Donald Trump Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum Gets Pulverized for Defending Donald Trump – Video

He should have known that going on Bill Maher’s show would be a disaster. But having a fellow conservative panelist attack him for his support for Trump must have taken Santorum by surprise.

Watch as Bill Maher, Conservative commentator Tara Setmayer and Rob Reiner, bury Rick Santorum and his nonsensical explanations for Trump’s behaviors.



Bill Maher Explains 25 Things You Didn’t Know about Ted Cruz – Video

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s Real Time, took a few moments to inform his audience of 25 things they didn’t know about Ted Cruz!

For example, did you know that the stick Ted Cruz shoves up his ass is called “Hank?” Or that when Ted Cruz looks into a mirror he does not see his reflection? Or that he spent his freshman year stuffed into a locker?

Bill Maher explains more



Bill Maher – Republicans have Gone from Lying to “just making sh*t up”- Video

Things that come naturally to Republicans – lying and making sh*t up.

HBO’s Bill Maher explains.



Bill Maher – “The Teaparty was Born, Bred and Raised from Racism”

Fresh back from his vacation, HBO’s Bill Maher was interviewed by The Daily Beast and asked a series of questions ranging from President Obama’s last State of The Union address to The Republican Presidential candidates. And as usual, Maher’s perspective on the issues are usually spot on, and although the interview has many quotable areas, it was his feelings on the Teaparty that had me nodding my head in agreement.

Asked if the Teaparty was born out of pure racism for the first black American president, Maher quickly agreed… and expanded on the racism foundation in the Teaparty.

More like totally. Born, bred, and raised from racism. Of course. There’s a number of things that prove it, but Obama has mostly completed their agenda. He cut taxes on 98 percent of Americans. He cut the deficit by two-thirds. He reduced the size of government, which is something that Bush and Reagan never did. And yet they still hate him. What could it be? I am always racking my brain! Is it because he’s skinny? What could it be! That’s of course what it is. There was no Tea Party during Bush despite the financial collapse, the bailout of the banks, the bailout of the automobile industry—all of this “socialist money” out the window, the thing that they supposedly hate, and yet no movement of concerned white taxpayers sprouting up. But suddenly, a month after Count Chocula takes office, they break out the three-cornered hat!

Entertainment Politics

Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore Are Together Again – Video

It was good to see Keith Olbermann again. Yes, I know, he’s now on ESPN. But his role on ESPN is slightly different to the cutting edge political broadcasting he did at MSNBC.

Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore joined together – HBO sports jackets on and all – to do a little sports commentary on an unprecedented event – Bill Maher’s six blocks marathon from the Washington studio where he does his HBO show to another location for a live stand-up special.

“We’re seeing something unprecedented in comedy tonight, Michael,” Olbermann said. “A man trying to be funny for an hour in one theater, and then stopping the funny, then getting into a car with a motorcade going through Washington [D.C.] and then trying to be funny later on.”

At the end of his HBO show, Maher runs off stage to his dressing room where he quickly changed into a more “casual” attire. Maher may have changed too fast causing Moore to make the following observation. “It does not look like Bill is wearing his protective cup.”

“I hope nobody was looking for that,” Olbermann said.

Bill Maher then rushed to a waiting limousine and was ushered through the streets of Washington by a police escort. All this time, the “sports” duo of Olbermann and Moore humouously kept the audience informed on Maher’s progress, or lack of progress when the motorcade stopped at a corner to allow a boyscout and an old woman to cross the street.

Realizing that the feeble old woman and her assistant were taking too long, Maher exited the limousine and sprinted the final block to the waiting audience where he was greeted with a standing ovation by his live audience.

An ‘unprecedented” event indeed. Watch it unfold below.


Bill Maher Tells Hillary Clinton – “Go Away… For a Couple of Years!”

Bill Maher offered some advise to the potential 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee… Hillary, “just go away!”

Maher spoke of all the mishaps Hillary Clinton had over the last few weeks, from her saying that they were “dead broke” when they left the White House in 2001 to the far from impressive roll-out of her latest book.  And Maher concluded that it would be best for her to just stay out of the public for the next couple years until 2016.

