
Commercial Flights to Cuba Could Start in 2016

After over 50 years of a fractured relationship where they did not even talk to each other, Americans and Cubans have taken another step in solidifying their renewed love – visiting each other.

The two sides have made many changes since that Dec. 17, 2014, announcement: reopening embassies in each others’ capitals and striking new business deals in the medical, tourism and communications fields. But Wednesday’s agreement would mark the most significant step yet in the rush to restore normalized relations.

The Obama administration has changed rules in the past year to make traveling to Cuba easier for Americans, but it’s far more complicated than booking a flight to most other places in the world. All travelers to and from Cuba must use charter flights that are carefully monitored by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Travelers must present their visas, identification and payment information to charter agents who handle the flights, and all travelers must certify that their trip falls under one of 12 categories approved by the federal government.

The agreement reportedly reached by U.S. and Cuban officials on Wednesday in Washington would create a system that is more familiar to travelers. That may include the ability to book a trip through a Web portal and eliminate the long-standing practice of checking in four hours before each flight.

Officials told the AP that the understanding could be finalized in the coming days. Once the deal is in place, commercial flights could start up in 2016.


And The Republican Freak out to New Cuban Agreement Begins in 3…2…1… Now

Republicans expressed enthusiasm for Gross’ release but spoke out against the administration’s new approach, ThinkProgress reports.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) argued that America’s policy toward the island nation “should not be revisited…until the Cuban people enjoy freedom — and not a second sooner” and characterized the move as “another in a long line of mindless concessions to a dictatorship.”

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) — who is of Cuban descent — gave interviews to every news organization promising to “make every effort to block this dangerous and desperate attempt” as the Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Western Hemisphere subcommittee. He argued the “new policy is based on an illusion, on a lie” and sets a “dangerous precedent” that “will only cause other tyrants from Caracas to Tehran to Pyongyang to see that they can take advantage of President Obama’s naiveté during his final two years in office.” Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the outgoing Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair, generally echoed Rubio’s criticism.

But the Republicans’ outcry against the new policy contradicts their own faith in the power of free market economies. Under the administration’s policy, the U.S. will restore full diplomatic relations, ease travel in 12 existing categories, allow U.S. to import more goods, expand exports to Cuba, among other changes. Opening up trade and investing opportunities will likely push Cuba toward a more American-style economy — the kind Republicans argue leads to freedom.

“We will end an outdated approach that for decades has failed to advance our interests and instead we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries,” Obama said. “These 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked. It’s time for a new approach.”

Barack Obama Politics

Here Are The Basics of the American/Cuban Agreement

Another historic achievement for the Obama administration. Detailed below are the basics of an agreement that will in essence, end the 50 years of hostility between America and Cuba.

What the US will give Cuba

  • Diplomatic opening:
  • The U.S. will take steps toward restoring diplomatic ties with Cuba, severed since 1961. The travel ban will still be in place, as will the embargo, but the embargo’s impact will be eased and some forms of travel will be made easier.

  • Embassy in Havana:
  • This will include the goal of reopening a US embassy in Havana in the coming months. The embassy has been closed for over half a century.

  • Release alleged Cuban spies:
  • The US will release three Cubans who were convicted of espionage and imprisoned in the US: Gerardo Hernandez, Luis Medina, and Antonio Guerrero. All three prisoners were members of the “Wasp Network,” a group that spied on prominent members of the Cuban-American community. CNN reports that Hernandez, the group’s leader, was also linked to the downing of two two civilian planes operated by Brothers to the Rescue, a U.S.-based dissident group.

  • Easing business and travel restrictions:
  • The U.S. will make it easier for Americans to obtain licenses to do business in Cuba, and to travel to the island. CNN reports that the new rules still won’t permit American tourism, but will make it easier to visit for other purposes.

  • Easing banking restrictions:
  • Americans will be able to use credit and debit cards while in Cuba.

  • Higher remittance limits:
  • Americans will be able to send up to $2000 per year to family members in Cuba. Cuban-American remittances are a major source of income for many Cuban families.

  • Small-scale imports of Cuban cigars and alcohol:
  • US travelers will be able to import up to $400 in goods from Cuba, including $100 in alcohol and tobacco products.

  • Review of basis for sanctions:
  • Secretary of State John Kerry has been ordered to review Cuba’s status as a “state sponsor of terrorism.” If his review determines that Cuba no longer deserves that status, that will be a first step towards lifting at least some US sanctions.

    What Cuba will give the US

  • Release Alan Gross:
  • US contractor Alan Gross had been imprisoned in Cuba for the last five years on charges of attempting to undermine the Cuban government. His detention has been a major issue for the US and the Obama administration. He has been released and is on his way back to the United States.

