Barack Obama Politics Racism

Bill Maher – The Teaparty Movement Is All About The Black Guy In The White House

They’re celebrating their fifth year in existence, so what better way to observe their lack of accomplishments, than by watching and hearing Bill Maher express his views on the Teaparty?

Bill Maher celebrated the Tea Party’s fifth birthday by pointing out what the Tea Party is all about: a black guy sitting in Ronald Reagan’s chair–causing Bill Kristol to flip out.

Despite that the Tea Party is purportedly the party of “fiscal responsibility,” as Maher points out, they really seem to exist just to hate the black President.

Bill Kristol scoffed at Maher’s charges of “racism,” saying “That is total bullshit! Even you don’t believe that. You’re just saying that.”

Maher responded that he “totally” believes that. “A month after he took office, suddenly white people were very concerned about debt, even though Bush had raised the debt way more than Obama had. I don’t remember a Tea Party then,” Maher pointed out.

Since the Tea Party seems to mention Obamacare and Benghazi more than anything, Maher added that they don’t actually care about debt all that much. “If you look at their websites, he said they are mostly talking about Benghazi, impeaching Obama and Obamacare. I wonder if they ever really cared about the debt that much,” Maher said.

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