Politics Wisconsin

Poll – Scott Walker Leading Republican Wannabes for President in 2016

Scott Walker – the man who went on a mission to dismantle the unions in his state of Wisconsin, a state with a dismal economic outlook due to weak job growth since Walker became governor – now has his eyes set in the White House,  and according to this new poll, Walker is leading all the potential Republican wannabes for the 2016 presidential election.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is surging, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is an also-ran and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is dominating in a new poll of Iowans likely to vote in the nation’s first presidential nominating contest.

The Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll, taken Monday through Thursday, shows Walker leading a wide-open Republican race with 15 percent, up from just 4 percent in the same poll in October. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky was at 14 percent and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, who won the Iowa caucuses in 2008, stood at 10 percent.

Bush trailed with 8 percent and increasingly is viewed negatively by likely Republican caucus-goers. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is in even worse shape, with support from just 4 percent. More troubling for Christie: He’s viewed unfavorably by 54 percent, among the highest negative ratings in the potential field. At 9 percent, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson pulls more support than either Bush or Christie.

Politics Wisconsin

Scott Walker’s New Ad Praises The Same Law He Already Repealed

It’s election time again folks, a time when people say things they really don’t mean and take positions they really can’t stand.

Take Wisconsin’s Scott Walker for example. Two years ago when Scott Walker was the beloved of the Republican Party, he secretly signed a bill repealing the state’s Equal Pay law. Before the repeal, the law provided women more opportunities to get compensation for their work, including lawsuits. But Walker’s repeal went practically unnoticed, although his fellow Republicans applauded his efforts.

The Huffington Post quotes another Republican, Senator Glenn Grothman, who showered praise on Walker’s repeal, saying Wisconsin’s Equal Pay law was “an underreported problem,” because “a huge number of discrimination claims are baseless.”

But that was then, this is now. Recent polling in Wisconsin suggests that Walker is losing the women’s vote to his Democratic challenger, Mary Burke. So what does Walker do? He puts out a new ad praising women’s equal pay laws, the very law he repealed.


Politics Wisconsin

A Republican Explains Why He Won’t be Voting for Scott Walker This Year

Ron Kaufman writes: “I am a Republican, and I will not be voting for Gov. Scott Walker this November. He does not deserve my vote or another four years in office.

“I voted for Walker four years ago with high hopes, but he has turned out to be one of the worst governors Wisconsin has ever had.

“Walker has no respect for the hard-working people of Wisconsin. He believes people can live off of minimum wage, which has not been increased for years.

“Walker has no respect for women. He thinks they are incapable of making their own health decisions. If the Republican Party tried to tell men what to do with their own bodies, there would be a revolution in this country.

“Walker has waisted millions of dollars on voucher schools, some of which closed, while failing to properly support our public schools.”


Politics Wisconsin

Republican Candidate – Minimum Wage Workers Don’t Have “Real Jobs”

With the November elections just weeks away, I thought I’d let you know something about some of the candidates on the various ballots. An educated voter usually makes the right choice.

Let’s go to Wisconsin. The candidate we will be looking at today is Brad Schimel, the Republican candidate for Attorney General in Wisconsin. Raising the minimum wage is going to be a huge issue in the November elections, so let’s see where Schimel stands on raising the wage issue.

Speaking to a group of supporters at a Milwaukee County Republicans party gathering, Schimel said;

“I want every one of our neighbors to have a job again, a well-paid job, so we don’t have to argue about minimum wage for someone working at Burger King. Let’s get them a real job.”

In other words, minimum wage jobs like those in the food industry are not “real jobs.” So don’t expect Schimel to support raising the minimum wage for the millions of Americans trying to support their families on one of these fake jobs.

Vote wisely folks.

Featured Politics Wisconsin

Wisconsin Republicans Will Vote Today on Seceding From America

Republican Joker Scott Walker

Go Patriots, Go! Enough with the threats already,  be your own nation. And take the rest of the Republican party with you. America is tied of having you tied around its neck like an anvil, impeding progress and dragging the country down in the pits.

Go already!

The Wisconsin Republican Party will be voting this weekend on whether it endorses the right to secede from the rest of the country and nullify any federal law, a clear departure from the legacy of Abraham Lincoln.

Daniel Bice at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that delegates at the state Republican convention will consider a measure on Saturday “that directs lawmakers to push through legislation nullifying Obamacare, Common Core educational standards and ‘drone usage in the state of Wisconsin.'”

