failed Mitt Romney Politics

Romney Losing Facebook Friends Faster Than You Can Say “Unlike”

Often the people who friend or like others on Facebook aren’t friends at all. Perhaps there’s a common interest, and with the click of a mouse, a Facebook friendship is born.

According to the Washington Post, Mitt Romney lost nearly 593 Facebook friends between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Friday morning. The losses are happening so quickly, the drop in numbers can actually be watched. A click can launch a friendship as well as end one.

A two-minute study was conducted on Romney’s Facebook page at 4:42 a.m., CT, on Sun., Nov. 11, 2012, and he had 12,053,104 likes.

The page was refreshed at 4:44 a.m., CT, and he had 12,053,097, totaling seven unlikes within a two-minute time span. If the “unlikes” continue at the above rate, within 60 minutes, Romney would lose 210 “friends.”

If you want to join in the fun and watch the mass exodus from Romney’s page, disappearing Romney is a site set up just for that purpose. The site gives a live feed to Romney’s Facebook statistics, as Americans abandons the failed Republican presidential candidate.

failed Politics

The Same Failed Promises Romney Made In Massachusetts, He’s Making Now – Video

Mitt Romney is so predictable. Anyone who knows this ex-Massachusetts governor, will tell you that what Mitt Romney says depends on the audience he’s addressing. His uncanny ability to transform himself based on the group he’s talking to is why he is called a flip flopper, Mr. Etch-A-Sketch, a political chameleon.

And then this…

The Obama reelection team has come up with this video. The video looks the things Mitt Romney promised the people of Massachusetts when he ran for Governor back in 2002, then compares his words to what he is saying now. Amazingly, it seems that Romney is reading from the very same notes. The same failed policies he proposed then are the ones he’s proposing now.

Romney promised  jobs, decreased debt, and smaller government in 2002. But when he finished his term as governor, Massachusetts was a dismal 47th out of the 50 states in job creation. The state’s debt had ballooned and government spending grew bigger than when he took office.

If his policies didn’t work in Massachusetts then, why is he pushing these same failed policies for the Country now?

failed Politics

Republicans Failed The Middle Class Again. No Payroll Tax Cuts For You

For the majority of people reading this post be prepared. Starting in January of 2012, your family will pay $1000.00 more a year because of what happened in Washington yesterday. Yesterday, the American people watched in amazement as two separate plans designed to help the middle class got defeated in the Senate.

Plan 1 was proposed by the Democrats. It required an extension of the payroll tax cuts that working families currently benefit from, but which is set to expire on December 31st. The plan was defeated by Republicans who objected to the way Democrats wanted to pay for the tax cuts – by slightly increasing the taxes on people making over 1 million dollars. Republican’s reasoning for defeating the plan was a claim that people making over $1 million were job creators, and they didn’t want to raise taxes on these people.

With the Democratic plan defeated, Republicans got a chance to offer their own plan to extend the payroll tax cuts. But the way they wanted to pay for the cuts was to continue a pay freeze on federal workers until 2015, and to eventually eliminate 10% of the federal work force.

With the economic benefits for the working middle class to have these payroll tax cuts extended past December 31st, the Republican plan was voted on and that too went down in defeat. The Republican proposal wasn’t defeated by Democrats, but by the very people who introduced the plan… Republicans!

The President, who has pushed Congress to approve the payroll tax cut extension called the vote “unacceptable,” and asked Republicans to “stop playing politics” with the American people.

Tonight, Senate Republicans chose to raise taxes on nearly 160 million hardworking Americans because they refused to ask a few hundred thousand millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share. They voted against a bill that would have not only extended the $1,000 tax cut for a typical family, but expanded that tax cut to put an extra $1,500 in their pockets next year, and given nearly six million small business owners new incentives to expand and hire. That is unacceptable. It makes absolutely no sense to raise taxes on the middle class at a time when so many are still trying to get back on their feet.

Now is not the time to put the economy and the security of the middle class at risk. Now is the time to rebuild an economy where hard work and responsibility pay off, and everybody has a chance to succeed. Now is the time to put country before party and work together on behalf of the American people. And I will continue to urge Congress to stop playing politics with the security of millions of American families and small business owners and get this done.

And the American people watch in amazement, as the Republicans in Congress continue to put the middle class on the chopping block, while they infinitely protect the top 1%, even when the 1% are asking, no, begging to pay more in taxes.

The American people currently pay 4.2% in payroll taxes. Because of Republican’s actions yesterday, the taxes will go up to 6.2% in January, which will cost the average family another $1000.00 a year.

Barack Obama failed Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States Wisconsin

The Wheels Fell Off The Sarah Palin Bus In Madison Wisconsin

Sarah Palin, in a weak attempt to get back into the spotlight again, rushed into Madison Wisconsin to deliver a “unions-bad-people-bad-corporations-good” message. But according to Wisconsin police and those in the audience, the message fell on deaf ears as a majority of the 6500 in attendance were there to protest the once beloved Sarah.

Sarah Palin rolled into Madison, Wisconsin today using a Tea Party rally as an excuse to attack union members, but the wheels promptly fell off of her bandwagon as only 6,500 people showed up for the rally, and reports on the scene say that many of those in attendance were there to protest Palin. Not even the Koch Brothers and their magic buses could draw a crowd for Palin.

The Koch Brothers threw their front group Americans For Prosperity into the effort to hold an anti-union rally in Madison headlined by Sarah Palin. All the resources were deployed, Palin fans were begged to attend, Americans For Prosperity had no less than 13 buses lined up, and despite all of this, the crowd never came.

Some people just don’t know when to give it up! Palin has been losing support from the most ardent Teaparty Republicans, but she still tries to capture the limelight with her folksy and meaningless slangs. Someone should tell The Palin that her message is no longer relevant.

Maybe she should take a page from The Donald’s play-book, and pander to the Birthers.

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