Elections Politics

Polling Report: Special Florida Edition

I thought this one might be more fun, but Mitt’s got Florida all sewn up. It will be the first non-New England state he’ll have won so far, and if he gets over 40% (he will) he can claim a sizable mandate for the nomination. Newt is sounding too screechy these days, and his call for a moon shot was one of those over-the-top moments we came to expect from Herman Cain or Rick Perry.

Here are the latest RealClearPolitics numbers. Clearly, they show Romney running away with the Sunshine State. He’s feeling good, cracking jokes and generally loosening up on the hustings. If he can keep that up, he might actually be able to change the perception many people have of him as a tightly wound button-down candidate. The only other drama I can summon from this race is that perhaps the conservatives will abandon Newt as their standard-bearer in favor of Rick Santorum. That might take time to play out. Ron Paul is, well, Ron Paul.

The prediction:

Romney    43%

Gingrich    31%

Santorum  14%

Paul          11%

Romney gets big headlines, more endorsements and money for his PAC. Gingrich says he’s going to stay in the race, but I can see him not making it to Super Tuesday in March. Santorum leapfrogs over Newt into second place as more conservatives see him as the last best forlorn hope. Paul is, well, Paul.

That wailing sound you hear in the distance is Tim Pawlenty.

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The President Will Vacate The Oval Office Next Year

The Washington Post Reports: Barack Obama, Newt Gingrich, and Mitt Romney are already knee-deep in what many observers are saying could be the nastiest presidential bid in decades—but a year from now, the ultimate victor, no matter who he is, may not get to claim the ultimate prize: the Oval Office.

According to sources familiar with the discussions, beginning sometime next year the President may be relocated from the White House West Wing and the iconic Oval Office to temporary office space next door in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, formerly known as the Old Executive Office Building.

How big will the displacement be? According to sources, who demanded anonymity in order to talk about non-public plans, the White House Mess and other parts of the West Wing will also undergo needed repairs—in other words, “the whole West Wing except the Situation Room,” as one source put it.

The displacement could last up to a year, according to two people who have been part of the discussions.

Elections Politics republican debate

The Republican Debate – Who Won, Who Lost And Who Kept Us Laughing

The clear winner on stage last night was Willard Romney. It was obvious that he came to the debate with one goal in mind, and that was to get Newt Gingrich.

Mission Accomplished.

Newt on the other hand, wasn’t Newt. He was either mentally missing in action or wasn’t prepared for the unusual aggression he faced from the Mormon, Mitt Romney. Yes, Gingrich tried his customary one line attacks against the media and his other opponents, but when they fired back, Newt hung his head in defeat. In a race where most polls say could be won by either Newt or Romney, history will call this debate the turning point at which Gingrich, The Historian, lost Florida and ultimately, the nomination… although we all know the GOP elites were never going to nominate Gingrich in the first place.

The post game wrap-up by the talking heads at CNN suggested that Rick Santorum had “a great night.” I’ll call his performance consistent, not great. Santorum has stuck to the same message since the beginning of this process. One thing you cannot accuse him of, is doing a Romney… that is, flip-flopping.

And Ron Paul was, well… Ron Paul. I’m not sure if anyone in the audience understood anything Paul said, but he has some of the most dedicated followers and as far as I can tell and his followers are the only reason Paul is still in the race. That, and the fact that he keeps the crowd entertained.

Yes, onstage Romney won. Offstage however, President Obama won another GOP debate.

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics Rick Santorum South Carolina

Newt Gingrich – Missing In Action In South Carolina

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? We don’t know. We also don’t know where Newt Gingrich is. He was supposed to be at an event in South Carolina, but last time we checked, the event went un-Newt-ered!

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich was greeted with a standing ovation when he was announced at a barbecue.

Too bad the former House speaker wasn’t around to see it.
He was inexplicably missing, and his absence forced the event’s moderator to ask awkwardly, “Can we check and see where the speaker is?”

It was just one in a string of clumsy, head-scratching events staged by the Gingrich campaign since the Republican primary moved to South Carolina, a state that the candidate says he must win if he wants a shot at the nomination.

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Planned Parenthood Politics

Newt Gingrich To Mitt Romney – Liar Liar Pants On Fire

The only time in Newt Gingrich’s political career that he decided to go clean and not destroy his opponents with negative ads caused Gingrich to be demolished by negative ads against him. In the month of December, Gingrich went from leading the Republicans with 26% to barely polling ahead of Rick Perry with only 13% of the Republican voters.

After trying to walk the straight and narrow path, Gingrich today showed a glimpse of how he built his political career – through being down-right nasty, calling Willard Romney a liar!

Tired, frustrated and irritated, by his own account, Mr. Gingrich heartily agreed when a television interviewer asked him Tuesday if he was calling Mr. Romney a “liar” in claiming to be a conservative.

“Here’s a Massachusetts moderate,” Mr. Gingrich said, whose “Romneycare” health plan when Mr. Romney was governor of Massachusetts included taxpayer-paid abortions and put a Planned Parenthood official on a state health  board — red-cape issues for social conservatives.

Iowa Iowa caucuses Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics Republican

Newt Gingrich Now Thinks He Can Win Iowa

Just yesterday, Newt Gingrich concluded that he may not win in Iowa. Today, same Gingrich, different conclusion.

“I’m here to tell you when you have 41 percent undecided in The Des Moines Register poll, if each of you in the next 24 will talk to everyone of your friends and if each of you will go to the caucus and will make the best possible argument for nominating an experienced conservative with a national record of achieving things, we may pull off one of the great upsets of the history of the Iowa caucuses.”

Tonight we’ll know the truth as Iowans head to the polls today. Results are expected sometime after 8pm.

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