Herman Cain niggerhead presidential Republican

Watch Herman Cain Calls Out Rick Perry – “Just Plain Insensitive”

If you haven’t heard about Rick Perry and the name of his hunting grounds, then you must have been living under a rock – and we’re not talking about the infamous rock with the name “Niggerhead” written on it, and positioned at the entrance to the 1,070 acres property where Rick Perry and his friends hunted back in the 80’s either.

Herman Cain so far, is the only Republican presidential candidate to discuss this latest Perry slip-up. Will the other candidates use this opportunity to attack the leader of the Republican pact? We’ll have to wait and see.

This word on the property that Perry owned a lease to, and brought friends to, would normally be enough to end any previous presidential ambition. However, we’re not in normal times, so don’t be surprised if Perry’s poll numbers among these Teaparty/Republicans increase simply because of this scandal. After all, this is the group that praise killing people and suggested that the uninsured die if they get sick.

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niggerhead Politics presidential Republican

Rick Perry And His Friends Hunted At “Niggerhead”

Here are some unflattering things you should know about Rick Perry, the Republican front-runner to challenge President Obama in the 2012 election.

  1. His family owned a lease for a 1,070 acre property – no, thats not bad at all… please stand by…
  2. Rick Perry, in the early days of his political career took fellow politicians and friends to this property for hunting trips. – no, number 2 is not that bad either. He’s from Texas, and hunting is most likely  the  favorite pastime…. but, please stand by…
  3. The name of this property frequented by Rick Perry and his friends is “Niggerhead.”
Now, since this story broke in the Washington Times, Rick Perry and his campaign released a statement stating that the Perry family did not own this property. But they did not deny the claim that Rick Perry’s father leased the property in the 1980’s, or the claim that a rock at the entrance to the property has the name, “Niggerhead” painted on it. The campaign also claims that the rock was eventually painted over.
From the Washington report;
When asked last week, Perry said the word on the rock is an “offensive name that has no place in the modern world.”
Asked to explain why the name is still seen on the rock through the coat of paint, Perry answered;

“My mother and father went to the lease and painted the rock in either 1983 or 1984,” Perry wrote. “This occurred after I paid a visit to the property with a friend and saw the rock with the offensive word. After my visit I called my folks and mentioned it to them, and they painted it over during their next visit.”

“Ever since, any time I ever saw the rock it was painted over,” Perry said.

But it seems that Perry’s recollection about this rock may not be correct at all. The Washington Post report continues;

Perry’s version of events differs in many respects from the recollections of seven people, interviewed by The Washington Post, who spoke in detail of their memories of seeing the rock with the name at various points during the years that Perry was associated with the property through his father, partners or his signature on a lease.

… Of those interviewed, the seven who said they saw the rock said the block-lettered name was clearly visible at different points in the 1980s and 1990s. One, a former worker on the ranch, believes he saw it as recently as 2008.

Herman Cain, one of the Republican challengers to Rick Perry and the only black Republican trying to get the Republican nomination said the name on the rock is “just plain insensitive.” Making his Sunday rounds on the cable networks, Cain told Chris Wallace of Fox News;

“My reaction is, that’s just very insensitive. [There is not] a more vile negative word than the N-word and for him to leave it there as long as he did, before I hear that they finally painted it over is just plain insensitive to a lot of black people in this country.”

However, not everyone thinks the name is offensive. A Texas county judge is quoted in the Washington Post as saying;
“It’s just a name,” said Haskell County Judge David Davis, sitting in his courtroom and looking at a window. “Like those are vertical blinds. It’s just what it was called. There was no significance other than as a hunting deal.”
Rick Perry is trying to become the President of these UNITED States in 2012… in 2012!  Amazing that stuff like this is still news in our times.
Herman Cain Republican Sarah Palin

Herman Cain Refers To Perry, Romney And Bachmann As “Ice Milk”

Sarah Palin, on her recent appearance on Fox News, told Greta Van Susteren that Herman Cain is just the “flavor of the week.” Palin’s comment was a direct hit to Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann and Donald Trump, who all led the Republican presidential field at some point or another.

Herman Cain went on the Jay Leno Show last night, and defended his recent surge in the polls. Asked about Palin’s flavor of the week comment, Herman Cain defended his new position – presently third behind Rick Perry and Mitt Romney – and in the process of making that defense, Cain referred to Perry, Bachmann and Trump – the previous poll leaders – as “ice milk.” About the “flavor of the week” label, Cain said;

But the fact that she called me flavor of the week… if you look at what has happened, that might be true with some people. But I happen to believe that there’s ice milk and there’s Häagen-Dazs Black Walnut. Substance. That’s the difference. I got some substance. I’m Häagen-Dazs Black Walnut!