  • Release political prisoners:
  • Cuba will release 53 political prisoners from a list provided by the United States. CNN also reports that Cuba is releasing a US intelligence source who has been imprisoned in Cuba for more than 20 years, but it is not clear whether that individual was one of the 53 included on the list.

  • Increased internet access:
  • Cuba will allow its citizens increased access to the internet. The US has long sought this as a means of increasing pressure within Cuba for democratic reform.
    Access by the UN: Cuba will allow officials from the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross to return to its territory.

    Entertainment Express Yourself Health News Sports

    The United States of Underdogs!

    I. I believe. I believe that. I believe that we. I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN!

    In case you’ve been living under a rock, that is the battle cry of the American Outlaws. They are the official fan club of the United States Men’s National Team. You can find them all over the country. The group has 125 official bars, nation wide. If you are in the big apple, you can find these hooligans at Dempsey’s on West 34th street. But if you’re in Brazil this month, you will find a whopping 590 of these die hards.

    In fact, it’s been said that the United States has the most supporters in Brazil other than Brazil themselves. If, that doesn’t make you feel proud, check your pulse.

    This American team should not have made it out of the “group of death” according to experts, but they did. They sought revenge against Ghana for knocking them out in two previous cups, and got it. They almost beat Portugal but ended up with a heart breaking tie. And of course, they lost a 1-0 game to a German team that is capable of scoring often. The effort was good enough to get them out of the group.

    Next is Belgium. And if you’re an American, then you should be very sure of what you are doing on Tuesday at 4:00. You have to understand that when it comes to sports, or pretty much anything, America is anything but an Underdog. However, in the World Cup, that is exactly what they are. Still, they are forcing teams to take them serious. With youth on their side and their country behind them, they believe they can do the impossible. Beat Belgium and go on to win 3 more games, to capture the Cup.

    Now if you are one of the few that hasn’t flocked to places like Grant Park in Chicago or Madison Square Park in NYC or a bar like Dempsey’s, then my guess is that you really just aren’t into soccer. That’s fine, because this isn’t about soccer. It’s about screaming your f**king head off for the red white and blue. Americans don’t agree on anything. Not war, religion, politics or even sports teams. But when those players put on those jerseys with the US Soccer logo, we can agree on them. And we can cheer for them

    So on Tuesday, leave work a little early. Go find a bar or a deli or a restaurant or a park or a doctors office waiting room or a barber shop
    or any place with a TV, because I guarantee that they will all be showing the game. Sit down or stand up and cheer for Clint Dempsey, Michael Bradley, Graham Zusi, Tim Howard and the rest of the Red White and Blue to do something it has never done in the men’s World Cup. Win the whole damn thing!

    Homeless Politics

    They Wouldn’t Even Help This Homeless Child – Video

    “So many of these Fousey videos try to portray people as bad or heartless if they don’t stop and help anyone, but like seriously, people have their own problems to worry about and their own mouths or families mouths to feed… they can’t go giving money to every beggar they see. You can’t judge someone based on the fact of whether or not they give money to the poor. Good on the people who DO help, but nothing wrong with the people who don’t.”

    That was a comment from one Anna Kruger, left on the latest YouTube video from FouseyTUBE. The video in question was originally based on one from Europe, which highlighted the best parts of human nature by showing the ways in which many stopped to help a similar homeless child posed on a very similar street. But Fousey found something very different when he set up the same film in America — the one place on Earth whose front-door sign reads “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…”

    One would think that most Americans, just out of simple human kindness and concern would stop for a moment to help this “homeless” child — or even to ask him what he was up to, or where his parents were. But you would be wrong. Fousey found that most people didn’t even give him a second glance. And those who did kept walking. The total take for the day: $2.19.


    h/t AATTP

    Boston News Terrorism

    Stop, Look and Listen America

    The world as we know it has changed or should I say within the United States anyway. Periodically and without warning – as Americans go about their daily routines – of work, weekend fun and scheduled family activities, terror strikes leaving all of us to wonder why and how could this have happened?

    With the domestic terrorism of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, the Olympic bombing in Atlanta, the terrorist attack of 9/11, the movie theatre shooting in Colorado and the most recent attack at the Boston Marathon, we’ve become vulnerable to the threat of horror within our lives. As a matter of fact, places that we’ve been so accustomed to see terrorism like Iraq, the Middle East and Afghanistan, is slowly spreading its way to our soil. Those countries have had violence erupt on a weekly basis for so long that the residences have grown immune to the bombings and bullets flying throughout their neighborhoods.

    But now, it’s here. Since the younger brother of the terrorists was captured on Friday evening, media outlets have posed the question of how can the government keep us safe from these attacks? While watching the coverage on several different news channels on Friday, a Terror Expert stated how we have been so fortunate that more have not taken place. Terror teams have intercepted so many chances by the enemy on our homeland. We just aren’t apprised of every chance taken for our own safety and to keep the masses from widespread panic.

