democrats Herman Cain Republican

The Embarrassment That Is Herman Cain


And with that command from the host of the radio show – Neal Boortz, Herman Cain opened his mouth and did as he was told. Then, the interview started.

The radio interview was conducted a few hours before last night’s Bloomberg Republican debate. After being told to speak, Herman Cain began embarrassing himself and just about everyone else listening.

Just moments into the interview, Cain “joked” about moving up from the “back of the bus” when asked about his sitting position between Romney and Perry at the round table debate. He then agreed with Boortz when he suggested that the Democrats sent Al Sharpton, Cornel West and Harry Belafonte out to “rope” Cain and “bring him back into the corral,” both men knowing that a corral is a place where animals are kept. The implication being that blacks are kept in corrals.

The interview then went to the term “authentic black,” when host Boortz asked the Republican presidential candidate what it meant.  Mr. Cain answered that he did not know what “authentic black” meant, but began talking about his great grand parents being slaves. Boortz  then asked Cain if it was possible his great grand parents belonged to a plantation owned by the Boortz’s family. Cain saw humor in the question and answered that his great grand parents who were slaves, “hung out” in other places in Georgia.

Yes, there were many a times in this interview where Cain successfully embarrassed himself, including when he agreed with Boortz that President Obama didn’t participated in the civil rights movement, both men seemingly oblivious to the fact that the president was born in 1961 and may have been little too young to participate in the famous marches and protests. He had to learn how to walk first.

Then, to top it all off, Herman continued playing his perverted race card,  confirming Boortz’s  suggestion that President Obama doesn’t know about the black experience in America, and was more than happy to continue to pile onto Boortz’s dumb statement.

Judge for yourself from the entire interview below.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

3 replies on “The Embarrassment That Is Herman Cain”

Herman Cain shuffles his feet better than anyone I have ever seen. To watch this man continue to embarrass himself, his family, and black people everywhere is painful. It is amazing how he can smile and dismiss the struggles of those who came before him who made it possible for him to become successful. He claims that blacks who criticise him are brainwashed. Quite the opposite, Mr. Cain. You can't see the forest for the trees, and the virtual one your political career will be swinging from will be "strung up" by no one but yourself.

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