Politics Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan’s Daughter – “My father would be so appalled” with the GOP

If you’ve been paying attention over the last few uears you’ve already come to the realization that Republicans love Ronald Reagan. Forget Mike, Reagan is the man they all want to be like. Republicans Want you to believe that he is them and them is he.

But do Republicans really want to be like Reagan? Do they aspire to follow in Reagan’s footsteps like they often claim? And although his name is interjected at every juncture, do Republicans really believe Reagan would approve of their tactics?

According to Reagan’s daughter, the answer is a HUGE “NO!” In fact, according to Patti Davis, her dad would be “appalled” by what is going on in today’s Republican Party.

“My father would be so appalled at what’s going on, and he would be so appalled at probably all of these candidates,” Patti Davis said in a Sirius XM interview. “I don’t think he would be a Republican. And if another Ronald Reagan came along, I don’t think the Republican Party would accept him.”

Neff said. I mean, what else could you add to that?

The Republican Party is a national and international disgrace.

Politics Ronald Reagan

On Consequential Presidents, Paul Krugman Ranks President Obama Above Reagan

According to Paul Krugman, President Obama is a better President than Ronald Reagan ever was. Krugman ranks the present President third behind FDR and LBJ. According to the Nobel Price winner, the most consequential presidents so far are FDR, LBJ, President Obama and then Ronald Reagan.

Former President Ronald Reagan has been used and cited by Conservatives and Republicans as the standard bearer for being a great American president.

Krugman says he ranked Obama above Reagan because, among other things, “Reagan did not leave the structure of American society particularly different.” Krugman said that Reagan “did not in fact change the basic legacy of Lyndon Johnson and FDR.” When compared to President Obama and the policies he has so far put in place, Krugman argues that “Obama really has left the world, has left America a different place.” 

Krugman cited the Affordable Care Act, financial reform, and environmental policies as Obama’s chief accomplishments, while arguing that the economy didn’t go off a cliff and that Obama kept us from idiotic foreign entanglements.

Barack Obama Politics Ronald Reagan

Forbes Compared Obama to Reagan – Obama “Outperformed” Reagan in “All Categories”

Bob Deitrick: ”President Reagan has long been considered the best modern economic President.  So we compared his performance dealing with the oil-induced recession of the 1980s with that of President Obama and his performance during this ‘Great Recession.’

“As this unemployment chart shows, President Obama’s job creation kept unemployment from peaking at as high a level as President Reagan, and promoted people into the workforce faster than President Reagan.

“President Obama has achieved a 6.1% unemployment rate in his sixth year, fully one year faster than President Reagan did.  At this point in his presidency, President Reagan was still struggling with 7.1% unemployment, and he did not reach into the mid-low 6% range for another full year.  So, despite today’s number, the Obama administration has still done considerably better at job creating and reducing unemployment than did the Reagan administration.

“We forecast unemployment will fall to around 5.4% by summer, 2015.  A rate President Reagan was unable to achieve during his two terms.”


There are a lot of reasons voters elect a candidate.  Jobs and the economy are just one category of factors.  But, for those who place a high priority on jobs, economic performance and the markets the data clearly demonstrates which presidential administration has performed best.  And shows a very clear trend one can expect to continue into 2015.

Economically, President Obama’s administration has outperformed President Reagan’s in all commonly watched categories.  Simultaneously the current administration has reduced the deficit, which skyrocketed under Reagan.  Additionally, Obama has reduced federal employment, which grew under Reagan (especially when including military personnel,) and truly delivered a “smaller government.”  Additionally, the current administration has kept inflation low, even during extreme international upheaval, failure of foreign economies (Greece) and a dramatic slowdown in the European economy.

Barack Obama Joe Scarborough Politics Ronald Reagan

Joe Scarborough Tells Big Lie On Television, Issues Small Apology on Twitter

There was a disagreement on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, between host Joe Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski.

The discussion had to do with the downed MH17 flight in Ukraine and the way two American presidents handled the situation when planes were shot down during their administration. The presidents? Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan.

Mika Brzezinski tried to educate the Republican with the fact that Ronald Reagan handled a similar situation by staying on vacation for 4 extra days before finally making a statement. Joe lamented how wrong she was about his faithful leader, Reagan.

The convo went like this:

BRZEZINSKI: At the same time there’s these parallels being made to Ronald Reagan and how he responded to the Korean airliner. It took him four days to go back and make the strong statements that he made, just for some perspective.

SCARBOROUGH: He immediately canceled his vacation.

BRZEZINSKI: No, he didn’t, actually.

SCARBOROUGH: Yes, he actually did.

BRZEZINSKI: No, he didn’t immediately cancel it.

SCARBOROUGH: Yes, he did. He immediately canceled it. He immediately went back to the White House. He immediately canceled fund-raising events and campaign events. Yes, he did. You can go back and look. Ronald Reagan didn’t keep campaigning. He stopped when the Korean airliner went down.

