truthful. But something changed especially in this year’s presidential election where lying is not only the norm, it is also encouraged by a complacent “news” media.

This change as far as we can tell, dates back to Mitt Romney and the very first political ad he ran against Barack Obama. The good people of America was shocked to the core when they saw Romney’s ad willfully misquoting the president. In the ad, President Obama is heard saying, “if we keep talking about the economy we are going to lose.” Romney’s ad intentionally failed to explain that Obama was quoting something John McCain said in the 2008 presidential election, leaving the impression that the words originated from Mr. Obama. When this was pointed out to the Romney campaign, they just shrugged off the lie as nothing and continued running the ad.

It quickly went downhill from there, as just about every ad the Romney campaign put out contained gross exaggerations, numerous misstatements and in many cases, straight-up lies.

In an effort to figure out why lying seems so natural for Mitt Romney, Justin Frank M.D concluded that Romney’s religion, Mormonism, plays a vital role. Dr. Frank wrote, “this pattern of lying and not acknowledging it, even when confronted directly, has persisted and led me to look for other sources of Romney’s behavior and of his clear comfort with continuing it. I think much of this comfort stems from his Mormon faith.”

Dr. Frank wrote of another lie Mitt Romney told on many occasions, even after he was told what the truth really was. That lie came from a book written by Norm Scheiber called The Escape Artists. Romney misquoted a passage in the book and said that “President Obama intentionally tanked the economy” to pursue healthcare reform. Even after the book’s author told Romney that he was lying and misquoted the passage, Romney continued the lie anyway.

Dr. Frank explains;

“Scheiber wrote on May 21, 2012, that Romney had the wrong takeaway from the book. He quoted Romney as having said, “In this book, they point out that they said the American people will forget how long this recovery took. So that means that when they went into this knowing that when they passed Obamacare, it was going to make life harder for the American people.”

That is not what Scheiber wrote, though he did write that the Obama Administration could have done more to help create jobs by pushing for a bigger stimulus package. He never said Obama knew that he was sacrificing the economy to pursue a pet project.

What is not dramatic is that Romney did not recant his position after Scheiber detailed what the book actually said three days later. But what is dramatic is what happened two weeks later, on June 6, when Romney said the same thing again — albeit with slight differences. Romney said the Obama Administration “knowingly slowed down our recovery in order to put in place Obamacare, which they wanted and they considered historic but the American people did not want or consider historic.”

So on June 7, Scheiber again had to repeat the actual words from his book. Rachel Maddow, on her MSNBC program, asked why Romney continues to lie in the face of evidence to the contrary. She said that in the case of Solyndra, when Romney lied explicitly about where the money went, he was “nailed for telling that lie” about Solyndra’s steering money to the Obama Administration’s friends and family. The Chicago Tribune headline “Romney Hits the Sauce Again” implied that you can be a teetotaler and still behave with the certainty of a drunk.

I found myself discussing this situation with several colleagues, and we agreed that Romney doesn’t lie. Let me repeat: Mitt Romney doesn’t lie. He is telling the truth as he sees it — and truth it is, the facts notwithstanding. This is not simply a case of Hamlet arguing about point of view, saying, “For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” This is about a conflict between evidence and faith. There is a long tradition in the Mormon belief system in which evidence takes second place to faith. Examples abound, as when two Mormon elders who were questioned about the inconsistency in passages from the Book of Mormon said, “We know the Book of Mormon is true and that it contains the Word of God even in the face of evidence that appears contradictory,” according to The Mormon Missionaries by former Mormon Janice Hutchison. Thus there are no lies, only faith-based certainty that translates as truth for which no apology is needed, since what was said was not a lie.”


Conservative Leader Bryan Fischer – Mormonism Is A Counterfeit Religion

The Christian Conservative leader Bryan Fischer called Mitt Romney’s religion “false”and “counterfeit.”

“This is not a Christian faith,” Fischer said on his television program, “it is a false religion.” Fischer went on an asked a question that he said, “concerns a number of spiritual leaders,”  himself included. Bryan asked;

What would it mean for the spiritual health of the united states if the worshipper of a false god occupied the Whitehouse.

Christian Jews Mitt Romney Politics

Robert Jeffress – Jews, Gays, Mormons And Islam Came From The Pit Of Hell

On Friday at the conservative Values Summit, Pastor Robert Jeffress, while introducing his candidate  Rick Perry, accused Mitt Romney of not being a real Christian. Jeffress went on to warn the audience that voting for Romney will be endorsing a cult, referring to Romney’s Mormon religion.

In his introduction of  Perry, Jeffress said;

“Do we want a candidate who is a good, moral person, or one who is a born-again follower of the Lord Jesus Christ? In Rick Perry, we have a candidate who is a committed follower of Christ.”

Later, Jeffress told CNN that although Romney is a good man, his Mormon religion would be a problem, saying “I think Mitt Romney is a good, moral man. But I think those of us who are born-again followers of Christ should always prefer a competent Christian to a competent non-Christian like Mitt Romney.”

But this message that Mormonism is wrong is not something new to Robert Jeffress or his congregation of over 10,000 people. Jeffress also feel the same way about the followers of Islam, Jews and of gays. Jeffress calls these different religions and groups of people “wrong,” saying ” it is a heresy from the pit of hell!”

 I think part of the problem is we’re in this consumer mentality as a church where we have the idea that our job is to build as big of a church as we possible can. And if we get into that idea and fall into that trap, then we say then we can’t say anything that’s going to offend people, why, if we preach that homosexuality is an abomination to God we better not preach that because that’s going to offend the gays or people who know gay people, if we tell people what the Bible says that every other religion in the world is wrong: Islam is wrong, it is a heresy from the pit of Hell; Mormonism is wrong, it is a heresy from the pit of Hell; Judaism, you can’t be saved being a Jew, you know who said that by the way, the three greatest Jews in the New Testament, Peter, Paul, and Jesus Christ, they all said Judaism won’t do, it’s faith in Jesus Christ.

Christianity Mitt Romney Politics

Christian Conservative Says Mormonism Can Change Laws To Allow Polygamy

Guess that answers the question – Will a Christian vote for a Mormon to be President of the United States?

How exactly can Mitt Romney get the Christian Conservative’s vote – a major voting block of the Republican party – when Byran Fischer has decided to take away his right to freedom of Religion?

Fisher, one of the leading voices in the conservative community and director of American Family Association is telling his audience that Mormons like Mitt Romney – are not protected under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

“The purpose of the first Amendment is to protect the free exercise of the Christian religion,” Fischer says in the video below. He then goes on to explain how Mormonism and Christianity are two completely different religions, and that the practice of Mormonism could eventually lead to laws being changed to allow polygamy.

Looks like Mitt Romney is done before the first vote is cast in the Republican primary next January.

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