democrats Herman Cain Republican

The Embarrassment That Is Herman Cain


And with that command from the host of the radio show – Neal Boortz, Herman Cain opened his mouth and did as he was told. Then, the interview started.

The radio interview was conducted a few hours before last night’s Bloomberg Republican debate. After being told to speak, Herman Cain began embarrassing himself and just about everyone else listening.

Just moments into the interview, Cain “joked” about moving up from the “back of the bus” when asked about his sitting position between Romney and Perry at the round table debate. He then agreed with Boortz when he suggested that the Democrats sent Al Sharpton, Cornel West and Harry Belafonte out to “rope” Cain and “bring him back into the corral,” both men knowing that a corral is a place where animals are kept. The implication being that blacks are kept in corrals.

The interview then went to the term “authentic black,” when host Boortz asked the Republican presidential candidate what it meant.  Mr. Cain answered that he did not know what “authentic black” meant, but began talking about his great grand parents being slaves. Boortz  then asked Cain if it was possible his great grand parents belonged to a plantation owned by the Boortz’s family. Cain saw humor in the question and answered that his great grand parents who were slaves, “hung out” in other places in Georgia.

Yes, there were many a times in this interview where Cain successfully embarrassed himself, including when he agreed with Boortz that President Obama didn’t participated in the civil rights movement, both men seemingly oblivious to the fact that the president was born in 1961 and may have been little too young to participate in the famous marches and protests. He had to learn how to walk first.

Then, to top it all off, Herman continued playing his perverted race card,  confirming Boortz’s  suggestion that President Obama doesn’t know about the black experience in America, and was more than happy to continue to pile onto Boortz’s dumb statement.

Judge for yourself from the entire interview below.

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Herman Cain Republican Sarah Palin

Herman Cain Refers To Perry, Romney And Bachmann As “Ice Milk”

Sarah Palin, on her recent appearance on Fox News, told Greta Van Susteren that Herman Cain is just the “flavor of the week.” Palin’s comment was a direct hit to Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and Donald Trump, who all led the Republican presidential field at some point or another.

Herman Cain went on the Jay Leno Show last night, and defended his recent surge in the polls. Asked about Palin’s flavor of the week comment, Herman Cain defended his new position – presently third behind Rick Perry and Mitt Romney – and in the process of making that defense, Cain referred to Perry, Bachmann and Trump – the previous poll leaders – as “ice milk.” About the “flavor of the week” label, Cain said;

But the fact that she called me flavor of the week… if you look at what has happened, that might be true with some people. But I happen to believe that there’s ice milk and there’s Häagen-Dazs Black Walnut. Substance. That’s the difference. I got some substance. I’m Häagen-Dazs Black Walnut!

Video Below.

Politics Republican

Michele Bachmann Loses Famed Campaign Manager – Ed Rollins

Ed Rollins, the campaign manager for Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann, announced that he will be stepping down from his present position. Rollins cited health concerns as his reason for taking a “reduced role” in Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign. His new role will be as senior adviser to her campaign.

“I am tired and am concerned about my health,” Rollins said. “Managing a campaign is tough for a young man, and I am 68 and battered by many years of campaign combat.”

Ed Rollins was also the campaign manager for President Reagan’s election in 1984, when the Republican president won 49 out of 50 states. He also served as Mike Huckabee’s campaign manager in 2007.

At the same time Ed Rollins decided to be a senior adviser to Michele’s campaign, Bachmann’s deputy campaign manager David Polyansky, also announced his decision to leave the campaign.

Since winning the Ames Straw poll a few weeks back, Bachmann has struggled to maintain her apparent momentum in her quest to be the next President of these United States, and the recent introduction of Rick Perry, has taken away much of the spotlight from the Minnesota congresswoman.


Politics Republican Texas unemployment rate United States

Unemployment Claims In Texas Debunked – The Chart

A dose of reality for Rick Perry’s Texas in reference to unemployment. Kevin Drum posts this chart at Mother Jones, and it shows the present unemployment rate of Texas, as it relates to the unemployment rate of the 11 states immediately surrounding Texas. Drum points out that Texas only beat 4 states, while the other 7 have better employment rates.

Seems Rick Perry’s policies aren’t so special after all!