It also asserts the right, “under extreme circumstances,” to secede from the United States of America

Politics Rape Republican sexual assault Wisconsin

Top Wisconsin Republican Lawmaker Accused of Sexual Assault

“Republicans are the party of family values.” Remember that old lie? Well based on the news these last few years, you wouldn’t be wrong to call the Republicans the party of cheaters, rapers, and child molesters.

The Majority Leader of the Wisconsin Assembly, Bill Kramer, may resign his leadership position as a result, reports the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.

Sources said the allegations against the 49-year-old Republican lawmaker involve a 33-year-old female lobbyist and at least one other woman. The Journal Sentinel has decided not to name the women.

Kramer, 49, could not be reached for comment and was not at his Waukesha home Friday night. His chief of staff, Cameron Sholty, said the lawmaker would be meeting with staff Saturday and would be talking with fellow Republican lawmakers over the next 48 hours. He declined to comment further.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos issued a statement calling the alleged conduct “reprehensible.” He said the issue would be resolved quickly

Politics Wisconsin

Wisconsin’s Republicans Pushing for a 7 Day Work Week

Picture this Americans. Working seven straight days without a break in between, unlike what those pesky unions are imposing on all Americans.

And picture this. With a seven day work week, you no longer get overtime unlike the mandatory overtime pay those pesky unions demand. So corporations get two more days of production from their employees,  and they save on the overtime pay. More power to the Corporations.


A pair of Republican legislators in Wisconsin are circulating a draft of a bill that would allow a 7-day work week for the state’s workers. According to the Stephen Points Journal newspaper, the two lawmakers are floating the bill on behalf of the state’s largest anti-union business lobby, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce.

The bill is a “slap in the face” to the state’s public labor unions, which lost most of their power when Gov. Scott Walker (R) stripped them of their ability to bargain collectively in 2011. It was proposed by state Sens. Glenn Grothman (R) of West Bend and Mark Born (R) of Beaver Dam.

“Even God said rest on the seventh day,” protested David Reardon, secretary-treasurer for Teamsters Local 662.“I would hate to see that Republican bill pass. Some employers would really take advantage of that.”

Republicans say that the bill will expand workers’ opportunities to make money by working unconventional hours. They promise that the 7-day work week will increase productivity in the state and stimulate revenue.

Opponents of the law say that employers would likely use the law as a means of erasing the weekend and forcing employees to work longer hours without rest.

Politics Senate Wisconsin

Wisconsin Voter – Republicans Are “Sticking Their Nose In My Vagina!”

It was almost a war in Wisconsin on Wednesday, when Republicans, determined stick their nose in women’s vagina, did just that. But don’t take my word for it, Democratic Senator Kathleen Vinehout read a few letters from some of her constituents as she tried to hold a debate about the Republican’s proposed bill to force women to have an Ultrasound before an abortion.

In one of the letters Vinehout read, the constituent said this;

“The idea of — quote — small government is in direct conflict with big government Republicans sticking their nose in my vagina,” one voter named Suzanne wrote. “How can we get the conservatives — mostly men — to quit blaming women, many times girls, solely for unwanted pregnancies?”

But the sponsor of the bill, Republican Senator Mary Lazich, did not want to hear anymore letters from those pesky constituents. After all, they’re just the people who will be affected by the proposed forced ultrasound procedure. Mary, with much passion in her voice, made her point known.

“If you have a loved one that’s thinking about terminating their pregnancy, for crying out loud, you want them to have full information, you want them to have an ultrasound, you want them to know what’s going on in that womb and what they’re doing, and that they’re not going to be able to change that for the rest of their life!” They make that decision, it’s over! It’s over in a few minutes. And then later on they can live with the fact that they terminated their pregnancy and it was the best thing for them or they killed their child and they made a horrific decision and they regret it and they wish they never would have done it!”

Passion was high indeed. These so-called “small government” believers wanted…no… needed this bill to pass. So the Republican Senate President Mike Ellis, had enough from the Democrats. He demanded that the Democrats “shut up” and “sit down,” while the bill was forced down their throats.

The bill ended up passing the Republican controlled Senate and is expected to pass the House. And of course, the Republican governor will sign the bill into law.

Watch the craziness below.