    Well we citizens have to do our part. STOP, LOOK & LISTEN. When we go to the airport, an announcement comes over the speakers to keep your luggage with you at all times. We are very observant at the airport for obvious reasons but now we need to be equally observant everywhere we go.

    STOP: Be vigilant at all times. If something doesn’t appear right, notify the management team if you’re at the movies, restaurant or any event that you’ve noticed something out of sorts.

    LOOK: Always be aware of your surroundings. No need to be paranoid but backpacks or bags carried now seem to be a popular carrying case of choice for those that would do us harm. If bags are left unattended, make someone aware of it.

    LISTEN: We don’t need to eavesdrop on conversations but just be observant to things that sound suspicious. Notify authorities or management depending on where you are.

    Don’t take matters into your own hands. We aren’t trained for that. But, we can do our part and that is the simple steps above: STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Perhaps by doing those three things, we could save a multitude of lives.

    So be vigilant America. We really can make a difference.Our lives just may depend on it.

    North Korea Politics

    North Korea Authorizes Nuclear Strike On America

    The North Korean leader is ramping up his war game to the point of no return. He has now approved a nuclear attack on the U.S.

    SEOUL — North Korea dramatically escalated its warlike rhetoric on Thursday, warning that it had authorised plans for nuclear strikes on targets in the United States.

    “The moment of explosion is approaching fast,” the North Korean military said, warning that war could break out “today or tomorrow”.

    Pyongyang’s latest pronouncement came as Washington scrambled to reinforce its Pacific missile defences, preparing to send ground-based interceptors to Guam and dispatching two Aegis class destroyers to the region.

    Tension was also high on the North’s heavily fortified border with South Korea, after Kim Jong-Un’s isolated regime barred South Koreans from entering a Seoul-funded joint industrial park on its side of the frontier.

    In a statement published by the state KCNA news agency, the Korean People’s Army general staff warned Washington that US threats would be “smashed by… cutting-edge smaller, lighter and diversified nuclear strike means”.

    North Korea Politics washington

    North Korea’s Nuclear Threat To Washington – Tell Republicans Bring The Guns!

    Look at you… standing over there in the corner scratching your head looking all confused. You actually thought the craziness in North Korea died the day the supreme leader died? Shocking! I’m totally amazed at you!

    The late supreme leader left behind supreme leader number 2 – Kim Jong Un. Mr. Crazy himself! Yes, he is the same man Dennis Rodman called, “a good guy.” Well today’s news is saturated with claims that “the good guy” has set his target and his target is here… the United States of America… more specifically, Washington DC.!

    At a mass rally in Pyongyang on Thursday, Army Gen. Kang Pyo Yong told the crowd that North Korea is ready to fire long-range nuclear-armed missiles at Washington.

    “Intercontinental ballistic missiles and various other missiles, which have already set their striking targets, are now armed with lighter, smaller and diversified nuclear warheads and are placed on a standby status,” Kang said. “When we shell (the missiles), Washington, which is the stronghold of evils, …. will be engulfed in a sea of fire.”

    U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice reacted to the warnings Thursday, saying North Korea will “achieve nothing” with threats and provocations.

    The U.N. Security Council unanimously endorsed a fourth round of sanctions against Pyongyang in a fresh attempt to rein in its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

    Recipe Sports Super Bowl

    Happy Super Bowl Sunday: Here’s An Idea For Your Feast

    Happy Super Bowl Sunday to everyone! It’s that special day of the year for sports that has something for everyone. Maybe your team is finally in the big game or maybe you’re a diehard football fan and just want to see a good matchup. Maybe you’re the occasional fan who makes the day more interesting with Super Bowl pools or maybe you’re just in it for the commercials and the half time show. And if none of that interests you, there is still the food. Oh the glorious amounts of super eats for Super Bowl Sunday!

    No Super Bowl party is complete without its share of tailgate delectable. Buffalo wings are a staple today. Other fan favorites can be chilli, seven layer dip, pizza, jalapeño poppers or whatever else you’re into. It’s a day certainly built around eating foods you don’t need a table for. Just a napkin, maybe, and your mouth. But me, I’m a burger man so today I’ll be making my take on Wendy’s bacon mushroom cheddar melt. And I don’t usually do this but today I will make an exception. I’m going to tell you just how to prepare this artery clogger of deliciousness.

    The first thing we need to talk about is what we do to prepare the burgers. It’s still early so quick, run and get yourself a bottle of Samuel Adams. No, don’t drink it! Pour that brew into a ziplock bag with some sirloin burgers. Use a second bottle if one was not enough to submerge the burgers like a marinade. Sam Adams is a strong beer but it is also one of the worlds most tastiest beers and when the alcohol cooks off, it’s going to give the burger a nice sweet taste. Oh and let’s not forget that Sam Adams is made right here in the USA. So once we’ve marinated our burgers in America’s finest beer and we are ready to grill them up, only season with some salt and pepper and throw them on the grill. If no grill, use a pan. It’s all good.

