Healthcare ObamaCare Politics the supreme court

Not So Breaking News – Fox News Contributor Thinks Obamacare is Unconstitutional – Video

George Will

To hell with the Supreme Court and their interpretation that the Affordable Care Act better known as Obamacare was constitutional. What do they know anyway. If you really want to know if the healthcare law is constitutional, just ask George Will – a Fox News contributor whose opinion apparently matters to those at Fox.

On Sunday, Mr. Will once again offered his opinion and guess what? The Fox News regular disagrees with the Supreme Court and has determined that Obamacare is in fact, unconstitutional.

Sidenote: It can be argued that opposition to Obamacare is all one needs to be a contributor on the Fox “News” Network. Mr. Will fits this description perfectly.

Now back to your regularly scheduled Fox News Obamacare bashing…

Mr. Will continues… “On May 8, here in the second-most important court in the land — the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals — there will be an argument that this is objectively a revenue measure,” Mr. Will said. “The Supreme Court said as much, a tax measure.”

“It did not originate in the House. And under the standards of origination, the whole thing is unconstitutional, so this argument, again, is far from over.”

Politics Republican Slut

Republican George Will Calls Republican Leadership Cowards

“Republican leaders want to bomb Iran, but they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh.” So says George Will… a Republican, who said that the Republican leadership dropped the ball with their non-response to the Rush Limbaugh debacle. Mr. Will called their non-response “depressing.”

So good (and true), we had to post the video. Here is the very well-respected Republican, George Will.

Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

George Will: Should We Trust Sarah Palin With Nuclear Weapons?

George Will, a conservative who occasionally sees through the Sarah Palin hype, asked a pivotal question on Sunday. Do you really want Sarah Palin in charge of nuclear weapons?

Will was responding to a question posted by Christiane Amanpour, host of ABC’s This Week with Christiane Amanpour. With Sarah Palin kicking off a bus tour this week, the media has been transfixed on the question, trying to figure out if this tour means the quitter from Alaska is planning to run for President in 2012.

Amanpour’s question to Will, and the question the rest of the media is trying to answer? “George, what is up. Is Sarah Palin going to run?”

“The threshold question, not usually asked, but it’s in everyone’s mind in a presidential election. ‘Should we give this person nuclear weapons?’ And the answer [in Palin’s case], answers itself.”

I agree with you George. I wouldn’t even trust Sarah Palin with the English language!

However,  based on the way Fox News has handled their other employees who aspire to be presidential candidates by terminating these employee’s contracts, I’ll say that it is a safe bet that Sarah Palin is not going to run, as she is still actively and gainfully employed at the so-called ‘news agency!”

So until Sarah gives up her hefty paycheck at FOX, consider this “bus tour” another way for Sarah to re-capture the limelight and the media attention she so desperately craves.


It’s Official! Conservative Media Lies… A Lot!

We’re bringing you a bit of news we’ve already known for some time, but it feels good repeating it again – and again!  So just in case there’s anyone out there who doesn’t already know, this makes it official – one more time!

A new study confirms the following – that liberal reporters and pundits stick to the facts, while the conservatives’ excuse for a reporter/pundit simply make stuff up.

The most interesting conclusion of the report is the confirmation that liberals are accurate more often than conservatives. That may be the result of the inherent slant of factual information that was first identified by fake pundit Stephen Colbert who noted that “reality has a well-known liberal bias.”

The top performer in the study is Paul Krugman of the New York Times. The worst performer is uber-pundit George Will.

I am a little disappointed though, I thought Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh would have definitely tied for last. And let’s not forget a previous study that finds Fox News just makes stuff up.

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