
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns from DNC

Bernie Sanders was right all along. Seems the DNC was in it for Hillary Clinton from the start. With the recent Wiki-Leaks publication proving Sanders’ point, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has announced she will step down as chair of the DNC.

In a statement Sunday, Schultz said the best way to accomplish the election of Clinton is to relinquish her chairmanship when the Democratic National Convention comes to a close Thursday night. But in a sign the Florida congresswoman is still determined to be heard before what could be a crowd of hostile delegates, she also indicated she still planned to speak.

“As party chair, this week I will open and close the convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans,” she said.

Schultz’s imminent departure casts a cloud over the start of the Democrats’ four-day convention as it underlines the remaining divisions between the liberal supporters of Bernie Sanders and the party establishment that’s been loyal to Clinton. DNC vice chair Donna Brazile, a longtime party activist and consultant, will serve as interim chair through the November election.


Over 229,000 Sign Petition Demanding DNC Give Bernie His Database Back

The story just broke like hours ago, but already, there are well over 229,000 signatures on a petition demanding DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz take her finger off the scale for Hillary Clinton and give Bernie Sanders access to his database.

According to the petition;

We demand that DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz immediately reinstate the Bernie Sanders campaign’s access to the DNC’s 50-state voter file, which is crucial for voter outreach in the last weeks before the first Democratic caucuses. Shutting down Sanders’ tools to reach voters is an infringement on democracy.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who heads the Democratic National Committee, undoubtedly made the call to suspend Bernie Sanders’ access to the DNC’s 50-state voter file in the wake of a software glitch that a Sanders staffer had previously reported on multiple occasions. With just 6 weeks to go before the Iowa caucuses and less than 2 months before the New Hampshire primary, the Sanders campaign needs this voter file more than ever to reach a maximum number of voters. Withholding access to this critical information at such a critical time for the campaign is equivalent to sabotage.

See the petition here.



Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Goes After the DNC – Video

Amazingly, this is what it takes for Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, – the man who get’s a majority of grassroots, liberal voters – this is what it takes for him to get some discussion on the main stream media.

The DNC maintains a master voter file, which campaigns supplement with their own information. On Wednesday, a vendor error created a security breach that several Sanders staffers, including its top data official, exploited to access valuable Clinton campaign data. The DNC responded by barring the Sanders campaign from the database entirely, which includes data generated by the campaign itself.

Saying the national party violated its pledged neutrality with the punishment, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver threatened to sue the DNC in federal court and accused the national party of “trying to help the Clinton campaign” with “our data [that] has been stolen by the DNC.”

“Rather incredibly, the leadership of the DNC has used this incident to shutdown our access to our own information. This is the lifeblood of our campaign,” Weaver said at a press conference Friday in Washington. “By their action, the leadership of the DNC is now actively attempting to undermine our campaign. This is unacceptable.”

The lockout has had sweeping ramifications for the Sanders campaign, effectively bringing to a halt the their entire field operation. Sanders quickly fired his chief data official, and more punishments may come, but it’s unclear when the conflict will be resolved and when the campaign will be allowed back in to the database.

“This is taking our campaign hostage,” Weaver said.


Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum: “As Governor, Mitt Romney was 47th Out of 50 States in Job Creation”

Today, Mitt Romney is bowing to the commands of Rick Santorum, even making the unprecedented move for a presidential nominee to go to the loser’s campaign headquarters to talk to the loser. That is what Romney is doing today as he begins his courtship for the Santorum endorsement.

And in preparation of that eventual endorsement, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has prepared this video, reminding Santorum and Romney of some of the things that was said as recently as a few months ago.

This is too easy.

Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Mitt Romney Says He’s Not A Career Politician. Let’s Go To The Video Tape

Another superb production by the DNC. This time, taking on the false claim by Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney: “I didn’t spend my life in politics.”

Well, maybe not your  entire life Mitt, but a huge portion of it was spent in politics, and we’re sure if children were allowed to run for political office, you would have been first in line.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Wants To Sell Your Home To Investors

The Democratic National Committee put out a new ad on Friday, featuring Mitt Romney. I doubt Romney was a willing participant in this video, as some of the things said in the ad were a bit unsettling.

The ad below shows a clip of Mitt Romney expressing his preferred method of handling foreclosures, and the words he spoke would put fear into the hearts of any family who finds themselves in the unfortunate position of losing their home. “Don’t try and stop the foreclosure process,” Romney said. “Let it run its course and hit the bottom, allowing investors to buy their homes, put renters in them, fix the homes, and let it turn around and come back up. The right course is to let markets work. And in order to get markets to work and to help people, the best we can do is to get the economy going.”

In a conference call with reporters, Brad Woodhouse, the communications director for the DNC said;

“To Mitt Romney, houses aren’t places where people raise their families and build lives. They’re investments to make a profit. Mitt Romney is out of touch. He’s out of touch with what’s going on with this country, he’s out of touch with the middle class.”

Out of touch with the middle class correctly describes the millionaire Mitt Romney. He has never had to deal with the misfortune of losing his home, or should I say homes, or should I say mansions. So it is totally natural for him to think of investors over families. Imagine that decision-making in the White House, as Mitt Romney attempts to become the Republican nominee to take on President Obama in 2012.

Watch the ad below.

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