Politics Protest

Perry Stuffed His Mouth With Food To Avoid Answering Questions

Image via Wikipedia

Not even a week after formally announcing his intentions to run for President of the United States, Rick Perry is already getting his share of protesters, and questions about Social Security caught Perry so off guard, that he stuffed his mouth with food to avoid answering.

Twenty four hours after arriving in New Hampshire, Perry and his group went to grab a bite to eat. Outside, a group of seniors from the New Hampshire Alliance For Retired Americans gathered on the sidewalk outside the Popovers on the Square restaurant, holding signs with slogans like “Another Texas idiot for sale,”

ABC reports what happened next:

As the presidential candidate from Texas walked into a local restaurant, Popovers on the Square, he was forced to shake hands with voters amid shouts of “Hands off Social Security and Medicare!” and “You’re a threat to America” from the anti-Perry forces who gathered just a few feet away from him. It was the first organized protest of this kind since Perry arrived in the Granite State.

Inside the café, Gail Mitchell and a companion grilled him: “You said Social Security was unconstitutional.”

“Social Security’s going to be there for those folks,” Perry answered his inquisitors, making reference to the elderly.

“But you said Social Security is unconstitutional,” Mitchell repeated.

“I don’t think I — I’m sorry, you must have,” Perry said before stopping himself.

Instead of elaborating, Perry stuffed a generous piece of popover in his mouth. (Perry called them “pop ups.”)

“I’ve got a big mouthful,” Perry said and then ordering a glass of water. He later tripped over one of the women standing at his side pressing him on Social Security.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Perry said to her.

It’s only the beginning Perry, hope you stocked up on the popovers!

Politics Texas

Rich Donors To Rick Perry Get Extra, Extra Special Treatment

Large donors to the Rick Perry campaign for governor of Texas are beginning to reap the benefits of their donations, or more appropriately, investments. Reports have shown that numerous individuals and couples who’ve invested in Perry, are getting multi-million dollar contracts and subsidies from the state of Texas, and some even get jobs in the Perry administration.

The LA Times reports that over the last 10 years, Rick Perry received $37 million from just 150 people, and of these “donors,” nearly half have received “hefty business contracts, tax breaks or appointments under Perry, according to a Los Angeles Times analysis.” The Times investigation found “donors” like billionaire Harald Simmons, who invested $1.2 million dollars in Perry. Simmons was rewarded with “permission to build a low-level radioactive waste disposal site in Texas, a project that promises to generate hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Other Investors:

Auto magnate B.J. “Red” McCombs, who contributed nearly $400,000 to the governor, is the primary financial backer for a Formula One racetrack to be built near Austin. The state has pledged $25 million a year in subsidies to support the project.

The Houston-based engineering firm of James Dannenbaum, who gave more than $320,000 to Perry, received multiple transportation contracts from the state. In 2007, Perry appointed Dannenbaum to a coveted post on the University of Texas’ board of regents.

A Mississippi-based poultry company run by Joe Sanderson, who gave $165,000 to Perry, received a $500,000 grant from a state business incentive fund championed by Perry to open a chicken hatchery and processing plant in Waco.

With its mix of big-money industries like oil and campaign finance rules that allow unlimited political donations, Texas has a reputation for monied campaigns. And its elected officials have long sought to elevate their political patrons.

Cal Jillson, a professor of political science at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, said donors had benefited more under Perry’s administration than they did under recent governors such as Democrat Ann Richards and Republican George W. Bush, Perry’s predecessor.

Now, Rick Perry is trying to take his investment company called the Rick Perry Presidential Campaign, nationwide, but in order for him to succeed, he must come to the little people to get their votes. Vote for Perry, the millionaires and billionaires need more hand-outs!

death Politics

Clueless Bachmann Wishes Presley A Happy Birthday

Seems like a commendable thing to do, right? Wrong!

 “We played you a little bit of ‘Promised Land’ when we pulled up. You can’t do better than Elvis Presley, and we thought we would celebrate his birthday as we get started celebrating taking our country back to work!”

That was Bachmann’s opening statement in Spartanburg, S.C yesterday, as she addressed the crowd gathered at one of her presidential campaign events. The problem with her celebrating Presley’s birthday yesterday was a little fact that happened to be that August 16th  was the day Presley died. Elvis Presley was actually born on January 8th.

But have no fear, this is Michele Bachmann after all. What would really be surprising would be if she even knew what day of the week it was!

Carry on Michele, do you!

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