Barack Obama Birtherism Birthers Chris Wallace Donald Trump Politics

Chris Wallace Praised “How Quickly” Trump Ended The Birther Issue – Video

Fox’s Chris Wallace can sometimes be sane… or maybe it’s just an act. I’ve watched his various interviews on numerous occasions and at times wondered why he worked at Fox. But he works at Fox News where a level of bias is necessary for employment, a clear bias that was on full display in this little chat he had with Shepard Smith.

Speaking about Donald Trump’s recent acknowledgement that President Obama was in fact, born in the United States, Wallace apparently forgot that for over 5 years, Donald Trump led the Birther movement and lied about the president’s place of birth. In his chat with Smith, Wallace sounded as if Trump’s birtherism began only a few days ago.

“In less than 24 hours, he cut it off,” Wallace said referring to Trump’s acceptance of the President’s American birth. “He said Obama was born in America, period. So that’s different, and may in fact help him limit the political damage.”

Wallace compared Trump’s response to the birther issue to other unforced errors he’s had in the past, and he praised “how quickly” Trump’s campaign “rolled it back.”

He continued;

What’s different is that so often in the past when Trump would get into one these things like the fight with the gold-star family after the Democratic convention or going after the Mexican-American judge who was handling the Trump University case, he would keep it going for a while, and he would refuse to back off. That would feed the flame, if you will.


Chris Wallace ObamaCare Politics

Ted Cruz Forced to Defend his “Obamacare is a job killer” Lie – Video

Current Republican presidential candidate and former Canadian citizen until a few months ago, Ted Cruz, got a rude awakening when he visited his friends at Fox News and got called out by Chris Wallace on his lie that Obamacare is a job killer.

“The fact checkers say you’re wrong,” Wallace told Cruz. “Since that law went into effect, the unemployment rate fell from 9.9% to 5% as 13 million new jobs were created, and 16.3 million people who were previously uninsured now have coverage. There are plenty of problems with Obamacare, but more people have jobs and health insurance.”

Naturally, Cruz went on to claim that fact checkers are liberally biased.

“Fact checkers are not fair and impartial,” Cruz responded. “They are liberal editorial journalists. And they have made it their mission to defend Obamacare.”

“Wait,” Wallace shot back. “There’s certainly no question that more people have jobs and more people health insurance.”

“Yes, there is question,” Cruz replied. “The fact is from 2008 to today, we’ve seen economic growth of 1.2% on average.”

Notice how he said “from 2008 to today” – that’s important. Cruz is lumping in 2008 and 2009 which were horrible years for jobs because that’s when the Great Recession began. Naturally, when you factor in those two disastrous years it’s going to make the year-to-year job growth percentages under President Obama appear to be much worse than they are. Especially when you consider that Obama wasn’t even president in 2008.

Also, Cruz can say whatever he wants, but it’s indisputable that the unemployment rate is down to 5 percent, that we’ve created over 13 million new jobs and over 16 million people have gained access to health insurance. Those aren’t numbers that were made up by a “biased” fact checker, they’re facts – period.


Chris Wallace dylann roof Politics South Carolina violence

Karl Rove on Guns – “Repeal The 2nd Amendment” to Stop Gun Violence

Karl Rove, like many other Republicans, have been a staunch advocate for more guns. The idea these people always put forward in times of shootings and massacres, is the only solution to end gun violence is to have more guns on the streets. Well after the most recent shootings in South Carolina where 9 people died at the hands of a racist 21-year-old, Karl Rove appears to have had a change of heart.

Appearing on Fox News’, Rove was interviewed by Chris Wallace and was asked about the recent gun violence in South Carolina, and his response appeared to be a step away from his usual more guns is the answer stance, and a step towards more common sense gun policies.

WALLACE: How do we stop the violence?

What do you think?

ROVE: I wish I had an easy answer for that, but I don’t think there’s an easy answer

What do you think?

We saw an act of evil. Racist, bigoted evil, and to me the amazing thing is that it was met with grief and love. Think about how far we’ve come since 1963. The whole weight of the government throughout the South was to impede finding and holding and bringing to justice the men who perpetrated the [Birmingham] bombing.

What do you think?

And here, we saw an entire state, an entire community, an entire nation come together, grieving as one and united in the belief that this was an evil act, so we’ve come a long way.

