
‘Octomom’ Is Back On Welfare… Again

It’s only been five months since Octomom got off welfare, but TMZ has learned the honeymoon’s over for your tax dollars — because she’s back on government assistance.

Sources close to Octo tell TMZ, Nadya Suleman signed up for welfare again this week after her October rehab bills devoured most of her savings.

We’re told the mother of 14 will be getting $1,800 a month for food, $1,000 for emergency cash, as well as Medi-Cal benefits to help with mental heath and dental issues.

According to sources, Octomom only plans to use the welfare money while she gets back on her feet — or on her back.

TMZ broke the story … Octo went on welfare last March, but was able to get off guv assistance in July … the result of a pile of cash she scored from stripping and masturbation porn.

Herman Cain Medicare

Herman Cain Admits – Romney Is Lying In His Welfare Attack Ad Against Obama

Amazingly, it Jon Stewart and Comedy Central who are doing the work the so-called “Main Stream Media” should be doing.

Stewart’s guest on Wednesday August 29th was Republican Presidential primary candidate, Herman Cain. Stewart asked Cain about the Ad that Romney “approved,” claiming that Obama is removing the work requirement for Welfare recipients,  and he wanted to get Cain’s opinion on the truthfulness of the ad and the truthfulness of the Romney campaign. Cain tried all the avenues he could to put his Republican spin on the ad, but Stewart was relentless, eventually reading PolitiFact’s “Pants On Fire” description of the ad.

After being backed into a corner with no way to run, Cain admits that Romney was in fact, lying and the ad was wrong.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the truth tour begins tonight!” Stewart declared after reading from PolitiFact. “Hold on, let me get in my gloating chair.”

Cain insisted that Politifact was just talking about “the language” of the ad: that somehow the word “gutted” was simply too strong. But he still insisted that the rules give states the ability to weaken the requirement.

“I’m not disagreeing with the fact that the language was too strong,” Cain said. “But it gives states the opportunity to so called increase [in employment], but the examples I have been shown, it decreased.”

“No, no, no, no,” Stewart said. “It’s not about lessening them. It’s about making sure it’s not a, I believe the phrase is, ‘One size fits all.’”

“I would agree with that,” Cain said repeatedly.

“It seems to me that not only is ‘gutting’ wrong, but lessening is wrong,” Stewart replied. “That, lessening would still be pants, necessarily not on fire, but certainly smoldering.”

“There are situations where they were looking at lessening, but…” Cain trailed off. “But I’m not… I will go along with your description.”

Then Cain turned to the audience, raised his arms and shouted: “I am sorry! So shoot me!”

Mitt Romney Politics

The Ultimate Debunking – Mitt Romney Debunks Mitt Romney on His Welfare Lie

Mitt Romney’s claim that President Obama has removed the work requirement for welfare recipients and is now issuing free checks, has been debunked by everyone who knows how to use google. And now, even Mitt Romney is debunking Mitt Romney.

Romney’s lie stems from a memo the Obama Administration issued to states,  inviting them to apply for waivers from the Federal welfare program. These waivers allow the states more flexibility to “help their poorest citizens transition from welfare to employment—in return, the states would face tougher federal standards that ensure 20% more people move into work.”

Seems like a straightforward memo. But if your name is Mitt Romney, you are again blinded by politics and you see a need to say anything and do anything to win the presidency. And that’s exactly what Romney did. He created lie stating that President Obama was giving away money to welfare recipients.

All the Fact checkers called Romney’s lie a lie and based on this 2005 letter signed by Mitt Romney, even Mitt Romney is debunking his lie.

The letter below was asking then President George Bush to do the same thing Obama did in his memo. And Romney was one of the originators of the letter.

Featured Republican

Preacher Says People Are on Welfare Because They Don’t Read The Bible

I grew up in the Church. Before they passed, my father was a Preacher and my mom was an Evangelist. I am sure that makes me somewhat of an anomaly with Republicans, because I have a Christian background but I am a Democrat. This mixture confuses these Republicans because as far as they are concerned, you cannot be a Democrat and a believer in Christ at the same time. But I’m not here to pacify their confusion, so I’ll go on to the point of this blog.

It really irks me when I come across wolves in sheep’s clothing, that is, people who call themselves preachers but take to the pulpit and “preach” nothing but hate and ignorance. I’ve used past blog-posts to highlight some of the idiotic statements these “pastors” have made in the past and sadly, here is another.

His name is Pastor David Barton and part of his message to his congregation was that people are on welfare because they don’t read the Bible. “I really believe this,” Barton said. Here’s his full statement;

Wouldn’t it be interesting to do a study between those that are on welfare and see how much and how often they read the Bible. You know, if Booker T. Washington is right that Christianity and reading the Bible increases your desires and therefore your ability for hard work; if we take that as an axiom, does that mean that the people who are getting government assistance spend nearly no time in the Bible, therefore have no desire, and therefore no ability for hard work? I could go a lot of places with this. I would love to see this proven out in some kind of sociological study, but it makes perfect sense.

While real preachers use the Bible to get their sermons, Barton – a Conservative Republican – allows his politics to dictate what and how he preach. Too bad he hasn’t paid attention to a particular political document by one of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson – the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States – who in 1802 wrote, “… I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.”

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