
Michele Bachmann – Jan Brewer Should Have Passed the Arizona Discrimination Bill

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer received kudos from many of her fellow Republicans for vetoing a controversial bill that would have allowed businesses to refuse service to gays and lesbians based on religious beliefs.

But Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann is not one of those Republicans. The founder of the House Tea Party Caucus told ABC News-Yahoo News that she was “sorry” Brewer struck down Senate Bill 1062.

“I believe that tolerance is a two-way street, and we need to respect everyone’s rights, including the rights of people who have sincerely held religious beliefs,” Bachmann told ABC’s Jeff Zeleny in the interview.

Bachmann went on to say there is a “terrible intolerance afoot in the United States” that is directed at people who have strongly held religious beliefs.

Mitt Romney and John McCain, the GOP’s two most recent presidential nominees, Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, the state’s Chamber of Commerce and the host committee for the 2015 Super Bowl were among those urging Brewer to veto Senate Bill 1062. She did so on Feb. 26, saying the measure was broadly worded and could have “unintended and negative consequences.”

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