Donald Trump Politics

Chris Christie Dissed State Trooper and his Funeral to Kiss Up to Donald Trump

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has totally lost all the morals he never had, choosing instead to suck-up to Donald Trump at a campaign rally on Monday instead of attending the funeral of a New Jersey state trooper.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie skipped a state trooper’s funeral Monday to fuel his out-of-control lovefest with Donald Trump with whom he campaigned with in Florida on the eve of that state’s presidential primary.

As mourners honored Sean Cullen, 31, who was killed in the line of duty last week when he was struck by a passing motorist while responding to a highway car fire, Christie was in the Sunshine State, cozying up to Trump

Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno took Christie’s place at the funeral, while Christie’s camp referred all questions about his scheduling decision to the Trump campaign.

After Christie’s bizarre Trump endorsement, he told reporters that he would not be a “full-time surrogate” for the Republican front-runner.

CNN Featured Politics

Republican Admits on CNN – Republicans “have gone bat-shit!” – Video

Republicans lost their minds a long, long time ago, and their frustrations have manifested itself in many ways. On CNN, a panel was assembled to talk about Thursday night’s Republican slug-fest, and a Republican on the panel had to admit that Republicans and the Republican party “have gone bat shit!”

Radio host Scottie Nell Hughes was visibly aggravated by Thursday’s GOP debate that saw candidates Donald Trump, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz standing on the stage yelling at each other while CNN moderator Wolf Blitzer stood helplessly by.

Saying Rubio had pledged to not attack Trump, Hughes was dismayed by the change in tactics by the Florida senator during the debate.

“In 24 hours we see the most rabid frothing politician that I’ve seen yet,” she explained. “Spewing nothing but lies from him that night.”

Asked ” What does that do to the party?” Hughes went off on a rant that found her swearing on live TV — which she realized seconds after her outburst as the other guests laughed.

“It absolutely destroys our party,” she exclaimed. “I think both of those politicians — Governor Christie and Senator Graham are right. We have gone bat shit.”



Man Rushed Into his Burning Home to Rescue His Rack of Ribs

Yes, you heard that right, he had to get his ribs!

A mother and child climbed out a window to escape the flames.

Windows shattered, and plumes of smoke climbed into the night sky.

With his family safe, Robert Wright’s attention turned to his grumbling stomach, and then back to the burning apartment — what about the ribs, man?

“First thing, I got my kids, and I thought about my ribs. Like, I didn’t want my ribs to burn and stuff because I take pride in what I do, man” Wright told KMPH, hoisting a long rack of ribs in his right hand like a giant, meaty scroll.



Florida Man Chopped Off His Mother’s Head With an Ax on New Year’s Eve

A sickening story straight out of Florida.

A schizophrenic Florida man chopped off his mother’s head with an ax because she kept nagging him about chores, police said Thursday. Christian Jose Gomez, 23, who has several previous arrests, was booked on a charge of first-degree murder for the grisly New Year’s Eve crime in Oldsmar.

He allegedly told police he had been planning the attack for two days because he was angry over his mother’s requests that he put some boxes in the attic, NBC station WFLA reported. Gomez put his mother’s head in a garbage can but couldn’t lift her body so he left it outside.

“He just left the body sitting there, next to the trash can, went into the garage, tried to clean up the scene a little bit,” Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said. “When he saw that wouldn’t happen is when he left.”

The body was discovered by victim Marua Suarez Cassagne’s older son, who was home at the time but didn’t realize what was happening.

Police found the suspect a few blocks away and arrested him after a brief chase. The sheriff said he is a diagnosed schizophrenic who is supposed to be taking medication and was committed for psychiatric evaluation at least once last year.

Featured White House

They’re Nuts – Naked Man Tries To Jump White House Fence, Gets Arrested

These Republicans are insane! There, I said it!

Police have arrested a man in front of the White House after he reportedly got naked and tried to hop the fence, reports say.

Photos of the arrest show at least four Secret Service agents pinning the nude man to the sidewalk after he tried to get by security and assaulted an officer on Friday afternoon.

The unidentified man left nothing to the imagination as he stripped all the way down to his socks at one of the security gates at about 3 p.m. after he was denied entrance to the White House, according to the Daily Caller.

The man was adamant that he had an appointment with the President Obama as he yelled and removed his boxers, the Caller reported. That was seconds before his naked body was tackled to the ground.

The officers clothed him with a simple blanket and packed him away into the back of a van.

The man was taken to a local hospital for minor injuries, reported the Washington Post.

Featured New York Racism

Black Racist Attack in New York Leaves White Man Dead

Jeffrey Babbitt

A man has died after being knocked to the ground with a single punch by a stranger in a New York City square.