Video Below.

CNN Herman Cain

Herman Cain Makes Ad Calling Blacks Lazy, Unpatriotic Cheats

The hits just keeps on coming.

Recently, Herman Cain called blacks “brainwashed” because a huge majority vote Democrat. But that wasn’t all Cain said about the black community.

In another ad made in 2006, Herman Cain through his high-profile role at AmericaPAC, allowed what can easily be one of the most vile, despicable political ads ever! An ad, whose only perceivable intent is to put down an entire group of people. Herman Cain (who is black in case you haven’t noticed and referred to as “the face of AmericaPAC”) kept the ad that quotes almost all the stereotypes used to insult the black community.

And in 2012, if he makes it that far, Cain wants your vote.

Chris Wallace Herman Cain Republican

Herman Cain Cannot Say If Bugs Bunny Is His Economic Adviser

Appearing on the Fox News network today, was the grandfather of pizza making and a Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain. Like you’ve probably heard in his Republican debates, Cain is pushing a 999 plan that he claims, is the missing link to cure the country’s economic woes. A plan that will introduce a flat tax rate for Corporations, individual income and national retail sales tax.

When introducing his plan, Cain said;

“It is revenue neutral, so it will raise the same amount of revenue that we’re currently collecting with this messed up tax code that is being manipulated by the politicians to pick the winners and losers.”

So naturally, knowing the names of the economists who drafted this plan would be necessary when considering the seriousness of Cain’s 999 plan. Otherwise, one could easily call it the price of a small pizza – $9.99. So Chris Wallace, the host of the Fox program Cain appeared on, asked the obvious question; could you name one economist who endorsed this plan?

Cain fumbles, then admits he did not have the authority to name names. Wallace points out that if the plan was any good, the authors would have no problem having their names associated with it, but Cain maintained his position of secrecy. He did, however, offer this at the end of the segment, “I am going to try and get my advisers to allow me to use their name.”

So until we know who created this 999 prescription for our economic perils, I’m sticking to calling it what I think it is – the price of a small pizza with extra cheese. Soda would be extra.

Mitt Romney Politics Rick Santorum

Michele Bachmann Wins Ames Straw Poll

The Ames Straw poll is not really important as far as the big picture of running for President is concerened, but Conservatives put a lot of emphasis on the event. Republican presidential candidates spent millions trying to influence a majority of Iowans who attended the carnival-like event.

This year, Tim Pawlenty effectively said that if he didn’t get a decent position in the poll, he will have to reconsider his candidacy for president. Well, the straw poll went public a short while ago, and Pawlenty came in 3rd with 2,293 votes. Second was Ron Paul with 4671 votes and Michele Bachmann came in 1st with 4,823 votes.

Even Rick Perry, who announced his candidacy for the Presidency earlier today, received some votes in the straw poll. Perry, although his name was not on the ballot, came in 6th with 718 votes. Mitt Romney, whose name was on the ballot, was beaten by Perry. Romney came in 7th, with 567 votes.

Rick Santorum came in 4th behind Tim Pawlenty, and rounding out the top 5 was Herman Cain.

Conservatives look to the winner of the straw poll as a good indication of who they should donate to, so candidates placing in the first 2 or 3 spots are usually in a good position to get more contributions. All eyes now look towards Rick Santorum and Herman Cain, and the expectation is that one or both these campaigns would be coming to an end.

Although Mitt Romney came in 7th, his campaign is expected to continue. Romney is leading in the general polls among Republicans.

An afterthought: expect Newt Gingrich to fall by the wayside soon.

Barack Obama CNN Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics Republican United States

Republican Mice Played In Debate While Democratic Cat Was Away

Remember the old saying, ‘when the cat’s away, the mouse will play?’ Well last night’s Republican presidential “debate” showed seven, count ’em… seven mice running around the stage in New Hampshire, having a grand ole time. And with the cat – President Obama – out of town on a fundraising event, all seven mice took turns at attacking the cat, instead of showing the differences among themselves. After all, was it not a debate?