Brzezinski, it turned out, was right. Reagan’s address came four days after the attack, in between which he had an aide make a statement about the incident before making a shorter one himself. At the time, Reagan had been on a twenty-five day vacation in California, and resisted returning to Washington, having an aide tell reporters that he had “every facility, every capacity, every capability” to deal with the crisis at his California ranch. The trip was eventually cut short.

Scarborough conceded the point on Twitter about fifteen minutes later:

And thanks to all the kind souls on Twitter who pointed out my boneheaded error as well. You are great ombudsmen! I was wrong. @morningmika

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) July 21, 2014

Politics Ronald Reagan

Behold! Vladimir Putin and Ronald Reagan Together in a 1988 Photo

I knew there was a reason Republicans love the Russian dictator president so much.

With Vladimir Putin back in the news so prominently, now may be a good time to look back at a photo that got some attention in 2009: a photo of Ronald Reagan in Russia, a photo taken by the man who currently fills the same official role for President Obama, and a photo that appears to feature Putin himself dressed up like a tourist.

Pete Souza is the White House photographer for President Obama, but he also worked in the same capacity under Reagan, and he snapped that photo in 1988 of Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev greeting tourists. And Souza claimed back in 2009 (and said this information was confirmed to him) that the man on the very left, the tourist-y looking fellow with the camera around his neck, is in fact Vladimir Putin, who was a KGB agent at the time and was undercover.
Moscow officials, however, very much doubt it’s actually Putin, though it does look quite like the Russian leader…

h/t Mediaite

Barack Obama Politics Ronald Reagan

These People are Not Reagan Republicans, These People Are Impostors

Ronald Reagan, the god of the Conservative agenda, said this, “do you think the millionaire ought to pay more than the bus driver or less?” The audience is heard in the background screaming, “MORE!”

The clip below compares what was said back in the 1980’s under the Reagan Republican presidency, to what is said now under the Obama Democratic presidency. The similarities between the two presidents on the issue of taxes are uncanny, and those similarities are what we now refer to as the Buffett Rule – asking the wealthiest among us to pay more in taxes than the average bus driver or secretary.

Today’s version of the Republican party believes that the poor should pay more than the rich and they go out of their way – even signing various pledges – to make sure the rich gets more at the expense of the poor… a move often called class warfare.

So while praising their leader, we will never hear today’s Republicans talk about Reagan’s position on taxes because these people are of a totally different breed than Reagan. The people we see  masquerading around as Republicans are what we can affectionately call impostors!

Mitt Romney Politics Ronald Reagan

Joe Biden on Mitt Romney – He Has No Idea Of The Broken Bargain

In a twenty minutes conference call to New Hampshire Democrats on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden and the Obama Administration amplified the 2012 presidential campaign.

Taking direct aim at the Republican frontrunner, Mr. Biden said that Romney’s “I like being able to fire people” comment – although it may have been taken out of context – shows how out of touch Republicans are with the struggles of the working class America.

He thinks it’s more important for the stockholders and the shareholders and the investors and the venture capital guys to do well [than] for those employees to be part of the bargain,” he said.

“We inherited a broken bargain. A deal our parents didn’t have to face. Middle-class folks, if you gave them an even chance, they got to share in the benefits they helped to produce for this country. That bargain was broken during the Bush years and we were determined to fix it.

“Listen to Mitt Romney. He has no idea the bargain even exists, let alone is broken. How else can you say the best way to fix the financial crisis is by letting it all go down to the bottom?”

Greed. It has been the underlining and unmentioned trait of the rich in this country for centuries. And for centuries, because of the negative stigma of greed, a stigma the rich didn’t want to be associated with, working class America felt as though they were part of the solution and shared in the profits they helped create.

Then something happened about thirty years ago. With the election of Ronald Reagan, the me first you never attitude was born and the decline of middle class America begun.

Today, after the Bush presidency, that attitude is in full view for all to see. Greed is no longer considered a negative word, in fact, it is a trait Americans are judged by. It is the dividing line that separates the two political parties, as Republicans believe giving everything to the rich is the only way the middle class would survive while Democrats on the other hand believe that all Americans should have a fair shot at the American dream.

The 2012 election is about a choice that couldn’t be any clearer. Do we re-elect a president who believes that every American must have equal opportunities to make their American dream a reality, or do we elect someone who agrees with the Ronald Reagan and George Bush philosophy that taking from the poor and giving to the rich is all that matters?

With one candidate’s policies we can once again return to a system where the American dream is possible. With the alternative, we can continue the nightmare that Reagan and Bush started.

Politics Ronald Reagan taxes

Yesterday’s Ronald Reagan Would Have Been A Blazin’ Liberal Today

You hear it all the time, Ronald Reagan would have done this and Ronald Reagan would have done that. And as you listen to today’s Republicans, you can’t help but wonder if they remember the same Reagan the rest of us do, the guy who actually raised taxes on the American people 11 times during his presidency.

