Featured News violence

6 “Knockout”-Style Attacks Hit The City

Medical researcher Lawrence Hsieh, schooled in Taekwondo, didn’t have time to defend himself when a kid KO’ed him on Church Street in one of six assaults in two days that appear to mimic a violent game hitting the East Coast. 

Walking on the overpass between North and South Frontage at 5:30 p.m., Hsieh (pictured above) encountered a group of three young men. Without warning, one approached him and sucker-punched him in the nose, knocking Hsieh to the ground. The assailant and his buddies took off down the street, laughing.

“The whole ordeal was over in 30 seconds,” said Hsieh, who may have broken his nose as a result.

Hseih’s attacker was following the script of the so-called “Knockout Game,” which consists of punching random strangers. To become a “Knockout King,” the player must bring his target to the ground with one jab.

The game has been reported in recent days in several East Coast cities, including New York, New Jersey, and Washington D. C. Incidents date back to 2011.

h/t – Newhavenindependent

Benghazi Benghazi Politics

Emails Reveal No Wrong Doing by White House on Benghazi Crisis

There was an active investigation going on in reference to what happened and who was responsible for the embassy attack in Benghazi.

The emails show that the State Department and the CIA wanted to use the correct language, to allow the investigation to proceed without opinions on what might have happened.

The Obama administration released 100 pages of emails Wednesday that reveal differences between intelligence analysts and State Department officials over how to describe the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. post in Benghazi, Libya.

The internal debate did not include political interference from the White House, according to the emails, which were provided to Congressional intelligence committees several months ago.

Since the assault that killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Republicans have accused President Obama and his senior advisers of mischaracterizing the attack, largely to prevent political repercussions during what was then a close re-election campaign.

Much of the Republican concern has focused on whether administration officials acknowledged early enough that an Islamist terrorist organization was behind the attack, rather than groups of demonstrators participating in anti-American protests outside many U.S. diplomatic missions in the Middle East and North Africa.

According to the emails and initial CIA-drafted talking points, the agency believed the attack included a mix of Islamist extremists from Ansar al-Sharia, an al-Qaeda affiliated group, and angry demonstrators.

White House officials did not challenge that analysis, the emails show.


Chris Christie Is A Real Bad Man… Clutching His Ice Cream Cone

While cruising down the boardwalk in the popular vacation town of Seaside Heights, NJ., Republican governor Chris Christie was  met by one of those pesky Corporations… ah… people. A man who had the nerve to interrupt Mr. Christie and his ice-cream cone with a question.

This unbelievable act by the man to ask a public politician a question caused Chris Christie to stop licking on his cone, a very dangerous thing for a man who has obviously indulged in one too many licks. Christie charged at the fellow screaming, “You’re a real big-shot! You’re a real big-shot, shooting your mouth off!”

“Nah, just take care of the teachers,” the man said as he walked away.

“Yeah, keep walking away,” the Republican governor yelled, “Keep walking!”

And from the corner of his eye, Christie noticed the ice cream dripping down the side of the cone. Like the expert he is, Christie managed to toss some tongue action at the cone, capturing the impatient drip.

He continued his cruise down the boardwalk. A Real bad man… clutching his ice cream cone.

Barack Obama Osama bin Laden Politics september 11 weekly address

President Obama – As Americans, We Refuse To Live In Fear

President Obama in his weekly address…

“They wanted to terrorize us, but, as Americans, we refuse to live in fear. Yes we face a determined foe, and make no mistake — they will keep trying to hit us again. But as we are showing again this weekend, we remain vigilant.”

Birthers Birthers Chicago Donald Trump United States

Glenn Beck Attacks Donald Trump And The Birther Movement

For almost two years, Glenn Beck reigned as the top crazy of the Republican Conservative nutty right-wing movement. He was their leader, their savior, their king. But even the most ardent supporter of Glenn Beck watched as his Titanic-like  iceberg slowly approached, and they abandoned ship before the inevitable.

But Beck’s people needed a  leader, and Donald Trump came along at just the right moment to fill the void. Feeling he’s still relevant, and possibly envious seeing another occupy his beloved throne, Glenn Beck launched his attack. “Donald Trump took investment money from George Soros to build the Trump Tower in Chicago” he yelled from the highest mountaintop, believing that associating Trump with Soros – the liberal boogie-man Glenn Beck created as the single most despised man in America – would result in Trump’s downfall. It didn’t.

Next, Beck and his allies began attacking what made Trump so popular amongst the conservatives in the first place – The Birther issue.

As we reported here at EzKool, the law in Hawaii prohibits any vital record from being transferred, or even photocopied. What Hawaii allows is a Certificate of Live Birth, which the President released almost 4 years ago.

Beck and his crew continued their vicious attack;

“For him to release his own birth certificate, you would have to be advocating for him to be above the law. You cannot. They can’t release it. Even to the president. He can examine it himself there. Would you believe him if he examined it and said it looked real? Would ya? I’d love to see that.”