“My advice to Hillary: just go away. Go away for a while. We’re going to see each other in a couple of years, a lot, because otherwise you’re going to blow this,” Maher said.



Bill Maher Hammers Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak – Calls Him “An Idiot!” – Video

In case you missed it, last week, Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak waded into the political arena again and took a quick swipe against environmentalists and climate change believers, calling them”unpatriotic.”

You just knew his unannounced trip into the lion’s den of politics was not going to go unchallenged for too long.

Enter the lion himself, Bill Maher:

New rule. Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak, who thinks climate change is a hoax, has to stick to spelling. It’s ironic that Pat’s show is basically a puzzle where all the pieces point to one and only one incontrovertible answer, and yet when that happens with scientific consensus he wants to take another spin. It’s like as if Price is Right host Drew Carey denied the existence of new cars. 

Pat, when your grandkids solve the puzzle it will say, ‘Grandad was an idiot.’

The idiot just got his head chewed off!


Barack Obama Politics Racism

Bill Maher – The Teaparty Movement Is All About The Black Guy In The White House

They’re celebrating their fifth year in existence, so what better way to observe their lack of accomplishments, than by watching and hearing Bill Maher express his views on the Teaparty?

Bill Maher celebrated the Tea Party’s fifth birthday by pointing out what the Tea Party is all about: a black guy sitting in Ronald Reagan’s chair–causing Bill Kristol to flip out.

Despite that the Tea Party is purportedly the party of “fiscal responsibility,” as Maher points out, they really seem to exist just to hate the black President.

Bill Kristol scoffed at Maher’s charges of “racism,” saying “That is total bullshit! Even you don’t believe that. You’re just saying that.”

Maher responded that he “totally” believes that. “A month after he took office, suddenly white people were very concerned about debt, even though Bush had raised the debt way more than Obama had. I don’t remember a Tea Party then,” Maher pointed out.

Since the Tea Party seems to mention Obamacare and Benghazi more than anything, Maher added that they don’t actually care about debt all that much. “If you look at their websites, he said they are mostly talking about Benghazi, impeaching Obama and Obamacare. I wonder if they ever really cared about the debt that much,” Maher said.

Healthcare New York ObamaCare

Bill Maher Tests New Yorkers Knowledge on ObamaCare – Video

Jimmy Kimmel did this a few days ago, when he sent a camera crew out on the streets of California to find out exactly what people knew about The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The results were quite shocking, and they proved that the propaganda machine from Fox News and the Republican party was successful in dumbing down the American public on this healthcare law.

Now, Bill Maher followed and sent his crew out on the streets of New York. You would think that in a place like New York, the people would at least know what Obamacare is, but you would be wrong.

I guess when Republicans say they’re “winning” well, it’s hard to dispute that. Just look and listen to the ignorance displayed in a state where, in 2006, had the most post-graduate life sciences degrees awarded annually in the United States, 40,000 licensed physicians, and 127 Nobel laureates with roots in local institutions according to the New York City Economic Development Corporation.

Here are some examples:

INTERVIEWER: What do you think about the Affordable Care Act?

  • “I think it’s …I think it’s affordable.”
  • “The worst thing about Obamacare…is the first name. Obama. Why did he name it after HIMSELF?” (Prior to Obamacare, there was Clintoncare…a term coined in the 90s. When Hillary ran against Obama, she used ‘Obamacare’ to describe his ‘inferior’ healthcare plan. Republicans picked it up as a pejorative, and Obama began taking it back when he countered to Romney during a debate, “Obama DOES care.”)
  • “Obamacare? I think he’s a stupid motherf***er.”

Citizens United Politics

Bill Maher Urges Liberal Elites to Take Advantage of Citizens United

Citizens United is one of the Supreme Court’s most bogus decision, abd there’s been a few. Led by a conservative majority,  the court followed Mitt Romney’s definition of “people” and proudly proclaimed that Corporations too, are “people.”