    I don’t want you to make a rookie mistake here, don’t flip the burgers too much, you’ll dry them out and then you might as well just buy them from Wendy’s. While you’re burgers are going or even a little while before, you should be sizzling up some bacon and sautéing some mushrooms. And in a small pot or sauce pan goes a can of Campbell’s cheddar cheese soup. This soup is the perfect consistency to match Wendy’s cheese sauce.

    After my mushrooms are sautéed, I like to dice em up and throw them into the soup. So once everything is done and your burgers are just about done, place a thin slice of cheddar cheese on each burger. To assemble this treat, start with your bottom bun. Place a bit of the cheese sauce on the bottom of the bun followed by your sirloin burger. Then the bacon is placed on the burger and over the bacon goes a healthy scoop of your cheese and mushroom sauce. Top with the bun and enjoy! But have plenty of napkins because its about to get messy. I hope I’ve given you guys and gals a good suggestion for your Super Bowl feast.

    Everyone out there, we at wish you an enjoyable and safe Super Bowl Sunday!

    God Mitt Romney Politics

    Romney Supporter Claims That God Will Punish America For Re-Electing President Obama

    Remember when Mitt Romney appeared to be leading in all the polls and Republicans began celebrating their imminent victory? Then  hurricane Sandy happened across the east coast and Americans gravitated back to the president after seeing the way he handled the aftermath of the storm. Republicans immediately began blaming the hurricane for Obama’s new-found popularity, some even saying that Sandy as an act of God, stopped Romney’s rise in the polls.

    Well it seems that Republicans cannot make up their mind which way they want to go. Before the election, they blamed God and the hurricane for slowing Romney’s rise to the presidency and now, they’re claiming that God will punish America for re-electing President Obama.

    Yesterday, John Hagee opened up the “Hagee Hotline” to answer questions from parishioners about the election; questions like “do you believe [President Obama] is the precursor to the Anti-Christ?”  Hagee never really answered the question, simply predicting that an economic crash is coming that will result in the rise of a global economic czar who will, in fact, be the Anti-Christ.

    But as for the election, Hagee warned that “America chose a leader who is for men marrying men” and who is “pro-abortion” and who has “attacked freedom of religion” and so this nation is “about to face the consequences of our choices” because “God will hold America responsible for that choice”:

    Politics taxes

    America – Used, Abused and Abandoned By The Wealthy

    If America was a woman, right about now she will have every right to feel used, unwanted and abused. A new report is projecting that wealthy Americans – those who received the most financial benefits from the tax laws and tax loopholes that allowed them to become wealthy – these people are projected to abandon America at a record pace this year.

    Startling new data from Uncle Sam show that defections by Americans are expected to double this year, largely to avoid any stiff tax bills resulting from the proposed 55 percent hike on the rich — as well as the likely expiration on Dec. 31 of the Bush era tax cuts.

    As many as 8,000 US citizens are projected by immigration officials to renounce in 2012, or about 154 a week, versus 3,805 in 2011, or about 73 per week.

    “High-net-worth individuals are making decisions that having a US passport just isn’t worth the cost anymore,” said Jim Duggan, a lawyer at Duggan Bertsch, which specializes in protecting assets of the wealthy.

    “They’re able to do what they do from any place in the world, and they’re choosing to do it from places with much lower tax rates,” he said.

    If this is not a slap in the face of a nation that, in many cases, made these people rich, then I don’t know what is.

    Politics weekly address

    Presidential Address – The Importance of Manufacturing Jobs in America

    The President’s weekly address focused on American manufacturing jobs. Mr. Obama spoke from the Boeing Plant in Everett, Washington and commended the job being done by Boeing to bring manufacturing jobs all across the nation.

    “Boeing has been in this community for half a century,” the President said, “but it’s what they’re doing here today that has folks really excited; because at this plant they’re building the plane of the future – the Dreamliner.  It’s an impressive sight.  And, to be honest, part of why I came was to see it up close.  But I also came because this is a great example of how we can bring jobs and manufacturing back to America.”

    Mr. Obama also explained that because of new technology certain jobs have become obsolete, “but that doesn’t mean we have to settle for a lesser future,” he said, “I don’t accept that idea.  In America, there’s always something we can do to create new jobs and new manufacturing and new security for the middle-class.  In America, we don’t give up, we get up.”

    We have a big opportunity right now to build not only an economy that will help us succeed today, but an economy that will help our kids and their kids succeed tomorrow. We know what we need to do.  We need to strengthen American manufacturing…

    We can do this…!

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