What do you think?

Now maybe there’s some magic law that will keep us from having more of these. I mean basically the only way to guarantee that we will dramatically reduce acts of violence involving guns is to basically remove guns from society, and until somebody gets enough “oomph” to repeal the Second Amendment, that’s not going to happen.

Chris Wallace Politics

Breaking News – Fox News Has Had Enough of The IRS Crap

Something very interesting went down on the Fox News network on Sunday. It appeared the Fox people are beginning to come to their senses – as impossible as that may seem – and they are beginning to question the authenticity of their Republican man made IRS controversy.

On Sunday’s program, Chris Wallace interviewed Republican Representative Charles Boustany and based on his questions, I would concluded that the IRS nonsense has reached the point of Fox skepticism, even for the nonsense-pushers themselves.

WALLACE: Congressman, let me interrupt you, too, if i may. Because a lot of people … including some Republicans, some of your colleagues say that your committee and the House Oversight Committee have blown this because of the fact that you should have given Lois Lerner immunity. I mean, let’s face it — nobody really cares what Lois Lerner did, the question is did she get it from higher ups or just the decision by a mid level bureaucrat in the IRS? Why not give her immunity a year ago under subject, of penalty of perjury and say were you given direction by anybody above you?

BOUSTANY: Well, that is a debatable point. And it’s worthy of discussion. But the fact is we’re still being obstructed by the IRS. We’ve now gone through two — we have two confirmed IRS Commissioners and two acting commissioners and we have still not gotten all the documents that we need to conclude this investigation. The fact is I want to follow the facts, on this, from the ground up starting with the Cincinnati office. we’ve had good interviews.

WALLACE: You’ve had a year, sir. You’ve had a year.

When Fox News becomes tired of your BS, perhaps it is time to give it up.

Watch the clip below to see Wallace grill Representative Boustany.


Chris Wallace Politics

Fox Host Couldn’t Keep From Laughing When Sarah Palin Talked – Video

Sarah Palin

No, Sarah Palin is not that funny. In fact, she’s not funny at all. It’s just the things she think she wants to say, but wasn’t really saying at all because she couldn’t get her thoughts together, so she jammed a bunch of words together and viola, host Chris Wallace had no choice but to laugh!

The question to Mrs Palin was about the Nuclear Option and the fact that Republicans essentially forced Democrats into changing Senate rules by their constant filibustering of… everything! After Chris Wallace pointed out that Republicans have filibustered this president more than necessary, Palin began her adventure.

Blah blah blah as for this rule change that some people are calling the ‘nuclear’ option under Senate rules, you know, I guarantee, this week, Thanksgiving Dinner, people sitting around their tables were not going to be talking about the president blessing this thwarting of a balance of power in Congress with new Senate rules called the ‘nuclear’ option. People are going to be talking about our failed big government policies that will bankrupt this country. So, this distraction, this new talking point in the media and with Congress and with Senators and with the president blessing this action, it’s a distraction and it’s a lot of, you know, double standard and Democrat hypocrisy because just a few years ago they were so anti, anti-’nuclear’ option blah.”

“They were against any thought of Republicans even considering changing these rules, yet now it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. So, American people, they don’t care about distractions like that. They’re not in the inside baseball Senate rules stuff. They want government to be back on our side. They want it to get out of our lives, and in order to do that we need those who will not fundamentally transform America but will fundamentally restore what’s right about America. we do that by having good judicial nominees in these regulatory agencies and elsewhere…So, this new rule change, it stinks.”

The clip ended with Wallace… laughing! LOL

Chris Wallace Politics Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Demands The Truth from Fox News

Sarah Palin is angry and she wants everyone including her employer Fox News,  to know it.

An avid supporter of Ted Cruz and his pointless efforts to defund Obamacare –legislation that passed both the House and Senate, signed into law by the President and found to be legal by the Supreme Court – Palin took to Twitter to demand that Fox News give up the names of their anonymous Republucan sources, who are criticizing Cruz.

On his Fox News Sunday show, host Chris Wallace made the point that after booking Cruz on his show,  he received complaints from a list of Republicans, all against Cruz and his defunding campaign.

Said Wallace;

“This has been one of the strangest weeks I’ve ever had in Washington, and I say that because as soon as we listed Ted Cruz as our featured guest this week, I got unsolicited research and questions not from Democrats, but from top Republicans — to hammer Cruz.