Jeffrey Babbitt, 62, had been left brain damaged after being punched in Union Square last week in an apparent racist attack.

Mr Babbitt died after allegedly being hit by Lashawn Marten, a 31-year-old African American, who reportedly said that he wanted to attack the next white person who walked by.

The 62-year-old, the sole carer of his 92-year-old mother Hedda, was hit so hard that he fell to the ground but later managed to stand. His condition deteriorated soon afterwards and he died at Bellevue Hospital.

Marten, who has a previous criminal record and uses various aliases, was charged with assault and is due in a Manhattan court on Tuesday. It is likely his charges will now be upgraded.

According to one female witness last week, Marten said: ‘The next white person who walks by I’m going to f***’.

She added: ‘His fist went in and the man’s head bobbed and he hit the ground and you could hear his skull hitting the ground.’

After his racist rant and attack, witnesses said Marten stayed at the park and waited for police to arrive.

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said Marten’s alleged comments about targeting white people before allegedly punching Mr Babbitt could lead to hate crime charges being made against him.

‘Our Hate Crimes Task Force is involved in aspects of that case,’ he added.

Marten is being held on a $1 million bond as police decide whether to also charge him with a hate crime.

News violence

The Endless Violence Is Taking A Toll

It is getting so hard to believe in Humanity these days. What’s wrong with people? What causes a person – who is having serious issues in their own lives – to decide to take someone else’s life? The debate is whether these individuals have ‘mental issues’. Yes. That is obvious. But, the question still remains, what causes them to want to take it out on All mankind?

The Boston Marathon bombing was just added to the litany of violent crimes perpetrated on innocent Americans just enjoying their lives, their day, and their families when the unthinkable happened.

Today, a letter addressed to President Obama, was laced with ricin which is a toxic protein agent that is used as a biochemical. This same ricin was intercepted by authorities when it was sent to Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi. An arrest was made today in the Tupelo, MS area.
The Newtown Ct. shooting that still has politicians and the NRA fighting over banning semi-automatic weapons. The massacre which robbed the lives of 20-first graders was so appalling, disturbing and unsettling; it tears at the very heart of Hope. How can anyone kill a child?

The movie theatre massacre in Colorado killed 12 and wounded over 50 others. People just wanted to go out and enjoy a nice night out at the movies with friends, family and their children when yet again, a brazened attack on the innocent.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, was shot point blank in the head where six were killed, including a 9-year old girl and 13 others wounded while speaking at a neighborhood shopping center in Arizona. She survived but not without causing severe damage to her brain.

And this is just in America. The outside world is even more dysfunctional than here with suicide killers in Iran and Iraq almost daily. In 2011, a massacre in Norway tore apart a community when a lone killer plotted and executed a plan which included a car bombing, killing 8 and wounded over 200. Then, less than two hours later at a summer camp full of youth, a gunman opened fire upon them and killed 69 for a total of 77.

Are we seeing a pattern yet?

Everyday people, going through their ordinary lives with the ones they love. Why would anyone think the unthinkable would possibly happen to them? We’re not supposed to live in fear. We are not to look over our shoulder every second.

I’m just tired. I’m tired of the violence, the excuses for violence and lawyers attempting to persuade America their clients are ‘Clinically Insane’.

When does this stop? What is wrong world? I know we can’t agree on everything but killing others because of conflict is not the way.

Somehow, someway, Mankind has to find a way to end the violence. I don’t want to give up on Hope but people are making it harder to believe that Hope even exist.


82 Year Old Emma Anderson Tossed Off Train For Singing

Emma Anderson loves to sing. And singing was her crime when a transit cop grabbed her luggage with her attached and tossed her off the train in Miami. As unbelievable as that may sound, factor into the equation the fact that Emma is 82 years old.

Mrs. Anderson of Miami-Dade explains; “I was beating my little beads with the bottle and I was singing a song, and he came up to me and said, ‘Ma’am, you’re making too much noise.’” Another passenger recorded the entire event on a cellphone.

“You’re getting off here,” the train’s employee said. “Let’s go.” And with that, he grabbed Mrs Anderson’s bags and threw them outside. Mrs Anderson is seen stumbling to the ground behind her bags as other passengers gasped at what they had just witnessed.

“By what we saw on the footage, she was dragged off the train. She wasn’t escorted,” said Kenny, Emma’s 42 year old son.“She was just singing to the Lord, preaching to the Lord, and he grabbed her bag and drug her off the train.” Kenny also said that after X-rays were conducted, Doctors determined that Mrs. Anderson’s hip and shoulder were bruised.

