Politics United States

Obama: Don’t Subsidize Yesterday’s Energy, Invest In Tomorrow’s

Instead of subsidizing yesterday’s energy sources, we need to invest in tomorrow’s. We need to invest in clean, renewable energy. In the long-term, that’s the answer. That’s the key to helping families at the pump and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

That was the message from President Obama, as he delivered his weekly message. The President acknowledged the politics that’s involved in higher energy costs, saying;

Whenever gas prices shoot up, like clock work we see politicians racing to the camera waving three-point plans for $2.00 gas. You see people trying to grab headlines to score a few points. The truth is, there are no silver bullets that can bring down gas prices right away, but there are a few things we could do. This includes safe and responsible production of oil at home, which we are pursuing.

And the President mentioned his request to the Attorney General to launch a task force whose job will be “rooting out cases of fraud or manipulation in the oil markets that might affect gas prices, including any illegal activities by traders or speculators.” The President called again for an end the $4 billion dollars in subsidies the oil companies presently get.

He then continued his call for a sensible approach to reducing the deficit.

Both Democrats and Republicans believe we need to reduce the deficit. That’s where we agree. The question we’re debating is how we do it. I’ve proposed a balanced approach that cuts spending while still investing in things like education and clean energy that are so critical to creating jobs and opportunities for the middle class. It’s a simple idea: we need to live within our means while at the same time investing in our future.

That’s why I disagree so strongly with a proposal in Congress that cuts our investments in clean energy by 70 percent. Yes, we have to get rid of wasteful spending—and make no mistake, we’re going through every line of the budget scouring for savings. But we can do that without sacrificing our future. We can do that while still investing in the technologies that will create jobs and allow the United States to lead the world in new industries. That’s how we’ll not only reduce the deficit, but also lower our dependence on foreign oil, grow the economy, and leave for our children a safer planet. And that’s what our mission has to be.

A sensible approach to a very complicated problem.

Barack Obama Republican Sarah Palin Sarah Palin United States

Palin Criticizing The President At A Time Of War Is Unpatriotic

We all remember when Republicans and conservatives criticized the patriotism of anyone who talked negatively of the President at a time of war particularly when that president was on foreign soil. Well evidently, someone forgot to tell Sarah Palin.

In her recent campaign trip to… India, Palin couldn’t help but get in some digs directed at  the present administration. Speaking about Obama’s green energy initiatives, Palin referred to it as “social engineering.” She said;

This push for ‘green’ at the expense of ‘conventional, reliable’ sources is not a credible energy policy or economic policy. It’s “Social Engineering” by Central Government Planners. And it leads to nothing but more debt & more job loss. And taxpayers will be stuck subsidizing the failure and paying more for energy.

Palin also accused the government of “manipulating the energy supplies,” and that the President’s desire to explore other means of clean energy instead of depending primarily on oil, was  a ‘ utopian fairytale’;

I warn Americans so often: it’s a ‘false, utopian fairytale’ told that would want you to believe we don’t need to drill for oil today. No, government manipulating energy supplies? Manipulating any aspect of an economy – it leads to more people becoming more dependent upon government to meet needs – it is social engineering, it’s immoral, & it’s a problem we-the-people must be brave enough to take on.

I guess not criticizing a President in a time of war, only applies if the president is a Republican.

Politics United States

What Americans Want From The 112th Congress This Year

According to a new Gallup Poll, a whopping 83% of Americans want Congress to do something about an energy bill favoring clean energy or alternative energy. This same poll also finds that 76% of Americans want the tax system overhauled, and 72% want a speedy withdrawal from Afghanistan.

See more from Gallup

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