The lead mouse, Mitt Romney answered just about every question asked with the same answer: that President Obama “has failed to lead.” Mr. Romney, what is your answer to the economic crises we’re in right now? “Mr. Obama has failed to lead.” Mr. Romney, what will you do about jobs? “Mr. Obama has failed to lead.” Mr. Romney, what color is your tie? “Mr. Obama has failed to lead.” To be more exact, Romney said;

“This president has failed, and he’s failed at a time when the American people counted on him to create jobs and get the economy growing.”  Any one of the people on this stage would be a better president than President Obama.”

And the people, or other mice that Romney referred to? Rick Don’t Google His Name Santorom, Michele Don’t know American History Bachmann, Ron Against The Civil Rights Act Paul, Herman Pizza-man Cain, Tim Super Dork Pawlenty and Newt Flipp Flopper Gingrich. So there they were, seven mice running around the stage, each trying to prove that while the cat was away doing his fundraiser, they are more than capable of carrying the biggest piece of cheese.

The blame game continued.

Herman Cain, when asked what his administration would do to create jobs?  “The thing we need to do is to get this economy boosted. This economy is stalled. It’s like a train on the tracks with no engine. And the administration has simply been putting all of this money in the caboose.”

Rick Santorom, picking up where Herman Cain left off, chimed in with, “Yeah, I think we need a president who’s optimistic, who has a pro-growth agenda.”

Question for Tim Pawlenty – talk about your economic plan. Pawlenty’s answer? ” This president is a declinist. He views America as one of equals around the world.” Then Mitt Romney continued the love-fest… sorry, debate. “This president has failed. And he’s failed at a time when the American people counted on him to create jobs and get the economy growing. And instead of doing that, he delegated the stimulus to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and then he did what he wanted to do: card-check, cap-and-trade, Obamacare, reregulation.” Not to be left out in the cold, Newt Gingrich added, “The Obama administration is an anti-jobs, anti-business, anti- American energy destructive force.”

Ron Paul, asked by the moderator if there was anything nice he can say about the president, replied, “No, no, I can’t think of anything.”

But the biggest cheese carrier of the night has to go to Michele Bachmann, who, among other things, claimed that the Teaparty “is really made up of disaffected Democrats, independents, people who’ve never been political a day in their life.” Funny as that statement was, Bachmann opened her mouth again and this claim fell out, “we need everybody to come together because we’re going to win. Just make no mistake about it. I want to announce tonight. President Obama is a one-term president.”

Yes, Michele, we will take your word on that… just like we believed you when you claimed that the Founding Fathers “worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States.”

We won’t tell anyone the little truth that the Founders were all dead by the time slavery was abolished. Just our little secret Michele.

Herman Cain USA PATRIOT Act

Republican Herman Cain Is A Joke

There’s simply no other way to describe the Presidential hopeful.

In a speech given at the  Family Leader Presidential Lecture Series in Pella, Iowa, Hermain wowed the conservative audience by complaining about President Obama, and telling the audience that the only bills a Herman Cain president will sign into law, will be three pages or less. The audience loved it.

CAIN: Engage the people. Don’t try to pass a 2,700 page bill — and even they didn’t read it! You and I didn’t have time to read it. We’re too busy trying to live — send our kids to school. That’s why I am only going to allow small bills — three pages. You’ll have time to read that one over the dinner table. What does Herman Cain, President Cain talking about in this particular bill?

ThinkProgress made this observation.

Cain’s pledge received a raucous round of applause from the crowd, who didn’t seem to fully appreciate the implications of such a radical cut-off mark. The vast majority of substantive bills passed by Congress are longer than three pages. Under this bright-line rule, Cain wouldn’t have signed such landmark pieces of legislation as the Civil Rights Act, the Social Security Act, or thePATRIOT Act. In fact, he wouldn’t have even been able to sign the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, which ran 114 and 18 pages, respectively.

As president, Cain wouldn’t be able to sign any of the always-lengthy appropriations bills that keep the government running and the military funded. In fact, pretty much the only legislation that could squeak by under Cain’s three-page cut-off would be the simplest bills naming post offices and the like. But perhaps that’s exactly what Cain wants — to completely shutdown government by refusing to take any action that requires a prolonged attention span.

Newt Gingrich Politics Republican Rick Santorum twitter White House

Newt To Make Presidential Announcement This Week

In two days the wait will be over, for on Wednesday Newt Gingrich will make his official announcement concerning his run for the Presidency, and he plans to use the social media to state his plans.

