executive orders Immigration Politics

Republicans Now Want Obama to Use His Executive Order Authority – Video

Luke Russert of MSNBC is stunned. According to Russert, who has covered Congress for the entire time John Boehner has been in charge of the House of Representatives, “…the week the House GOP sued the president over his issue of executive actions, they are now encouraging on a statement to act by himself regarding the border,” Russert said. “You really can’t make that up.”

The MSNBC reporter was talking about the House Republicans canceling a vote on the border bill before heading home for yet another vacation. The bill never made it to the floor and Republicans were okay with leaving Washington and heading home, with the border crisis still unsettled. Russert reported that they now want President Obama to use his Executive Order authority, although they’re presently suing him for using his Executive Order authority.

In his reporting, Russert couldn’t believe what was happening. Like he said, “you really can’t make that up.”


ObamaCare Politics

Republican Hypocrisy – Boehner’s Lawsuit is To Help Implement All of Obamacare

So Republicans, especially House Speaker John Boehner, voted against healthcarw refirm, even voting over 50 times to end Obamacare. They call the law a travesty, saying that it would lead to ” armageddon ” if it went into effect.

Not only has armageddon not happened, the law is very popular even with Americans who still call themselves Republicans. So what do Congressional Republicans do? They plan to sue the president to make sure no part of the law is delayed, but fully implemented.

Can you say Hypocrites?

Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) lawsuit against President Obama will focus on the delay of the employer mandate in ObamaCare, according to a draft resolution authorizing the litigation released Thursday.

The lawsuit will challenge the administration’s decision to unilaterally delay a requirement that firms offer health insurance to their employees or pay a penalty, Boehner said in a statement.

“The president changed the healthcare law without a vote of Congress, effectively creating his own law by literally waiving the employer mandate and the penalties for failing to comply with it,” Boehner said. “That’s not the way our system of government was designed to work. No president should have the power to make laws on his or her own.”

Under the law, employers with more than 50 full-time workers offer health insurance or pay a penalty. But earlier this year, federal health officials announced that employers with between 50 and 99 workers have until January 2016 to comply with the requirement to offer health insurance or pay a fine.

That was on top of a previous delay in July 2013, which pushed back implementation of the penalty for all impacted companies until January 2015.

Boehner said the lawsuit was borne out of “an obligation to stand up for the Legislative Branch.”

“The current president believes he has the power to make his own laws — at times even boasting about it,” Boehner said. “He has said that if Congress won’t make the laws he wants, he’ll go ahead and make them himself, and in the case of the employer mandate in his health care law, that’s exactly what he did. If this president can get away with making his own laws, future presidents will have the ability to as well.”
The White House panned the lawsuit as a “political stunt” that will waste taxpayer dollars.

executive orders Politics

Michele Bachmann Plans Lawsuit if Obama Follows The Constitution on Executive Orders

If you only listen to these Republicans, you’d thing that the term “Executive Orders” originated in the Obama administration. And you’d think that Republicans have gone above and beyond, doing all they can to work with the president in making sure the country moves forward. You’d be perplexed, trying to figure out what the President’s State of The Union Address was all about and you’d be confused as to why Obama talked about doing it alone if Congress failed to act.

If the person described above fits your way of thinking, then I’d say you’re probably an avid Fox News viewer. But as usual, you’re not getting the truth watching Fox.

The facts of the matter is, Congressional Republicans have done everything possible to block this president, to render his presidency a failure, to make sure Americans feel the pain, to make sure they suffer for electing the black dude in the White House. And after years of reaching out to Republicans, waiting for them to come to their senses, President Obama realized that time would never come and declared that he is now prepared to use the powers authorized by the Constitution, and do what he can for the American people.

And for his decision, Michele Bachmann is flipping out. How dare he follow the Constitution!?!?

Responding to the President’s State of the Union Address, Bachmann threw down the gauntlet!

“He’s the president of the United States. He’s not a king. He may think he’s a king, he may declare himself king, but that’s not what he is under our Constitution.”

“If he wants to move forward with this unilateral activity, he better be prepared for the lawsuit that the United States Congress will bring to him.”

Yea, you do that Michele. We already know that you have no clue about the Constitution, forget he Constitution. We all know you have serious issues with thinking. So do you Michele, do you…

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