
Bill Maher Hammers Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak – Calls Him “An Idiot!” – Video

In case you missed it, last week, Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak waded into the political arena again and took a quick swipe against environmentalists and climate change believers, calling them”unpatriotic.”

You just knew his unannounced trip into the lion’s den of politics was not going to go unchallenged for too long.

Enter the lion himself, Bill Maher:

New rule. Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak, who thinks climate change is a hoax, has to stick to spelling. It’s ironic that Pat’s show is basically a puzzle where all the pieces point to one and only one incontrovertible answer, and yet when that happens with scientific consensus he wants to take another spin. It’s like as if Price is Right host Drew Carey denied the existence of new cars. 

Pat, when your grandkids solve the puzzle it will say, ‘Grandad was an idiot.’

The idiot just got his head chewed off!


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