Palin apparently didn’t believe Wallace was telling the truth, and demanded that he release his list.

Like everyone is doing these days, Wallace ignored Palin’s demand.

In a classic case of the tail wagging the dog, Ted Cruz has convinced the Republican party that defunding Obamacare is their only ticket to relevancy and thus, the White House in 2916. And they have apparently bought into his assumption that the Demicratic controlled Senate and the president will void their own law.

These things will never happen of course, but leadership is lacking in the Republican party. And anyone who steps up to the plate with an idea – no matter how farfetched that idea is as in the case of Ted Cruz – that person will be followed.

Chris Wallace Politics Wayne LaPierre

Fox News Calls Out Wayne LaPierre – “That’s ridiculous and you know it, sir.”

Fox News was suppose to be a safe zone for Wayne Lapierre. The network has taken the very same positions as LaPierre and the NRA. But LaPierre’s visit to Fox today was not a sunday walk in the park, as the NRA’s mouthpiece was called out on numerous occasions as an “out of touch elite” making “ridiculous” statements.

Here’s a clip of LaPierre’s most recent visit. Host Chris Wallace asked LaPierre if he stands by the claims made in a recent ad by the NRA targeting the President’s children. In the ad, the narrator asked, “are the president’s kids more important than yours? Then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their school.”

Asked if he agrees with that ad, LaPierre tried to wiggle himself out of the hot seat, saying that the ad was  not about the President’s daughters. Wallace stated that the ad specifically spoke about the president’s daughters. He then asked LaPierre;

“Do you really think that the president’s children are the same kind of target as every school child in America? That’s ridiculous and you know it, sir.”

Later on in the discussion, Chris Wallace pointed out the hypocrisy of Wayne LaPierre for criticizing “the elite” for having personal security although he has them too. This fact left LaPierre physically twitching in his seat as he looked for an answer to Wallace’s accusation.

Watch the video below.

Chris Wallace Paul Ryan Politics

Stephen Colbert Is Angry At “Those Liberal Hacks” At Fox News

Stephen Colbert is angry… well… maybe…! Apparently there are some “liberal hacks” at Fox News who thought they could ask the Republican vice presidential candidate questions in an interview. The nerve!

Ryan, the Republican candidate for vice-president, had a contentious interview with Chris Wallace over the 20 percent across-the-board tax cut he and GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney have proposed.

Colbert brushed off a study Wallace cited saying the plan would cost the U.S. $5 trillion over 10 years.

“True, not true, who cares?” Colbert said. “It’s over 10 years. Romney and Ryan will only be in office for eight of those. Let President [Michele] Bachmann worry about it in 2020. That’s what hindsight is for.”

Colbert was also unimpressed by Wallace’s refusal to accept Ryan’s explanation that the cuts were “revenue-neutral” and praised Ryan for saying it would “take too long” to explain the figures behind the proposal.

“Great answer,” Colbert said. “Why is it a great answer? It would take me too long to explain, but trust me, it was a great answer.”

Chris Wallace Mitch McConnell Politics

Republicans Plan for The Uninsured? – Providing Insurance To You Is “Not The Issue”

Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared in friendly territory on Fox News Sunday and explained the Republican Insurance System to the American people. Their system boils down to – You don’t have health insurance? Tough! That is not the issue.

No kidding. McConnell was asked by Fox host Chris Wallace to explain what Republicans are planning to do with the 30 million uninsured Americans if they succeed in repealing President Obama’s health care law. After failing to answer the questions on different occasions, McConnell settled on saying that providing insurance to these people was not the issue.

You don’t believe me? See video below.

Chris Wallace Herman Cain Republican

Herman Cain Cannot Say If Bugs Bunny Is His Economic Adviser

Appearing on the Fox News network today, was the grandfather of pizza making and a Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain. Like you’ve probably heard in his Republican debates, Cain is pushing a 999 plan that he claims, is the missing link to cure the country’s economic woes. A plan that will introduce a flat tax rate for Corporations, individual income and national retail sales tax.

When introducing his plan, Cain said;

“It is revenue neutral, so it will raise the same amount of revenue that we’re currently collecting with this messed up tax code that is being manipulated by the politicians to pick the winners and losers.”