A Miami-Dade Transit Spokesperson told WPLG in a statement, “The elderly passenger, Ms. Anderson, who was escorted from a Metrorail train, was initially asked by a security guard to refrain from singing loudly and playing an instrument while on the train. She refused to comply.”

The family has contacted a lawyer.

Barack Obama Politics Sarah Palin Sarah Palin State of the Union address United States

For Sarah Palin, Winning The Future Is A “What The F_ck” Moment

In his State Of The Union Address, President Obama laid out specific steps to make America competitive again in a global economy. Some of these steps included investments in education, transportation, the internet and renewable energy.

Sarah Palin

These are all sensible investments any industrialized nation could make in order to maintain a role as a world leader. Sarah Palin, in her infinite wisdom, that has now graduated her to class-clown status, took to her Facebook page and referred to these proposed steps as What The F*ck, or as she put it, “WTF!”

The Republican 2008 vice presidential candidate and former Alaskan governor,  went on Fox News stating that another of the President’s themes,  ‘Winning The Future,’  was yet  “… another WTF moment.” Once again on her Facebook page she wrote, “he dubbed it a ‘Winning The Future’ speech, but the title’s acronym seemed more accurate than much of the content.”

In her ever present attack mode, Palin then dived into a tirade of criticism of President Obama for wanting America to maintain it’s competitive edge by investing in innovations for the future. She called this prospect “more government spending.” Even the president’s effort to portray America as an exceptional nation and its people as the most innovative and in the world,  was denounced by Palin. This too she said equalled  “big government”;

This seems to be the Obama administration’s version of American exceptionalism – an “exceptionally big government,” in which a centralized government declares that we shall be great and innovative and competitive, not by individual initiative, but by government decree. Where once he used words like “hope” and “change,” the President may now talk about “innovation” and “competition.”

Mrs. Palin – who quit her leadership role as governor of Alaska just two years into her first term to be a $100,000.00 per speech media queen – also had some leadership advise for the President. “Real leadership is more than just words,” she said, “it’s deeds.” I guess her deeds speak for themselves.

Palin’s rant also included the 9.4% unemployment rate, government spending and taxes, all of which she explained, exploded out of control practically on the day President Obama was sworn in. She even quotes a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that says the Federal budget deficit will reach $1.5 trillion dollars in 2011 because of the present administration’s big spending habits.

Everything  about her article was hugely exaggerated,  misleading or just plain out lies.

Yes, CBO did report the Federal deficit will reach $1.5 trillion dollars in 2011, but what Palin failed to mention in her rant was the real  cause — a $900 billion tax cut package for the rich that she herself campaigned for as the only way to bring jobs and reduce the unemployment rate.

And yes, the unemployment rate is at 9.4%, but what Sarah doesn’t again mention is the fact that when President Bush was in power, Americans were loosing jobs at the astonishing rate of 700,000 per month.  And yes, that amount continued under President Obama, but thanks to the Stimulus Package – the same one Sarah referred to as “Stimulus Package boondoggle,” — CBO states that 3.3 million jobs were created or saved in 2010 alone. That’s more jobs created in 1 year than all of President Bush’s 8 years! The CBO report also stated;

“The stimulus lowered the unemployment rate by between 0.7 and 1.8 percentage points during the quarter ending in June and increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million. The higher figure would come close to making good on Obama’s pledge that the act would save or create as many as 3.5 million jobs by the end of this year.”

And then there’s the tax adebate, where Palin continued her fear-mongering, telling her readers that President Obama is raising taxes to the point of “$1 trillion dollars over the next decade,” if he simplifies the tax code as he suggests. She claims that if you “cut away the rhetoric… you’ll also see that the White House’s real message on economic reform wasn’t one of substantial spending cuts, but of tax increases.”

Raised taxes are a genuine fear of the American people, and Sarah Palin knows exactly how to play into this fear. The reality however, is quite different. Under this administration, federal taxes are at their lowest point in over 60 years, according to William Gale, co-director of the Tax Policy Center and director of the Retirement Security Project at the Brookings Institution. He said;

“The relation between what is said in the tax debate and what is true about tax policy is often quite tenuous. The rise of the Tea Party at a time when taxes are literally at their lowest in decades is really hard to understand.”

President Obama has a clear desire to invest in innovations that improve our roads, builds high speed rails, better education that improves America’s  academic excellence in math and science and cleaner energy that will gradually move us away from our dependence on fossil fuel like oil to wind and solar enrgy, clean coal, nuclear and natural gas. These common sense investment in the nation’s future are imperative. Other countries like China and India are making these investments in their future and they are beginning to reap the benefits.

But somehow in Sarah Palin’s America, a solemn pledge to invest in our future — to ‘Win The Future’ — is looked upon by her and others who lack the most basic of  understanding, as a WTF moment!

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