Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Makes Excellent Pitch For the Individual Mandate

Appearing on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Mitt Romney unknowingly defended the individual mandate, currently before the United States Supreme Court. Jay Leno asked the Republican front-runner how he would provide healthcare for those Americans with a pre-existing condition.

“People with pre-existing conditions, as long as they have been insured before, they are going to be able to continue to have insurance,” Romney said, describing his vision for health care if the Affordable Care Act were to be struck down or repealed.

“Suppose they haven’t been insured,” Leno countered.

“If they are 45 years old and they show up and say I want insurance because I have heart disease, it’s like, ‘Hey guys. We can’t play the game like that. You’ve got to get insurance when you are well and then if you get ill, you are going to be covered,’” Romney responded.

The individual mandate mentioned in the president’s healthcare plan requires that all American purchase healthcare coverage when they’re well. Doing so, the Administration argues, will be the only way to guarantee that Americans with pre-existing conditions are not dropped by their insurance providers.

Although Mitt Romney signed the same bill into law as governor of Massachusetts, he is joined by other Republicans as they mount a valiant effort to get President Obama’s Healthcare reform overturned by the Supreme Court or repealed altogether. They’ve classified the mandate that everyone purchase healthcare when they’re well as unconstitutional.

Barack Obama osama bil laden Politics

President Obama’s Appearance on Jay Leno – Video

We’re pretty sure no one missed President Obama’s appearance on Jay Leno, but just in case you were involved in, let’s an Occupy movement somewhere, here’s the video.

The President spoke about the death of Gaddafi and Bin Laden, he spoke about the conflict in Libya and the fact that America actually led from the front, instead of “leading from the back” as Republicans and media keep trumpeting, and the President also spoke about the Republicans and their so-called Presidential candidates, among other things.

Watch the videos below.

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3

Herman Cain Republican Sarah Palin

Herman Cain Refers To Perry, Romney And Bachmann As “Ice Milk”

Sarah Palin, on her recent appearance on Fox News, told Greta Van Susteren that Herman Cain is just the “flavor of the week.” Palin’s comment was a direct hit to Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and Donald Trump, who all led the Republican presidential field at some point or another.

Herman Cain went on the Jay Leno Show last night, and defended his recent surge in the polls. Asked about Palin’s flavor of the week comment, Herman Cain defended his new position – presently third behind Rick Perry and Mitt Romney – and in the process of making that defense, Cain referred to Perry, Bachmann and Trump – the previous poll leaders – as “ice milk.” About the “flavor of the week” label, Cain said;

But the fact that she called me flavor of the week… if you look at what has happened, that might be true with some people. But I happen to believe that there’s ice milk and there’s Häagen-Dazs Black Walnut. Substance. That’s the difference. I got some substance. I’m Häagen-Dazs Black Walnut!

Video Below.

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