So naturally, knowing the names of the economists who drafted this plan would be necessary when considering the seriousness of Cain’s 999 plan. Otherwise, one could easily call it the price of a small pizza – $9.99. So Chris Wallace, the host of the Fox program Cain appeared on, asked the obvious question; could you name one economist who endorsed this plan?

Cain fumbles, then admits he did not have the authority to name names. Wallace points out that if the plan was any good, the authors would have no problem having their names associated with it, but Cain maintained his position of secrecy. He did, however, offer this at the end of the segment, “I am going to try and get my advisers to allow me to use their name.”

So until we know who created this 999 prescription for our economic perils, I’m sticking to calling it what I think it is – the price of a small pizza with extra cheese. Soda would be extra.

Chris Wallace Newt Gingrich Politics Rick Santorum

Bachmann Slams Pawlenty In Iowa Debate

Unlike the last two Republican love fests, last night’s debate actually felt like a real competition. The Republican contestants tried separating themselves from each other and questioned the decision making or lack thereof of their rivals.

Ron Paul and Rick Santorum briefly engaged in their little match when foreign policies and America’s role in other nations were involved. Between these two, Iran’s attempt to acquire nuclear weapons was a hot topic, with Paul suggesting that a nuclear Iran poses no threat to America, therefore, they should be left alone to do what they believe is in their best interest. Santorum took opposition to this, and the heated battle was on.

Then Newt Gingrich took offense at Chris Wallace asking him questions about his campaign and statements he had made in the past. Apparently, Gingrich believes his decision to run for President means questions about his political history,  public statements or past actions that he should accountable for, should be off limits.

Chris Wallace: “How do you respond to people who say that your campaign has been a mess so far?”

Newt Gingrich: “I took seriously Bret’s injunction to put aside the talking points,” he said, referring to a request Wallace’s co-host Bret Baier had made at the start of the debate. Newt continued, “And I wish you would put aside the gotcha questions…I’d love to see the rest of tonight’s debate asking us about what we would do to lead America…instead of playing Mickey Mouse games.”

Chris Wallace:  “If you think questions about your record are Mickey Mouse, I’m sorry. I think those are questions that a lot of people want to hear answers to and you’re responsible for your record, sir.”

Newt Gingrich: “I think that there’s too much attention paid by the press corps to the campaign minutiae and not enough paid by the press corps to the basic ideas that distinguish us from Barack Obama.”

The audience cheered.

But the most interesting part of the debate in my view, happened between Tim Pawlenty and Michelle Bachmann. Being in next to last place in his presidential campaign, Mr. Pawlenty felt the need to make up some ground. He also didn’t want to miss another opportunity to separate himself from the bunch, as he did in the last debate when he was asked to explain a statement he previously made, in which he called Mitt Romney’s health care plan in Massachusetts, Obamny Care – combining both Obama and Romney’s name together to say their healthcare policies are the same.

So when he was asked to explain a statement he made about Michele Bachmann and her lack of accomplishments in Congress,  Mr. Pawlenty took the opportunity and went on attack mode. Unfortunately for him, Bachmann was already sitting in the bushes with her sniper gear on, staring down the scope of her rifle. In her view, the unsuspecting Pawlenty.


Chris Wallace Politics

Michele Bachmann, Are You A Flake?

Fox News Chris Wallace lost the debate to Jon Stewart last week, so in his Sunday interview of Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, Wallace asked the question every sane American has asked about Michele:  “Is she for real, or is she “a flake?”

“The rap on you here in Washington is that you have a history of questionable statements, some would say gaffes . . . are you a flake?”

The question caught Mrs. Bachmann off-guard, to which she answered that she was “insulted” that Wallace would ask her such a question. Realizing that this was going to be his second loss in 2 weeks, Wallace issued the following apology.

“A lot of you were more than perturbed, you were upset and felt that I had been rude to her. And since in the end it’s really all about the answers and not about the questions. I messed up, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

Although Wallace buckled under the pressure from his bosses at Fox and apologized, his question was actually a good one. Considering all the numerous incorrect statements the presidential candidate has made in recent weeks, we are all wondering the same thing. Is this Republican presidential candidate for real?

And based on her lack of knowledge where basic American history is concerned, I’ll even venture to say that she’s a flake, who cut classes when the subject was taught.

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