Black people Donald Trump Politics violence

Black Protestor Covered in Blood at Trump Event – Vido

The man who Republicans want to be the next president of the United States, have a strange effect on his white supporters when it comes to blacks and other minorities at his posse events. It began with these protesters being shouted down by Trump’s supporters and now, the posse at these events have apparently graduated to physical violence against the protesters.

The African-American man is a locally-known activist named Anthony Cage. He became a local activist against police violence and racism after the killing of unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, in 2014, by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.

Cage can be seen with his hands bound by plastic ties, being taken to an ambulance by St. Louis police officers. According to reporter Junius Randolph, Cage was not under arrest and was released after his wounds were treated.

The incident occurred at a racially-charged event that had thousands of Trump supporters lined up to hear the former reality television star-turned politician speak.

Tensions were high and Trump supporters were caught on video screaming profanities and hateful rhetoric at protesters. Cage can be seen on a megaphone and getting jostled into a crowd during a confrontation between Trump supporters and demonstrators, but it’s unclear how he ends up getting hurt.


Chris Wallace dylann roof Politics South Carolina violence

Karl Rove on Guns – “Repeal The 2nd Amendment” to Stop Gun Violence

Karl Rove, like many other Republicans, have been a staunch advocate for more guns. The idea these people always put forward in times of shootings and massacres, is the only solution to end gun violence is to have more guns on the streets. Well after the most recent shootings in South Carolina where 9 people died at the hands of a racist 21-year-old, Karl Rove appears to have had a change of heart.

Appearing on Fox News’, Rove was interviewed by Chris Wallace and was asked about the recent gun violence in South Carolina, and his response appeared to be a step away from his usual more guns is the answer stance, and a step towards more common sense gun policies.

WALLACE: How do we stop the violence?

What do you think?

ROVE: I wish I had an easy answer for that, but I don’t think there’s an easy answer

What do you think?

We saw an act of evil. Racist, bigoted evil, and to me the amazing thing is that it was met with grief and love. Think about how far we’ve come since 1963. The whole weight of the government throughout the South was to impede finding and holding and bringing to justice the men who perpetrated the [Birmingham] bombing.

What do you think?

And here, we saw an entire state, an entire community, an entire nation come together, grieving as one and united in the belief that this was an evil act, so we’ve come a long way.

What do you think?

Now maybe there’s some magic law that will keep us from having more of these. I mean basically the only way to guarantee that we will dramatically reduce acts of violence involving guns is to basically remove guns from society, and until somebody gets enough “oomph” to repeal the Second Amendment, that’s not going to happen.

gun gun control Gun Control shooting violence

Woman Jokingly Slaps Man in Face, Man Shoots Woman in Forehead

Some people just can’t take a joke, especially when they are armed with a gun.

A Clay County man was arrested early Saturday on manslaughter charges after allegedly shooting a woman to death after she jokingly slapped him across the face.

Elliott William Orsborn, 26, is accused of shooting Jamie Lee Martin, 26, in the head after a night of friendly drinking at Martin’s home at 2041 Ashton Street in Middleburg, according to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.

Witnesses told authorities Martin, Orsborn and several other friends had been hanging out in the garage throughout the night while Martin’s two children slept in the house, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Orsborn had flashed his silver .22 revolver with electrical tape wrapped around the handle several times and kept playing around with it.

The gun wasn’t loaded earlier in the night because Orsborn took all the bullets out, the Sheriff’s Office said.

As the night went on and the group drank more, Martin and Orsborn were sitting at a table talking when Martin said something Orsborn didn’t like. Witnesses said Gavin Lamberth, Martin’s boyfriend of about 5 months who lives with her and her children, told Orsborn to “just chill.”

Then, Martin “jokingly slapped the defendant across the face.”

Witnesses told authorities Orsborn pulled his gun out of his shorts pocket, pointed it at Martin’s forehead and shot her, the Sheriff’s Office said.

Orsborn immediately told witnesses he didn’t mean to shoot Martin, and Martin’s boyfriend and friend started “freaking out.” He stayed at the house for a few minutes and tried to help Martin but then ran from the house.

Orsborn was arrested at his home and told authorities he didn’t wish to speak until talking with an attorney. He was taken to the Clay County Jail, where he awaits his first court appearance Sunday. His bond had not been set as of Saturday evening.

Featured News violence

6 “Knockout”-Style Attacks Hit The City

Medical researcher Lawrence Hsieh, schooled in Taekwondo, didn’t have time to defend himself when a kid KO’ed him on Church Street in one of six assaults in two days that appear to mimic a violent game hitting the East Coast. 

Walking on the overpass between North and South Frontage at 5:30 p.m., Hsieh (pictured above) encountered a group of three young men. Without warning, one approached him and sucker-punched him in the nose, knocking Hsieh to the ground. The assailant and his buddies took off down the street, laughing.

“The whole ordeal was over in 30 seconds,” said Hsieh, who may have broken his nose as a result.