The former House speaker will announce his presidential candidacy Wednesday on Facebook and Twitter, according to his spokesman. Rick Tyler posted Monday on Twitter that Gingrich will make it official, give his first interview as a White House candidate on Fox News and then speak to Georgia Republicans at their annual convention on Friday.

Minutes later, Gingrich himself took to Twitter. “Be sure to watch Hannity this Wednesday at 9pm ET/8pm CT,” he posted. “I will be on to talk about my run for President of the United States.”

If Newt announce that he will in fact, run for President in 2012, he will join a growing list of non-contenders thus far. Among the other Republican candidates are, little Timmy Pawlenty, the pizza-man Herman Cain, the professional presidential candidate Ron Paul and the 2006 Senate loser Rick Santorum. There is another guy who appeared in the Fox News Republican debate recently, but he left absolutely no impression on the audience and quite frankly, my mind has better things to do than to remember his name.

Of course, others are expected to join Newt and his ilk. We can hardly wait.

Mitt Romney Politics Republican Rick Santorum South Carolina

Brownie Points

Apparently all a Republican presidential candidate has to do to win crucial polling points is — just show up! Pennsylvania’s Rick Santorum, being the the only potential GOP candidate at a dinner held by south Carolina’s Republican party last Friday night, won 150 out of 408 votes cast by the attendees for a straw poll taken during the dinner. A no-show, Republican darling Mitt Romney, got whipped with just 61 votes.

Guess Romney’s invite must’ve “… got lost in the mail”…

Read how the other “candidates” fared, as reported by Huffpost Politics.






Mitt Romney Politics Republican Rick Santorum

Republican Presidential Debate / Circus Show Starts Tonight

The circus rolls into town tonight. On Fox News, the first presidential Republican debate begins, with five misfits. Will any of these performers get the eventual Republican nomination? We’ll have to wait and see.

Let’s meet the fab 5!

Tonight’s event could well be the first time in history that a nationally televised presidential debate lowers the stature of every participant. A total of five candidates are set to take the stage at 9 p.m., when Fox News — which customarily attracts several million viewers in that time slot — goes live. Only one of them, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, has a realistic chance of winning the GOP nomination — or even coming close. The other four are strident ideologues with niche appeal, nonexistent victory prospects — and absolutely nothing to lose.

Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. Cain has run for office before, finishing a distant second (with 27 percent of the vote) to Johnny Isakson in Georgia’s 2004 U.S. Senate primary. This means that, from an electoral standpoint, Cain has a weaker claim to being taken seriously as a candidate than even Alan Keyes; at least Keyes had won the GOP nomination in the two failed Senate bids that preceded his 1996 and 2000 White House forays. To the extent Cain has distinguished himself on the ’12 trail, it’s probably through his pledge to engage in hiring discrimination by barring Muslims from working in his administration.

* Rick Santorum: Santorum was drummed out of the Senate by Pennsylvania voters in 2006, losing his bid for a third term by 17 points to Democrat Bob Casey. Other modern era presidential candidates who lost Senate races before setting out to run for the White House include: Democrats Carol Moseley Braun (2004) and George McGovern (1984), and Republican Keyes. (You could also, I suppose, include Mike Gravel, who lost a Senate reelection campaign in 1980 and sought the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.) Between them, they won a total of zero primaries and caucuses. Santorum won’t do any better, but he is passionately opposed to abortion, gay rights and President Obama — and he’ll have plenty of time to prove it tonight.

* Gary Johnson: The former New Mexico governor is probably, as Salon noted last year, the most interesting Republican you’ve never heard of — an authentic libertarian who wants to dismantle government but who also supports legal abortion and pot. Obviously, he’ll barely make a dent once the primaries roll around (especially with Ron Paul in the race), but he’ll get an unusual amount of airtime tonight for his unorthodox platform — which will presumably prompt Cain and Santorum to use him as a foil to assert their conservative bona fides, potentially forcing Pawlenty to weigh in on subjects he’d rather sidestep.

* Ron Paul: His presence figures to foster this same dynamic, just as it did in 2007 and 2008 — when no GOP debate was complete without one candidate using Paul as a punching bag in order to look courageous and principled in the eyes of the party base.

And that’s it. No other candidates (or potential candidates) will participate. Mitt Romney is wisely staying away, as is Mike Huckabee. Even Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann are keeping their distance. No-shows were not supposed to be an issue when Fox and the South Carolina GOP originally scheduled the debate a few months ago. Back then, it was assumed — based on recent history — that the GOP field would be fully formed and the campaign in full swing. But that hasn’t happened.


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