This is not the first time Beck has attacked The Donald. In a televised interview with Bill O’Reilly, Beck said;

‘There is something reasonable to, you know, a reasonable conversation if you don’t believe that he has a birth certificate.

‘You can say, “I don’t believe he has a birth certificate.” But then he goes into “I do not believe he has a birth certificate” and then he releases one that’s worse than Obama’s.

‘And then he comes back and he says on your program, “He might be a Muslim too.” I’m like, come on!’

Come on indeed. Now Beck knows what the rest of sane America was saying when he went on his nightly rampage of lies and mis-information. Anyone who held a difference -of- opinion to that of The Beckster were ridiculed, laughed at, and tied to all manner of conspiracies to destroy America.

Beck is angry! His message was taken… no, stolen from under him. And he’s not going down without a fight!

childhood obesity Michelle Obama Mike Huckabee Politics Republican Sarah Palin

Palin Vs. Michelle Obama. Conservatives say Palin Loses

Image via Wikipedia

You can’t turn on the television or radio, or pick up a news- paper these days without seeing or hearing the name  “Sarah Palin” plastered throughout an article, or her name being discussed as the potential next presidential candidate for the Republican party. But over the last few weeks, Mrs. Palin has decided to engage in a fight that has upset both Democrats and Republicans alike.

Mrs. Palin’s obsession-like paranoia with Mrs. Michelle Obama’s efforts to show kids a healthier way to eat has put her at odds with her own words in the 2009 State of the State address and the views of her own party.

The program the First Lady is advocating is voluntary and geared towards schools and parents to encourage kids to eat better and to make exercise a daily part of their routine.

Mrs. Obama’s childhood antiobesity campaign has received the approval of members of both sides of the political spectrum, except Mrs. Palin, who see these efforts as “too much government” and a “government take-over.”

In an interview with conservative host Laura Ingraham, Palin said the First Lady’s effort to curb childhood obesity amounts to a lack of trust that parents can make the right decisions for their children. Palin said;

Take her anti-obesity thing that she’s on. She is on this kick, right. What she is telling us is she cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children, for their own families in what we should eat. And..and..and I know I’m going to be again criticized for bringing this up, but instead of a government thinking that they need to take over and make decisions for us according to some politician or politician’s wife priorities, just leave us alone, get off our back, and allow us as individuals to exercise our own God-given rights to make our own decisions and then our country gets back on the right track.

But these are not Palin’s first comments against Mrs. Obama’s campaign. She previously called Pennsylvania a “nanny state run amok,” when some schools in the state decided to serve more healthier foods to their students. Then, to show her disgust in these schools, Palin proceeded to hand 200 sugar cookies to a Bucks County school fundraiser. In her most annoying voice yet, Palin then said;

“I had to shake it up a little bit because I heard there is a debate going on in Pennsylvania over whether most schools condemn sweets, cakes, cookies, that type of thing. I brought dozens and dozens of cookies to these students.”

Palin’s On The Wrong Side

The Wall Street Journal, a conservative opinion page is often critical of the Obama administration on various policy decisions, but on the Palin vs. Michelle Obama issue, the Journal recalls Palin’s own words in her 2009 State of the State address, when referring to Health Care reform. She said;

” ‘Health-care reform on an individual basis is often just this simple: we could save a lot of money and a lot of grief by making smarter choices. It starts by ending destructive habits and beginning healthy habits in eating and exercise.’ “

The Journal continues;

“Mrs. Obama’s campaign is grounded in similar sentiments, and in that sense is unusual for this White House in emphasizing personal responsibility. Mrs. Palin would be more effective if she made some distinctions among the Obama policies that really are worth opposing.”

Even the conservative 2008 Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, is siding with Michelle Obama on this one. Asked on a recent radio show what he thought about Palin’s desire to attack childhood obesity, Huckabee said;

“With all due respect to my colleague and friend Sarah Palin, I think she’s misunderstood what Michelle Obama is trying to do, Michelle Obama’s not trying to tell people what to eat or trying to force the government’s desires on people, but she’s stating the obvious: that we do have an obesity crisis in this country … The first lady’s campaign is on target. It’s not saying that you can’t or should never eat a dessert.”

Sarah Palin has been the Republican golden child since John McCain anointed her the 2008 vice presidential candidate. She has since taken on a lot of policies decision by this administration and question, even lie about the effect of those policies. She has never been rebuked as a liar, except that one time when her “death panel” explanation was called lie of the year by PolitiFact – a political fact checking organization.

Now, Mrs. Palin is at it again and this time, she’s on her own.  She was for healthy eating in her State of the State address, but now is against it because a Democrat in the White House is trying to educate children on healthy eating.

The politics of the moment dictates her moves. And the $100,000.00 speaking fees for criticizing the White House doesn’t hurt either.

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