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I came across this article by Fred Barnes in The Weekly Standard because I happened to be trolling around right wing sites and thought he had a provocative, interesting idea. I also found a site that castigated Progressives for Palin Derangement Syndrome. You know, that knee-jerk negative reaction the left has whenever Palins’s name comes up. The author seemed to suggest that those on the left were offended by Palin’s obvious feminism and suggested that the left loved women’s rights and opinions, but not Palin’s. Especially when she was shown shooting a gun. What the author missed is that Sarah Palin just sounds uninformed whenever she speaks. I have plenty of respect for her as a woman, as a mother, as someone who wanted to serve the people of Alaska. I just happen to disagree with every single word she utters. Nothing more, nothing less.

But I digress.

Fred Barnes wants the GOP to Go Big or Go Home, hence the title of my response. He says that if only the Republicans would advocate abolishing the IRS and a stronger, more muscular foreign policy, then they would win the hearts and minds of the American people. He does say that these positions might not win the GOP the Senate this fall, but would provide a template for action that the party could run on in 2016.

The problem is that most Americans do not want to get rid of the IRS, even though they hate its very guts. Deep down, they understand that if the United States is going to make good on its mission to protect the homeland and the common good, then it will need funds and a means by which to collect them. That’s what the IRS does. What Mr. Barnes should really be advocating is that all the companies that evade U.S. corporate taxes should actually pay up. That might lessen the burden on the overburdened middle class and it might provide more funds for, you know, schools, roads, bridges, job programs and Medicare.

Barnes is not at all specific when he talks about why the country needs a more muscular foreign policy, or even what that looks like. I have a suspicion that it looks like a foreign policy that throws bombs and bullets on people who are either innocent or who already hate us to the point that more bombs and bullets will help their recruiting efforts. But he doesn’t say, so this is all conjecture.

The article is instructive because these positions are precisely why the GOP has only won one big election since 2008, when they took over the House in 2010. Every other election has gone to the Democrats despite the baying from the right that Obama is abusing his power and is wrong on every issue. Clearly, America does not agree with that.

And that’s why the Republicans will not win a majority in the Senate this fall, nor will they win the presidency in 2016.

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Sarah Palin Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Thinks The Government Is Stockpiling Bullets To Attack Americans

In case you’re wondering exactly why CPAC – The Conservative Political Action Conference – invited Sarah Palin to speak at their yearly circus, instead of formidable Republican candidates like Chris Christie, then consider what the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate had to say on her Facebook page –  that America will eventually default on its debt and claims that the federal government is “stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest” to prepare.

“If we are going to wet our proverbial pants over 0.3% in annual spending cuts when we’re running up trillion dollar annual deficits, then we’re done. Put a fork in us. We’re finished. We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest,” Palin wrote in a Facebook message Tuesday.

The former GOP governor of Alaska was referring to the sequester, the automatic $1.2 trillion cuts in federal funding that take effect Friday unless lawmakers reach a deal.

“D.C.: Cut the Drama. Do Your Job. Americans are sick and tired of yet another ginned-up crisis. D.C. needs to grow up, get to work, and live within its means,” wrote Palin, the GOP’s 2008 vice presidential running mate of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

She continued: “The real economic Armageddon looming before us is our runaway debt, not the sequester, which the President advocated for and signed into law and is now running around denouncing because he never had any genuine intention of reining in his reckless spending.”

Palin wrote that she wants lawmakers to “stop the hysterics.”

“If we ARE serious about putting our fiscal house in order, then let’s stop the hysterics, tighten our belts, and take our medicine.”

Yep. These are the people conservatives look to for leadership.

Sarah Palin Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin to G.O.P – “Do not Retreat… It’s Time To Reload!”

In what could be said  was a blatant attempt to grab the spotlight or just willfully ignorant,  Conservative’s Queen, Sarah Palin, used the very same phrase that many believed led to the killing of six people in Tucson Arizona, and the attempted assassination of Congressman Gabriel Giffords.

Last night, the insensitive and maybe just plain ol’ dumb Sarah Palin went on Fox’s Hannity show, and offered some advise to Republicans negotiating the debt ceiling issue with President Obama, telling them not to back down!

“We cannot default, but we cannot afford to retreat right now either. Now is not the time to retreat, it’s time to reload.”

We can only hope that it was the realization of how insensitive her remarks were, that caused her to elaborate…

“We reload with reality by giving facts and numbers to the American public so that those of us across the United States can start chiming in and letting our representatives know that we will not capitulate.”

Back in 2010, Congressman Gabrielle Giffords questioned the wisdom of Palin using this very same phrase and putting cross-haires on hers and other Democratic Congressional members’ districts. Mrs. Giffords was shot in the head earlier this year, while having a political event in her district. Six other people were killed in that attack.

