Barack Obama executive actions Immigration Immigration Reform

Bill Clinton – President Obama is “on pretty firm legal ground” On Immigration Issue

While Republicans cry and complain about how “unlawful” the President’s use of Executive Action is, totally ignoring the fact that other presidents have done the exact same thing, former President Bill Clinton is standing by Obama’s side, saying that Mr. Obama is legally allowed to take actions on immigration.

“As far as I can tell, every president in the modern era has issued some executive action on immigration, so I imagine he’ll be on pretty firm legal ground,” Clinton said at a gala for The New Republic magazine’s centennial celebration.

Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush extended amnesty to family members excluded from the last overhaul of U.S. immigration policy in 1986, according to The Associated Press.

Clinton’s remarks come on the eve of Obama’s prime-time address Thursday evening, where he’s expected to shield about 5 million immigrants living in the U.S. illegally from deportation.

executive actions Politics

Boehner Has a Beef With Obama – Plans to Sue The President Because… ???

What the hell for I hear you screaming as you scratch your head in confusion and disgust! Well you’re not alone. I had the very same reaction after I heard this news and now after reading the full account of Boehner’s intended lawsuit, I am still confused… and disgusted at the utter partisan nonsense these people are intentionally dragging this country through.

Boehner plans to sue Obama because Obama is acting like a president, and is doing the exact same thing other presidents before him have done. Boehner’s beef? He claims Obama is using Executive actions and so, must be sued… because… FREEDOM!

“I am,” the Speaker said when asked if he was planning to initiate a lawsuit.

“You know the constitution makes it clear that the president’s job is to faithfully execute the laws and in my view the President has not faithfully executed the laws,” Boehner added at a news conference on Capitol Hill.

The Speaker denied that the move was about energizing Republicans ahead the midterm elections.

“This is about defending the institution in which we serve. If you look back over the past 235 years of our history there’s been movement between the inherent powers of the executive branch vs the inherent powers of the legislative branch and what we’ve seen clearly over the past 5 years is an effort to erode the power of the legislative branch,” the Speaker said in response to a question from CNN.

Yea, sue the president for being presidential. Only the mush of a Republican brain can come up with this… mush!

executive actions Politics

President’s New Plan – More Execute Orders While Congress Sits on its Hands

An internal White House assessment concludes that President Obama must distance himself from a recalcitrant Congress after being badly damaged last year by legislative failures, a government shutdown and his own missteps.

Obama has said that his fraught relationship with Congress, especially after Republicans won the House in 2010, complicated his ability to promote his agenda. But for the first time, following what many allies view as a lost year, the White House is reorganizing itself to support a more executive-focused presidency and inviting the rest of the government to help.

The new approach comes after weeks of internal White House debate over a single question: What went wrong in 2013? The answers will help determine the outline of the State of the Union address Obama will deliver Tuesday evening, as well as how he pursues a meaningful legacy in the remainder of his term.

Last year began with the fresh-start ambitions of his second inauguration but ended in a long trail of mistakes, international embarrassments and missed legislative opportunities that sapped Obama’s credibility with the public.

Senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer outlined the lessons learned in a three-page memo that Obama discussed with his Cabinet in recent weeks, according to several administration officials who have read the document.

Among its conclusions is that Obama, a former state legislator and U.S. senator, too often governed more like a prime minister than a president. In a parliamentary system, a prime minister is elected by lawmakers and thus beholden to them in ways a president is not.

As a result, Washington veterans have been brought into the West Wing to emphasize an executive style of governing that aims to sidestep Congress more often. A central ambition of Obama’s presidency — to change the way Washington works — has effectively been discarded as a distraction in a time of hardening partisanship.

executive actions gun Politics violence

President Obama Delivers His Plan To Reduce Gun Violence – Video

In case you missed it, President Obama and Vice President Biden introduced their plan today to help curb gun violence. Watch as the President discussed the legislative and executive actions needed to close background check loopholes, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

His plan included signing an Executive Order on 23 issues relating to guns.

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