Like the video below, where Ronald Reagan had the audacity to suggest that the rich should pay more in taxes. Statements like this would have been enough to cause today’s Republicans to round up the ‘posse,’ track down the ex president with hound dogs and nail him to a cross with a copy of Grover Norquist’s pledge glued to his forhead.

Barack Obama Politics Republican Ronald Reagan United States

Class Warfare – What Did Ronald Reagan Say About It

President Obama proposed what he calls The Buffett Plan, a bill that asks the rich to pay the same tax-rate as middle class Americans. The bill is sitting in Congress with no way forward, because Republicans have promised…no, pledged to Grover Norquist that they will not agree to any tax hikes, no matter how small it is, no matter what the circumstances.

They call the President’s proposal – asking the rich to pay what they paid under the Clinton Administration – “class warfare.” But these same Republicans have no problem cutting benefits from seniors and the poor to make sure that the rich gets more tax cuts. This taking from the poor and giving to the rich, as far as these Republicans are concerned, is not “class warfare,” it’s what every poor and middle class American should be willing do to make sure the rich are happy.

But what exactly did the god of these same Republicans think about the class warfare argument. Was Ronald Reagan in favor of taking from the poor and giving to the rich, like his Republican offspring now propose?

Let’s go to the video tape!

New Jersey Politics Republican Ronald Reagan United States

Chris Christie Answered Again… No! Now Stop Asking!

Chris Christie delivered his keynote address tonight from the Reagan Library, speaking to a group of Republicans and reporters eager to know if he was going to change his mind and run for the Republican nomination to take on President Obama. However, after delivering his speech, the question apparently went unanswered.

Then came the short question segment from the audience. The first question was from a woman who asked  Christie what would he do to improve the economy. Boring.

The second audience member however, asked the question everyone wanted an answer to – are you running for President?

Christie’s answer to that question, was to direct the audience member and everyone watching to the video below. According to Christie, this is his answer to the question.

Republican Ronald Reagan Tid Bits

Hitler Mustache Found On Ronald Reagan

How did it happen? That’s the question some were asking as they showed up to work in a southern town where a 12 foot mural, showing the  face of Ronald Reagan, got a make-over. During the night, someone painted a Hitler mustache on the Republican god. The mural covers the wall of the County Republican Party headquarters in downtown Cookeville, Tennessee. All that was left behind was a folding chair.

County chairman Curtis Shinsky expressed his dismay at the site when he arrived to work Monday morning;

“Ronald Reagan is really beloved by the Republican party, he’s our guy… I just think this is people who have it in for us. There’s a lot of folks who don’t like us being up here on the square because we really have a lot of visibility.

“They had to be pretty tall because that chair was not tall, just a regular folding chair.”

Just saying…


Barack Obama Politics Ronald Reagan

It’s Time. Everyone Must Pay Their Fair Share

We all know the importance of America meeting her financial obligations and the global impact if Washington cannot or will not come together and figure out a way to get the debt ceiling raised. Over 200 world renowned economists recently wrote a letter to congress advising, no, demanding that the debt ceiling be raised and raised ASAP.

And while Republicans have steadfastly held their ground and insist that no new revenue be part of any debt ceiling debate, what exactly did their leader, Ronald Reagan, have to say about this very issue the many times America’s debt stared him in the face? On August 11th 1982, in Billings Montana, Ronald Reagan spoke to the crowed and explained the necessity of tax hikes on the wealthy by posing this question;

“Would you rather reduce deficits and interest rates by raising revenue from those who are not now paying their fair share, or would you rather accept larger budget deficits, higher interest rates, and higher unemployment?”

Reagan went on and raised the debt ceiling 18 times throughout his presidency.

Yes, everyone in these debates seem to believe that raising the debt ceiling to pay our bills is necessary. But the Republicans’ position that it must only be done through spending cuts with no new revenue is not only wrong, it’s immoral.

The millionaires and billionaires in this country owe a large portion of their wealth to the policies of this nation. The freedom of our government to empower an individual to be creative, to have and allow an idea to blossom into a product or service that benefits the masses. Whether it’s through subsidies, loopholes or legislative laws, these various provisions by the government increases the profit margin.

This is the reason we are considered the greatest nation on earth – we are free to dream and be innovative. And we are encouraged by these policies and the prospects of huge profits, to use the American capitalistic system to make our dreams come true. It is therefore, necessary that in this time of economic uncertainty, everyone – especially the rich – contribute to America’s recovery. This is not the time for more hand-outs. Sitting back while the poor and middle class bear the load of this economy is not the patriotic thing to do. It is wrong, and this type of mentality does a great disservice to the nation.

The choice is clear to all who are honest with themselves. Would we rather larger budget deficits, higher interest rates and unemployment, or should we demand that the millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share to the country that is partly responsible for their acquired wealth?

It’s time to close these loopholes, it’s time to end these unnecessary subsidies, it’s time that everyone contribute to this nation’s recovery.

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