What’s next for Sarah Palin, is she going to put cross-hairs on the White House?

Although no one ever confirmed any links between the shooting in Tucson and Mrs. Palin’s rhetoric, one would have to be somewhat mentally deficient to make that very same statement again. Mentally unstable or willfully ignorant!

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Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

Palin Prefers The Smell of Motor Cycle Emissions In The Morning

In another blatant and apparent attempt to pander to the motor-cycle community, Sarah Palin opened her mouth and her foot jumped in. Asked by a FOX reporter if all her stops along her bus tour will be as rowdy as the motor-cycle event Palin crashed, the Alaskan governor quitter answered that she loves the smell of “emissions.”

“Ohhh, it would be a BLAST if they were this loudy, and if they smelled this good. I love that smell of the emissions!”

I love motor-cycles, but quite frankly, I prefer the smell of a nice, freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning. I can’t help but wonder how the Tea Party  feels knowing that Sarah’s preferred smell in the morning is motor-cycle emissions… and not tea. And wondering even more, is Mrs. Palin going to be strapped to the back of her bus for the great smell?

Or maybe, just maybe she will have a hose strapped to her tour bus’ exhaust pipe to bring that wonderful smell directly into the bus. Can we ask that all the windows stay shut? Would that be asking too much?

Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

George Will: Should We Trust Sarah Palin With Nuclear Weapons?

George Will, a conservative who occasionally sees through the Sarah Palin hype, asked a pivotal question on Sunday. Do you really want Sarah Palin in charge of nuclear weapons?

Will was responding to a question posted by Christiane Amanpour, host of ABC’s This Week with Christiane Amanpour. With Sarah Palin kicking off a bus tour this week, the media has been transfixed on the question, trying to figure out if this tour means the quitter from Alaska is planning to run for President in 2012.

Amanpour’s question to Will, and the question the rest of the media is trying to answer? “George, what is up. Is Sarah Palin going to run?”

“The threshold question, not usually asked, but it’s in everyone’s mind in a presidential election. ‘Should we give this person nuclear weapons?’ And the answer [in Palin’s case], answers itself.”

I agree with you George. I wouldn’t even trust Sarah Palin with the English language!

However,  based on the way Fox News has handled their other employees who aspire to be presidential candidates by terminating these employee’s contracts, I’ll say that it is a safe bet that Sarah Palin is not going to run, as she is still actively and gainfully employed at the so-called ‘news agency!”

So until Sarah gives up her hefty paycheck at FOX, consider this “bus tour” another way for Sarah to re-capture the limelight and the media attention she so desperately craves.

Barack Obama failed Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States Wisconsin

The Wheels Fell Off The Sarah Palin Bus In Madison Wisconsin

Sarah Palin, in a weak attempt to get back into the spotlight again, rushed into Madison Wisconsin to deliver a “unions-bad-people-bad-corporations-good” message. But according to Wisconsin police and those in the audience, the message fell on deaf ears as a majority of the 6500 in attendance were there to protest the once beloved Sarah.

Sarah Palin rolled into Madison, Wisconsin today using a Tea Party rally as an excuse to attack union members, but the wheels promptly fell off of her bandwagon as only 6,500 people showed up for the rally, and reports on the scene say that many of those in attendance were there to protest Palin. Not even the Koch Brothers and their magic buses could draw a crowd for Palin.

The Koch Brothers threw their front group Americans For Prosperity into the effort to hold an anti-union rally in Madison headlined by Sarah Palin. All the resources were deployed, Palin fans were begged to attend, Americans For Prosperity had no less than 13 buses lined up, and despite all of this, the crowd never came.

Some people just don’t know when to give it up! Palin has been losing support from the most ardent Teaparty Republicans, but she still tries to capture the limelight with her folksy and meaningless slangs. Someone should tell The Palin that her message is no longer relevant.

Maybe she should take a page from The Donald’s play-book, and pander to the Birthers.

Barack Obama Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

Palin Criticizing The President At A Time Of War Is Unpatriotic

We all remember when Republicans and conservatives criticized the patriotism of anyone who talked negatively of the President at a time of war particularly when that president was on foreign soil. Well evidently, someone forgot to tell Sarah Palin.

In her recent campaign trip to… India, Palin couldn’t help but get in some digs directed at  the present administration. Speaking about Obama’s green energy initiatives, Palin referred to it as “social engineering.” She said;

This push for ‘green’ at the expense of ‘conventional, reliable’ sources is not a credible energy policy or economic policy. It’s “Social Engineering” by Central Government Planners. And it leads to nothing but more debt & more job loss. And taxpayers will be stuck subsidizing the failure and paying more for energy.