Mitt Romney Paul Ryan Politics taxes Wisconsin

VIDEO: Paul Ryan’s Budget Will Give Mitt Romney a 1% Tax Rate – Up From 0%!

PrioritiesUSA, the SuperPac supporting President Obama has created another video. We all remember how Republicans and Mitt Romney got up-in-arms over the SuperPac’s video about Joe Soptic – a factory steel worker fired when Romney’s Bain Capital closed the company that employed him. Joe’s wife later died of cancer because the unemployed couple had no health insurance.

In their new video, PrioritiesUSA is highlighting the Budget framed by Romney’s VP choice Paul Ryan. Did you know that under Ryan’s plan people in Mitt Romney‘s income bracket would only pay a rate of 1%? And for Mr. Romney, that 1% might actually be a rate increase. Word on the street is that he’s paid zero taxes in earlier years. Of course no one has come forward with concrete evidence to prove this claim, but this is what we’re hearing and Mitt Romney is too scared to release his taxes to prove us wrong.


Politics Wisconsin

President Obama – Presidential “Responsibilities” Kept Me From Wisconsin in Recall Election

President Obama says White House duties kept him away from Wisconsin during the recent recall election — and he doesn’t think the Democratic defeat there will mean much for his own re-election bid.

“I think probably you’ve got specific circumstances in Wisconsin,” Obama told WBAY-TV of Green Bay about the failed Democratic effort to recall Gov. Scott Walker.

When asked about supporters who were upset that Obama did not campaign for Democratic candidate Tom Barrett, Obama said: “The truth of the matter is that as President of the United States, I’ve got a lot of responsibilities.

“I was supportive of Tom and have been supportive of Tom,” Obama said. “Obviously, I would have loved to see a different result.”

[USA Today]

Politics Sarah Palin Wisconsin

What Would America Do Without the “Knowledge” of the Palin?

After Scott Walker spent over $45 million dollars to win his governor’s seat in Wisconsin, Sarah Palin rushed to her friends on Fox “News” to offer her two cents (and that’s about all her opinion amounts to) on her favorite topic – President Obama. This is why a recent study regarding Fox News viewers concluded that doing absolutely nothing makes you wiser than a Fox viewer.

Back to Palin. She contributed this bit of knowledge to the political discourse:

Obama’s goose is cooked.”

“I think that the Democrats there understand that the president’s no-show represents the fact that Obama’s goose is cooked,” Palin told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News soon after networks called Walker the projected winner of the historic recall. She was referring to President Barack Obama’s decision not to campaign for Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

As she denounced Obama’s “hopey changey stuff”, the former Alaskan governor continued: “More and more Americans realize that what Wisconsin has just manifested via this vote … is the complete opposite of what President Obama and the White House represents today.”

But really though, everyone knew Walker was going to win. To now act surprised about the win, then try to call this win a referendum on President Obama, is a con that only Fox News could muster up.

Scott Walker’s bosses, the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, and other members of the top 1%, spent over $45 million dollars (the most money spent on a Wisconsin gubernatorial election) to saturate Wisconsin’s airwaves with lies and false ads against Tom Barrett. With such an arsenal aimed at the misinformed voters in the state who largely depend on Fox for news, it should come as no surprise that Walker was going to win. We hoped he would lose, but deep down we all knew what the outcome would be.

Politics Wisconsin

Democratic Challenger To Scott Walker Gets Slapped In The Face By a Woman – Video

As if losing for the second tome to Republican Scott Walker in last night’s Recall elections wasn’t enough, Democratic challenger Tom Barrett was slapped in the face by a women while he was greeting supporters.

No word on whether this woman was in fact Scott Walker in drag. Or maybe the slap was intended for Scott Walker for him secretly ending Wisconsin’s version of the Lilly Ledbetter Equal Pay for Equal Work Act for women.

UPDATE: The woman seen slapping Tom Barrett was not Scott Walker dressed in drag. She was a supporter of Mr. Barrett who was upset that he conceded the loss to Scott Walker so early while people were still standing on line to vote. When Barrett was asked about the incident, he told reporters  that the woman asked him if she could slap him for giving up so early. Barrett told the lady that he would prefer a hug instead and when he leaned forward to hug her, her hand forcibly introduced itself to his face.

Barrett admitted congratulating Walker on the win after he was determined to be the projected winner… less than an hour after polls in Wisconsin closed.

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