executive orders Politics

OMG – Is Fox No Longer a Republican Safe Zone? Michele Bachmann Finds Out – Video

So, Chris Matthews and MSNBC are trying to get Republicans to come on their network by appeasing them and repeating their talking points. And over at Fox, Republicans are slowly beginning to find out that Fox News may no longer be the safe haven for their lies and misinformation.

Megyn Kelly first took on Dick Cheney, calling him a liar when he spoke about Iraq, then she took on John Bolton questioning his lies and the role he played in the Iraq invasion.

Now Neil Cavuto interviewed Michele Bachmann and a shouting match ensued!

The interview had to do with the laughable Republican notion that President Obama is overstepping his authority by issuing Executive orders. John Boehner, as you would recall, just announced that he is planning to sue the president over said orders. Cavuto brought Bachmann on his Fox show on Wednesday and asked her about this lawsuit and whether this was the more efficient way to tackle this issue. He refered to Boehner’s suit as an “enormous waste of effort” and “a political football.”

Bachmann of course tried to defend the enormous waste of effort because, like a typical Republican, that is what she does. And so began the shouting match.

Watch below.

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