Palin also accused the government of “manipulating the energy supplies,” and that the President’s desire to explore other means of clean energy instead of depending primarily on oil, was  a ‘ utopian fairytale’;

I warn Americans so often: it’s a ‘false, utopian fairytale’ told that would want you to believe we don’t need to drill for oil today. No, government manipulating energy supplies? Manipulating any aspect of an economy – it leads to more people becoming more dependent upon government to meet needs – it is social engineering, it’s immoral, & it’s a problem we-the-people must be brave enough to take on.

I guess not criticizing a President in a time of war, only applies if the president is a Republican.

Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

Sarah Palin – The Real Welfare Queen

Sarah Palin and the Republicans believe that Government is too big, and should be drastically reduced. And you will be crucified by them and called all manner of names like “welfare queen” if you collect any form of subsidy for any reason from the Government. But if you’re a Corporation or a Republican like Sarah Palin, collecting these government subsidies is not only okay, it’s expected.

When she was still a half-term governor in Alaska back in 2008, Palin created policies that would give subsidies to any film company spending over $100,000.00 in Alaska, and according to Anchorage Daily, this subsidy would give Sarah Palin and the producers of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” – the TLC show featuring Palin – $1.2 million in subsidies. That’s more than any other reality show in Alaska’s history. According to the report;

Shows such as “Deadliest Catch” and “Ice Road Truckers” have also received credits in the past year, though no reality show spent or received as much as “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” according to Alaska Film Office figures.

Creating a policy that takes tax-payer’s dollars and puts that money in her own pocket? Seems Sarah Palin is the ultimate Welfare Queen!

Egypt Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States White House

There She Blows, A Hump Like A Snow Hill. It Is Sarah Palin!

I mean really! Why does anyone take Sarah Palin seriously is beyond my pay grade. She again opened her mouth and my’ ignorance detector’ went crazy! This time, the Republican goddess gave an exclusive interview to Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, in which she once again, spoke of things she knew nothing of.

In an excerpt given to the media, Palin  answers a question on how she believes the President is handling the uprising in Egypt, and instead of  following her usual cartoon character skit on foreign relations – where she’d  look over Mr. Brody’s shoulder with a confused look on her face, point and ask, “is that Russia over there?” – Palin ventured into unfamiliar territory and once again spoke on a topic she knew nothing about.

This is what she said. No editing needed, just the words of  The Palin;

“And nobody yet has, nobody yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and no, not, not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. And, in these areas that are so volatile right now, because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And, we do not have all that information yet.”

I’m still waiting for the official explanation of that gibberish. I’ve always believed that Sarah Palin spoke another language. Remember earlier on during her run for vice- president,  she was asked a question on foreign policy? Those very infamous words to the interviewer were;

As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right next to, they are right next to our state.

How could anyone take this cartoon seriously?!

Barack Obama Republican Ronald Reagan Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

My Ignorance Detector Goes Off Everytime Palin Talks

One of the hardest things for me to do is ignore ignorance. And although some have pledge not to cover any news about Sarah Palin for the rest of this month, I’m not one of those dudes. So on Friday when Palin opened her mouth at a tribute to former President Ronald Reagan and said America is on “the road to ruin” because of President Obama and his policies- well- my ignorance detector went off full blast.

According to a report from Reuters;

Palin said Obama had revived the era of big government, and she ridiculed the infrastructure spending and investment he outlined in his recent State of the Union speech. “The only thing these investments will get us is a bullet train to bankruptcy,” the 2008 vice presidential candidate said in a speech at the Ronald Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California, part of two days of festivities marking the late president’s 100th birthday.

Palin, as usual is stuck in one mode: attack mode. Her bullet train to bankruptcy analogy was also heard after the President outlined his plans to invest in America’s future at the State Of The Union Address. But what Palin doesn’t seem to get is that this is exactly what other countries are already doing – investing in their futures. Countries like China and India have realized the need for this and have made large gains in the areas of transportation, education and technology over the years and are now reaping the benefits.

America, once the leader of the world, is now being overtaken by countries like China, and what do ignorance-producing talking heads like Sarah Palin have to say about it? These knuckle heads put it all under the heading of “big government spending”. They attack the very  policies  that will allow America to maintain and surpass it’s competitive edge over the rest of the world.

America cannot maintain 1980 policies in a 2011 global economy. We cannot be the leaders of the world when we can’t see past our own noses. The rest of the world is adapting to a changing world and it’s time America led in this effort. Investing in our future is investing in us.

Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

A Conversation Between Sarah Palin and Thomas Jefferson

In another masterfully produced video, Thomas Jefferson encounters the former Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. Their conversation ranges from the Constitution, to Palin’s understanding of the Constitution and how slavery ended.