Hseih’s attacker was following the script of the so-called “Knockout Game,” which consists of punching random strangers. To become a “Knockout King,” the player must bring his target to the ground with one jab.

The game has been reported in recent days in several East Coast cities, including New York, New Jersey, and Washington D. C. Incidents date back to 2011.

h/t – Newhavenindependent

News violence

The Endless Violence Is Taking A Toll

It is getting so hard to believe in Humanity these days. What’s wrong with people? What causes a person – who is having serious issues in their own lives – to decide to take someone else’s life? The debate is whether these individuals have ‘mental issues’. Yes. That is obvious. But, the question still remains, what causes them to want to take it out on All mankind?

The Boston Marathon bombing was just added to the litany of violent crimes perpetrated on innocent Americans just enjoying their lives, their day, and their families when the unthinkable happened.

Today, a letter addressed to President Obama, was laced with ricin which is a toxic protein agent that is used as a biochemical. This same ricin was intercepted by authorities when it was sent to Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi. An arrest was made today in the Tupelo, MS area.
The Newtown Ct. shooting that still has politicians and the NRA fighting over banning semi-automatic weapons. The massacre which robbed the lives of 20-first graders was so appalling, disturbing and unsettling; it tears at the very heart of Hope. How can anyone kill a child?

The movie theatre massacre in Colorado killed 12 and wounded over 50 others. People just wanted to go out and enjoy a nice night out at the movies with friends, family and their children when yet again, a brazened attack on the innocent.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, was shot point blank in the head where six were killed, including a 9-year old girl and 13 others wounded while speaking at a neighborhood shopping center in Arizona. She survived but not without causing severe damage to her brain.

And this is just in America. The outside world is even more dysfunctional than here with suicide killers in Iran and Iraq almost daily. In 2011, a massacre in Norway tore apart a community when a lone killer plotted and executed a plan which included a car bombing, killing 8 and wounded over 200. Then, less than two hours later at a summer camp full of youth, a gunman opened fire upon them and killed 69 for a total of 77.

Are we seeing a pattern yet?

Everyday people, going through their ordinary lives with the ones they love. Why would anyone think the unthinkable would possibly happen to them? We’re not supposed to live in fear. We are not to look over our shoulder every second.

I’m just tired. I’m tired of the violence, the excuses for violence and lawyers attempting to persuade America their clients are ‘Clinically Insane’.

When does this stop? What is wrong world? I know we can’t agree on everything but killing others because of conflict is not the way.

Somehow, someway, Mankind has to find a way to end the violence. I don’t want to give up on Hope but people are making it harder to believe that Hope even exist.

Politics sandy hook violence weekly address

President’s Weekly Address – Delivered By Sandy Hook Parents David And Francine Wheeler

This week’s address is delivered by Francine Wheeler, whose six year old son, Ben, was murdered alongside nineteen other children and six educators in Newtown, Connecticut, four months ago. Now, Francine – joined by her husband David – is asking the American people to help prevent this type of tragedy from happening to more families like hers. Since that terrible day in December, thousands more Americans have died, and thousands more families have suffered the pain of losing a loved one to violence.

Now that the Senate has agreed that common sense gun safety reforms deserve a vote, they must finish the job and pass those reforms to protect our children and our communities. Now is the time for all Americans to help make this a moment of real change.

Featured violence Wayne LaPierre

Wayne LaPierre Urges Americans To “Buy More Guns Than Ever!”

If you are still wondering why Wayne LaPierre – the Executive Vice President of the NRA – is so anti gun regulation and you simply cannot figure out what his issues are, well let me help. Wayne LaPierre is not looking out for your best interest, he is looking out for the best interest of the gun industry and any sensible regulation will impede on the industry’s bottom line – Profits!

You still don’t get it, huh? You think I’m just making this up? Well let me step aside and allow Mr. LaPierre himself explain his true motive against any form of regulations.

In a rambling op ed on The Daily Caller, LaPierre points out the many situations where more guns is, in his view, apparent.

  • Latin American drug gangs have invaded every city of significant size in the United States. Phoenix is already one of the kidnapping capitals of the world, and though the states on the U.S./Mexico border may be the first places in the nation to suffer from cartel violence, by no means are they the last.
  • After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.
  • Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.
  • Ominously, the border also remains open to agents of al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. Numerous intelligence sources have confirmed that foreign terrorists have identified the southern U.S. border as their path of entry into the country.When the next terrorist attack comes, the Obama administration won’t accept responsibility. Instead, it will do what it does every time: blame a scapegoat and count on Obama’s “mainstream” media enablers to go along.

He concludes with this bit of information – the real reason for his very existence!

