Donald Trump George Bush Politics

Donald Trump on George Bush – “The World Trade Center came down during his reign”

In an interview with Bloomberg on Friday, Donald Trump, the current leader in the Republican race for president, put the blame for the September 11th attacks directly on the shoulders of then President, George W Bush.

“He was President,” Trump said. “Blame him, or don’t blame him, but he was President. The World Trade Center came down during his reign.”

Breaking News: Donald Trump spoke the truth when he made that statement. And it leaves me to wonder why the current leader of the Republican Party will throw George Bush under the bus. We all know that a vast majority of Republicans believe that George Bush was not even the President when the world trade Center came tumbling down – an attack on this country that killed almost 3,000 Americans. What will cause Donald Trump to speak the truth about George W Bush’s failure to protect this country?

My take:

I think Donald Trump is really trying to get himself out of this presidential race he’s in. In the beginning, this was all a joke for Trump but Republicans  started believing his nonsense and his poll numbers shot up. His intentions, I think, were never to lead in the polls the way he has. But the Republican voters love this man and he cannot figure out a way to shake them off and get out of this race.

So Donald Trump is doing all he can to get Republicans to hate him. He spoke bad about John McCain, he spoke bad about women, he spoke profanity at a campaign event and speaking about campaign events,  his campaign events has nothing to do with policies, but about his poll numbers.  And just when all the pundits say his last statement did him in and wrote him off, more and more  Republicans jumped on the trump-wagon.

What other way can Donald Trump get out of this presidential race? Well, by throwing the anointed one of the Republican party  under the bus of course.

By coming down this hard on George Bush, Donald Trump is sure to lose some in the Republican who think George Bush – their Supreme Leader – did nothing wrong and protected this country in his eight years in office. And maybe then with the Republican base is against him, Donald Trump can finally withdraw from the race and concentrate on selling his hats and books.

Barack Obama New York Osama bin Laden Politics United States USA PATRIOT Act

To Peep Or Not To Peep? That’s Still The Question

A friend of mine texted me last night to inform me that my dear President Barack Obama extended the super controversial Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 also known as the USA Patriot Act and better known simply as the Patriot Act,  for four more years.

The way my friend texted, “Obama signed an extension to the patriot act,” assured me that he was commenting on the fact that he couldn’t understand how even die-hard pro-Obama fans would think that the President could operate out of the White House in any way  other than the old status quo or business-as-usual. That Obama or any President for that matter – even with the best of intentions during their naive campaigning debut – would have any real authority to do anything other than what has already been laid out for him/her as a course of action by the omnipotent “powers that be”.

I realize that the Patriot Act was the cause of much public outcry following its initiation after 911 by the Bush Administration, paticularly because of how it dramatically reduced restrictions on law enforcement agencies’ ability to search telephone, e-mail, medical, financial, and other records of US citizens. Americans felt the invasion of privacy was unwarranted.

I think that was especially true in lieu of the fact that George Bush had declared on several occasions, that he was no longer interested in hunting for the man whom most Americans were led to believe was the mastermind behind terrorists acts against this  and other countries. And no “weapons of mass destruction” were ever uncovered during his administration either.

The sentiment had been that we were being punished for our government’s short-comings in handling the Bush/Cheney “War on Terrorism”. And now we have President Barack Obama, fresh on the heels of capturing and slaying Osama Bin Laden – who we’re  told was responsible for killing almost 3,000 people in New York that fateful day – now extending the hated act for another four years (which btw, pretty much covers a full term in the President’s seat for 2012).

My response to my buddy who sent me that text?

Well, although I can partake in a good conspiracy theory as well as the next guy, in the wake of Bin Laden’s demise at President’s Obama’s  hands I’m willing to give the President the benefit of the doubt on this. It’s possible he knows something we do not.  Unlike Bush, Barack Obama has actually struck a real blow to those who have been deemed as an enemy to the nation’s security, which can in turn provoke a serious counter attack. Perhaps it will be counter intelligence and not torture that will finally win the war on terrorism. And perhaps this is something we should just trust the President of the United States on.

Barack Obama Osama bin Laden Politics Terrorism United States

Is Bin Laden Dead? No Man Is An Island

Now that it’s has been reported that Osama Bin Laden has been killed, we must bear in mind that Bin Laden–the individual– represented ‘an ideology‘ to thousands, possibly millions of people in several nations and in the Afghan region in particular. No man is an island, the man represents the state of mind of the people for which he speaks or acts on behalf of.

Over the years of seeing the televised reports on Al-Qaeda, it was easy to see the enthusiasm of the young people shown around Osama Bin Laden.  The more idealistic among us are saying that “this is an end to all the violence”. I hasten to remind the naive among us that martyrdom is a serious thing and Osama Bin Laden is now a martyr.

To some, Osama Bin Laden is a monster who is responsible for atrocities across the span of several continents. To others Osama Bin Laden is an inspiring figure who stood against imperialism and outsmarted “the beast” for years. For those of us who are peace loving American citizens, let us remember that peace starts at home.

We must continue to impress upon our fellow citizens that people are people, all worthy of the common decency and respect that we would want for ourselves. Our country is truly great…truly great in terms of the constitutional ideas in which we aspire to. BUT!  This country’s hands are not clean, we live in the biggest international war mongering nation in the history of all mankind.

We have long become the ‘military industrial complex’  that President Eisenhower warned we would become, where our war machine has become a disproportionate part of our country’s budget and  an unfortunately a significant part of our existence. Covert operations of deposing leaders of other countries and installing puppet regimes have been a common occurence at our hands.

Let us not forget who armed and trained Osama Bin Ladin… if you dont know, look in the mirror. Let us not forget who installed one time “friend” and later named ‘boogie man’, Manuel Noriega, when it was convenient. Let us not forget Saddam Hussein was armed by billions of  U.S. taxpayers dollars to fight against Iran in the 80’s, Hussein later named ‘boogie man’, was incarcerated and hung when it was convenient.

Let us not forget that we have a long way to go to live up to our country’s great potential. Let us not forget  that no man stands alone. We may have just made 10,000 more Bin Ladins by his reported assassination. His body allegedly was immediately “buried at sea”…sure…whatever.

The minds and emotions of the masses are but a marionette. Believe what you must, but  let us love and enjoy an individual and collective peace, and as we digest these current reports we should do so consciously and with a mindset that recognizes the fact that we are under the universal law of ’cause and effect’. Our actions and indeed our thoughts are creative and for better or for worse they are productive. And let us not forget that we are all connected and that ‘no man is an island’.  For those that have an ear…let him/her hear.

Son of Man

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