Mitt Romney Politics

So Now Mitt Romney Wants The 47% Moochers To Get a Raise

Photo:.(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Sidenote: It is becoming more and more apparent that Mitt Romney is attempting another run for the presidency in 2016. For those keeping count, 2016 would be his third run.

Remember the 47%? They are the ones who sank Romney battleship in the 2012 presidential election. Realizing his mistake, Romney is now trying to change his tone just in case 2016 is a go.

“I, for instance, as you know, part company with many of the conservatives in my party on the issue of the minimum wage. I think we ought to raise it,” he said. “Because frankly, our party is all about more jobs and better pay.”

The 47 percent were called moochers by Mitt Romney. According to the man who was the Republican’s choice for president in 2012, these 47% or moochers are those “who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.” 

Mitt Romney is also the man who bought businesses, fired the employees of those business, burden those businesses with debt and then liquidate those businesses, walking away with huge profits. It’s called being a venture capitalist and Mitt Romney the god of the vultures!

Sounds kind of crazy and disingenuious listening to him now talk about giving members of 47% a raise!

Politics taxes

Bill Kristol Again Sees Nothing Wrong With Raising Taxes On The Rich

The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol was among the panelists on this week’s Fox News Sunday, where he again noted that a tax increase for the wealthy wouldn’t be the end of the world for Republicans — and that, honestly, many members of the Tea Party wouldn’t care.

“I just don’t think that the Republicans have the leverage — or that it’s worth using whatever leverage they have — to maintain rates at 35 percent instead of instead of 37 or 38,” Kristol said, “especially if you take it up to millionaires.”

There will be a deal, he said, and Republicans “will yield a bit on top rates.”

Bob Woodward quipped that “they are going to burn Bill Kristol’s Tea Party card, hearing him talk like this. You are off the reservation.”

“You know,” Kristol responded, “a lot of the Tea Party guys don’t care that much if a few millionaires pay a couple percent more in taxes, honestly.”

h/t Mediaite

Politics Ronald Reagan taxes

Yesterday’s Ronald Reagan Would Have Been A Blazin’ Liberal Today

You hear it all the time, Ronald Reagan would have done this and Ronald Reagan would have done that. And as you listen to today’s Republicans, you can’t help but wonder if they remember the same Reagan the rest of us do, the guy who actually raised taxes on the American people 11 times during his presidency.

Like the video below, where Ronald Reagan had the audacity to suggest that the rich should pay more in taxes. Statements like this would have been enough to cause today’s Republicans to round up the ‘posse,’ track down the ex president with hound dogs and nail him to a cross with a copy of Grover Norquist’s pledge glued to his forhead.

Barack Obama Politics Ronald Reagan

It’s Time. Everyone Must Pay Their Fair Share

We all know the importance of America meeting her financial obligations and the global impact if Washington cannot or will not come together and figure out a way to get the debt ceiling raised. Over 200 world renowned economists recently wrote a letter to congress advising, no, demanding that the debt ceiling be raised and raised ASAP.

And while Republicans have steadfastly held their ground and insist that no new revenue be part of any debt ceiling debate, what exactly did their leader, Ronald Reagan, have to say about this very issue the many times America’s debt stared him in the face? On August 11th 1982, in Billings Montana, Ronald Reagan spoke to the crowed and explained the necessity of tax hikes on the wealthy by posing this question;

“Would you rather reduce deficits and interest rates by raising revenue from those who are not now paying their fair share, or would you rather accept larger budget deficits, higher interest rates, and higher unemployment?”

Reagan went on and raised the debt ceiling 18 times throughout his presidency.

Yes, everyone in these debates seem to believe that raising the debt ceiling to pay our bills is necessary. But the Republicans’ position that it must only be done through spending cuts with no new revenue is not only wrong, it’s immoral.

The millionaires and billionaires in this country owe a large portion of their wealth to the policies of this nation. The freedom of our government to empower an individual to be creative, to have and allow an idea to blossom into a product or service that benefits the masses. Whether it’s through subsidies, loopholes or legislative laws, these various provisions by the government increases the profit margin.

This is the reason we are considered the greatest nation on earth – we are free to dream and be innovative. And we are encouraged by these policies and the prospects of huge profits, to use the American capitalistic system to make our dreams come true. It is therefore, necessary that in this time of economic uncertainty, everyone – especially the rich – contribute to America’s recovery. This is not the time for more hand-outs. Sitting back while the poor and middle class bear the load of this economy is not the patriotic thing to do. It is wrong, and this type of mentality does a great disservice to the nation.

The choice is clear to all who are honest with themselves. Would we rather larger budget deficits, higher interest rates and unemployment, or should we demand that the millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share to the country that is partly responsible for their acquired wealth?

It’s time to close these loopholes, it’s time to end these unnecessary subsidies, it’s time that everyone contribute to this nation’s recovery.

Politics United States

Bill Clinton – I’d Use The 14th Amendment To Raise The Debt Ceiling

How important is it for America to pay its bills? It is so important, that the United States Constitution demands it.

Well former President Bill Clinton is voicing his opinion, and according to what he Joe Conason, he would invoke the 14th Amendment – “without hesitation, and force the courts to stop me.”

“I think the Constitution is clear and I think this idea that the Congress gets to vote twice on whether to pay for [expenditures] it has appropriated is crazy,” Clinton said in an interview with journalist Joe Conason.

Clinton said he would turn to the Constitution “if it came to that,” but doesn’t think that Obama will need to. “It looks to me like they’re going to make an agreement, and that’s smart,” he said.

President Obama has not directly mention the 14th amendment as an option for getting the debt ceiling raised, and is presently negotiating with Republicans to get it done through Congress.

Politics Wisconsin

Scott Walker Demotes 27 Year Old, And Takes Away His Raise

Yesterday, the news broke that Scott Walker gave the son of one of his donors a state job with a 26% raise in salary totaling $81,500 a year. Today, little Scottie mysteriously found a reason to demote the 27 year old, and took away the raise. JS Online reports;

Gov. Scott Walker abruptly reversed course today and demoted the son of a large campaign contributor to his former job with the state Department of Regulation and Licensing.The move comes one day after the Journal Sentinel reported that Brian Deschane, 27, had landed an $81,500-a-year job in Walker’s administration overseeing environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees at the Department of Commerce. The promotion amounted to a raise of 26%.

His father is Jerry Deschane, executive vice president and longtime lobbyist for the Madison-based Wisconsin Builders Association. The group’s political action committee gave $29,000 to Walker and his running mate, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, last year, making it one of the top five PAC donors to the governor’s successful campaign. Members of the trade group also funneled more than $92,000 through its conduit to Walker’s campaign over the past two years.

The younger Deschane has no college degree, little management experience and two drunken driving convictions.

Still waiting for the news when Walker demotes himself.

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