And with that proclamation, the floodgates were opened for these newly discovered “people” to donate unimaginable, untraceable amounts of money to any political campaign of their choice. It happened just in time for the 2012 Presidential campaign.

Breaking News: Corporations generally donate to Republican candidates, so the Citizens United decision came just in time to guarantee record donations to Mitt Romney, thus, guaranteeing him and the Republicans the White House.  However,  the real “people” spoke with their votes, and Romney and his Corporate backers were sent packing.

Enter Bill Maher,  a liberal commentator who used the Citizens United decision and donated $1 million to president Obama’s reelection. That donation must have felt good because on Friday’s show, Maher took the opportunity to tell other liberal elites to do the same.

Steven Spielberg, you should be taking over Wyoming right now. For a mere $150 million, you could kick out Dick Cheney and his evil daughter, make it a liberal utopia and put E.T. on the state flag.

Tyler Perry, you could buy Montana and make yourself both senators and Madea the governor. And how great will it be on the day when people can get gay married in Oprahoma?”

And to Jay Z, Maher advised him that owning a state could give him the ultimate bragging rights.

If there’s anyone out there who’s done it all and is looking for some new thing to brag about, ‘Own a state, it’s my fate, it’s great’ — I’m just saying, the rhymes practically write themselves,” Maher said, before eyeing the rapper and entrepeneur and continuing. “‘Daft Punk got lucky, I just bought Kentucky.’”

Watch the clip below.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Tid Bits

Donald Trump Withdraws His Lawsuit Against Bill Maher… For Now…

Real-estate billionaire Donald Trump has withdrawn his $5 million lawsuit against Bill Maher, the liberal comedian host of HBO’s “Real Time” — for now anyway.

“The lawsuit was temporarily withdrawn to be amended and refiled at a later date,” Michael Cohen, a lawyer for Trump, told TMZ.

The suit centered on a $5 million bet between the two celebrities. In January, Maher said he’d pay that amount in cash to charities of Trump’s choice if the Donald released a birth certificate proving he’s not the “spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan.” Maher was playing on Trump’s challenge of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

Trump indeed released his own certificate. But Maher refused to pay up, saying it was all a joke. Trump promised legal action and filed the lawsuit in Los Angeles in February.

Last month, Trump insisted he was ready for justice to run its course. “He made an offer, I accepted the offer,” Trump said then on ABC. “He didn’t say it was a joke [at the time]. We’re going to find out if it was a joke. The courts will tell.”

The suit was withdrawn last Friday.

h/t Newsmax

NOTE: If you haven’t already heard Maher’s response to Donald Trump regarding this lawsuit, you must watch the video here.

Donald Trump Donald Trump Politics

Bill Maher Tears Into Donald Trump – Are Your Family Reunions Held At The Zoo?

OMG. Did you see what Bill Maher did to Donald Trump on his last show? WOW! If you didn’t see it, here’s a brief summery.

Bill Maher began the segment by describing what happened over the last few months, when Donald Trump tried to convince his followers that President Obama somehow faked his education. Trump broadcast a video in which he demanded the president should produce evidence of his education. Trump promised $5 million dollars to the President’s charity if the president did what the Donald wanted.

Of course, no one took Trump seriously.

Bill Maher also had a proposition for the Donald. Produce your birth certificate and prove that you are not the offspring of an orangutan  If you do, I will donate $5 million to your charity. It was a joke from a very funny comedian. No one took Maher’s proposition seriously. No one that is, except Trump.

Trump’s lawyer quickly produced a birth certificate claiming that Trump’s parents are in fact, Fred Trump and not an orangutan. Thinking this was enough proof, they then demanded $5 million dollars.

Maher explained that he disregarded the letter just like he does with the letters he get from all “crazy people.” But he was surprised when the Donald sent him a lawsuit.

At this point, Maher took the liberty to tear into Donald Trump, showing just how stupid he and his lawyer really are. “Do these morons even know it’s impossible for people and apes to produce offspring?” And he ended the Trump dismantling by stating that  “the legal system in this country, it’s not a joke, it’s not a toy for rich idiots to play with.”

Video below.

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