After hearing what Mrs. Palin had to say, Jefferson has an “Aha” moment!  Hilarious!

This video is a must see.

Barack Obama Politics Sarah Palin Sarah Palin State of the Union address United States

For Sarah Palin, Winning The Future Is A “What The F_ck” Moment

In his State Of The Union Address, President Obama laid out specific steps to make America competitive again in a global economy. Some of these steps included investments in education, transportation, the internet and renewable energy.

Sarah Palin

These are all sensible investments any industrialized nation could make in order to maintain a role as a world leader. Sarah Palin, in her infinite wisdom, that has now graduated her to class-clown status, took to her Facebook page and referred to these proposed steps as What The F*ck, or as she put it, “WTF!”

The Republican 2008 vice presidential candidate and former Alaskan governor,  went on Fox News stating that another of the President’s themes,  ‘Winning The Future,’  was yet  “… another WTF moment.” Once again on her Facebook page she wrote, “he dubbed it a ‘Winning The Future’ speech, but the title’s acronym seemed more accurate than much of the content.”

In her ever present attack mode, Palin then dived into a tirade of criticism of President Obama for wanting America to maintain it’s competitive edge by investing in innovations for the future. She called this prospect “more government spending.” Even the president’s effort to portray America as an exceptional nation and its people as the most innovative and in the world,  was denounced by Palin. This too she said equalled  “big government”;

This seems to be the Obama administration’s version of American exceptionalism – an “exceptionally big government,” in which a centralized government declares that we shall be great and innovative and competitive, not by individual initiative, but by government decree. Where once he used words like “hope” and “change,” the President may now talk about “innovation” and “competition.”

Mrs. Palin – who quit her leadership role as governor of Alaska just two years into her first term to be a $100,000.00 per speech media queen – also had some leadership advise for the President. “Real leadership is more than just words,” she said, “it’s deeds.” I guess her deeds speak for themselves.

Palin’s rant also included the 9.4% unemployment rate, government spending and taxes, all of which she explained, exploded out of control practically on the day President Obama was sworn in. She even quotes a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that says the Federal budget deficit will reach $1.5 trillion dollars in 2011 because of the present administration’s big spending habits.

Everything  about her article was hugely exaggerated,  misleading or just plain out lies.

Yes, CBO did report the Federal deficit will reach $1.5 trillion dollars in 2011, but what Palin failed to mention in her rant was the real  cause — a $900 billion tax cut package for the rich that she herself campaigned for as the only way to bring jobs and reduce the unemployment rate.

And yes, the unemployment rate is at 9.4%, but what Sarah doesn’t again mention is the fact that when President Bush was in power, Americans were loosing jobs at the astonishing rate of 700,000 per month.  And yes, that amount continued under President Obama, but thanks to the Stimulus Package – the same one Sarah referred to as “Stimulus Package boondoggle,” — CBO states that 3.3 million jobs were created or saved in 2010 alone. That’s more jobs created in 1 year than all of President Bush’s 8 years! The CBO report also stated;

“The stimulus lowered the unemployment rate by between 0.7 and 1.8 percentage points during the quarter ending in June and increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million. The higher figure would come close to making good on Obama’s pledge that the act would save or create as many as 3.5 million jobs by the end of this year.”

And then there’s the tax adebate, where Palin continued her fear-mongering, telling her readers that President Obama is raising taxes to the point of “$1 trillion dollars over the next decade,” if he simplifies the tax code as he suggests. She claims that if you “cut away the rhetoric… you’ll also see that the White House’s real message on economic reform wasn’t one of substantial spending cuts, but of tax increases.”

Raised taxes are a genuine fear of the American people, and Sarah Palin knows exactly how to play into this fear. The reality however, is quite different. Under this administration, federal taxes are at their lowest point in over 60 years, according to William Gale, co-director of the Tax Policy Center and director of the Retirement Security Project at the Brookings Institution. He said;

“The relation between what is said in the tax debate and what is true about tax policy is often quite tenuous. The rise of the Tea Party at a time when taxes are literally at their lowest in decades is really hard to understand.”

President Obama has a clear desire to invest in innovations that improve our roads, builds high speed rails, better education that improves America’s  academic excellence in math and science and cleaner energy that will gradually move us away from our dependence on fossil fuel like oil to wind and solar enrgy, clean coal, nuclear and natural gas. These common sense investment in the nation’s future are imperative. Other countries like China and India are making these investments in their future and they are beginning to reap the benefits.

But somehow in Sarah Palin’s America, a solemn pledge to invest in our future — to ‘Win The Future’ — is looked upon by her and others who lack the most basic of  understanding, as a WTF moment!

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