We will not surrender. We will not appease. We will buy more guns than ever. We will use them for sport and lawful self-defense more than ever. We will grow the NRA more than ever. And we will be prouder than ever to be freedom-loving NRA patriots. And with your help, we will ensure that the Second Amendment remains America’s First Freedom.

executive actions gun Politics violence

President Obama Delivers His Plan To Reduce Gun Violence – Video

In case you missed it, President Obama and Vice President Biden introduced their plan today to help curb gun violence. Watch as the President discussed the legislative and executive actions needed to close background check loopholes, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

His plan included signing an Executive Order on 23 issues relating to guns.

gun control Politics shootings violence

Gun Advocate – Stop Background Checks, End Gun Free Zones

Larry Pratt, an advocate for the Gun Industry and Director of Gun Owners of America went on Fox News Sunday today and shot down the idea that background checks would result in less mass murders. Pratt also embraced the NRA’s suggestion that everyone should have a gun, when he said that gun-free zones are not the solution because it tells people with bad intent where to attack.

Larry Pratt

“I think it’s false security that somehow we’re going to stop problems, when there’s really no way to spot these problems,” Pratt said. “Some of the most horrendous mass murders that have happened recently — including the one in Newtown — would not have been stopped by a background check.”

“We’re wasting our time going in that direction when we should be talking about doing away with the gun-free zones, which have been so convenient and such a magnate to those who would come and slaughter lots of people knowing that there’s going to be nobody that’s legally able to defend themselves in these zones.”

“In fact, background checks wouldn’t have stopped most of these mass murders that have occurred… We got to face the reality that we’ve got to empower average people, including teachers and other people in schools to be able to defend themselves.”

This is not the first time Pratt has made these claims. He embraced the NRA’s favorite Congressman Rep Steve Stockman, who introduced a bill to repeal the gun free zone around schools. Stockman, representing Houston, is considered one of the most vocal gun advocates in Congress. In promoting his Safe School Act to end gun free zones, Stockman said;

“Not only have so-called ‘gun-free school zones’ proven to be anything but that, they appear to have placed our children in even greater danger. Co-sponsoring the Safe School Act is the first step toward protecting our children.”

“The time has come to end the deadly experiment of disarming peaceable, law-abiding citizens near schools.”

Steve Stockman and Larry Pratt

Yes, you cannot completely stop mass shootings but sensible gun laws including background checks and regulations on the size of a clip can make a difference. New York has some of the strongest gun control laws in the nation, but the last mass shooting in this state occurred in 1993, twenty years ago, when 35 year old Colin Ferguson boarded a Long Island Commuter train and opened fire. He fired 30 rounds, six people died and nineteen were injured.

Gun lovers would say if everyone on that train had a gun, Ferguson would not have killed so many people. That argument in itself makes no sense. One man fired 30 times in a crowded commuter train and killed six people. Imagine how many more would have died if everyone in that car had a gun and started shooting.

Tid Bits violence

Man “Pretends” To Threaten Elementary School – Gets Arrested Instead

A father has been arrested on terror charges after threatening his child’s elementary school to test if they could deal with an armed intruder.

Ronald Miller, 44, was described as ‘aggressive and combative’ during the incident at Celina Elementary School, just outside Dallas.

He made his way inside the school’s main office and confronted staff after dropping off his child early on Wednesday morning.

According to CBSdfw, he pointed at members of staff and said ‘you’re dead’.

He then repeatedly asked panicked teachers what they would do if he had a gun and ‘a target inside the school’.

‘He asked questions such as what would you do if I had a gun and I had a target inside the school? Those questions would obviously be alarming,’  Patrol Sergeant Shea Scott of the Celina Police Department told ‘He was putting them on the spot and demanding quick responses.’

Miller was not armed and left the scene peacefully. He handed teachers a note telling the school district to call him if they were in need of security training.

h/t Daily Mail

Featured violence

Gun Carrying Mom Found Shot To Death

What does Wayne LaPierre have to say about this?

A mother of three who became a voice of the gun-rights movement when she openly carried a loaded pistol to her daughter’s soccer game was fatally shot along with her husband, a parole officer and former prison guard, in an apparent murder-suicide at their home.

Autopsies were planned Friday for Meleanie Hain, 31, and Scott Hain, 33, who were pronounced dead shortly after 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at their brick home in this small city about 80 miles west of Philadelphia.

r/t Alan

Featured shooting violence

What You’ve Always Wanted To Say About The NRA – Video

By now you’ve all heard about the insanity that took place yesterday on a podium and then transmitted nationwide, possibly worldwide for all to behold. You watched in utter amazement as the NRA’s CEO called for more guns in schools to stop school children from being murdered. And you’ve shared your feelings on this issue with those close to you and even on social media with people you haven’t even met.

It’s understandable. You’re shocked. You simply cannot believe or accept the fact that in one incident, twenty innocent lives between the ages of six and seven were violently slaughtered, and you looked for solutions. The NRA promised that solution would come at that podium and when you listened to what they had to say, you walked away more bewildered and angered than ever before.

Well have no fear, you are not alone.

Please allow me to suggest this video. It is sure to bring you some level of comfort knowing that there are still some sensible, levelheaded people out there, and it is sure to give you hope for the future.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC’s The Last Word, says all the things you wanted to say or all the things you’ve probably said, but he does it in a more… dramatic way.

Lawrence breaks it all down.

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