Michelle Obama Politics

See It Again – Michelle Obama’s Unforgettable DNC Speech – Video

On Monday, while making her speech that Hillary Clinton should be this country’s next president, the First Lady of the United States made an excellent and heartfelt case for why Donald Trump should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. Why he shouldn’t be allowed anywhere in Washington for that matter.


Michelle Obama Politics

First Lady Michelle Obama Sings – “This is For My Girls” – Video

She apparently brushed Donald Trump’s wife plagiarism right off her shoulder. 

The First Lady was also joined by Missy Elliott and James Corden of The Late Late Show. As James drove his SUV around the White House grounds, Mrs Obama sat in the passenger’s seat singing a variety of hits.

Michelle Obama Politics White House

Watch The First Lady Surprises White House Tour Guests – Video

Joined by President George W. Bush’s daughter Jenna Bush Hager, the First Lady of The United States surprised shocked visitors to the White House with her presence, welcoming them with arms outstretched.

Celebrities Michelle Obama

Protector In Chief Protects First Lady From Wind Attack – Pic

President Obama flew to Texas to herald the “winds of change” that blew through the 1960s — but first, he had to protect First Lady Michelle Obama from a stiff breeze on the tarmac.

Arriving in Austin aboard Air Force One, the president and Mrs. Obama walked down the stairway as a gust threatened to give the first lady an awkward Marilyn Monroe moment.

The wind lifted the first lady’s pleated skirt “enough, above the knee, for the president to reach over and hold it down” to avert an incident, according to a pool reporter who was there.

The first couple laughed at the flap as they walked down the stairs.

Celebrities Michelle Obama Politics

Michelle Obama is Not Ruling Out Plastic Surgery

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama turns 50 this week, and she isn’t ruling out future use of plastic surgery or Botox.

The first lady tells People magazine in an interview hitting newsstands on Friday, her birthday, that women should be free to do whatever they need to do to feel good.

Mrs. Obama adds that she doesn’t imagine resorting to plastic surgery or Botox but that she’s also learned to “never say never.”

The first lady has never missed a health checkup, including a mammogram or Pap smear, and has had a colonoscopy.

As for diet and exercise, Mrs. Obama says she doesn’t “obsess” about what she eats but makes sure to include fruit and vegetables.

Her workouts have evolved to include things like yoga that she says will keep her flexible.

Michelle Obama Politics

Michelle Obama Confronts Heckler – “Listen to me, or you can take the mic.”

Her name us not Barack,  it’s Michelle. She wasn’t elected to public office, she is married to an office holder. And she does not write policies, implement policies or sign bills into law. That job belongs to Congress and the guy she married. His name is Barack.

Yet, for some strange reason, some people think that going to, and interrupting a speech by Michelle is a way to get their point heard. That was apparently the thinking of a gay rights activist, when she began shouting at Michelle at a fundraising speech on Tuesday.

Her name is Ellen Sturtz, and she apparently wanted Michelle – the unelected woman married to a public official – to do something about the government doing business with companies that may or may not be friendly to gays.

Again, Michelle is not a public official and she responded appropriately,  telling the heckler, “… wait, wait, wait. One of the things I don’t do well is this.”

Sturtz continued her plea for action, leaving Michelle no other choice but to leave the stage.

The video below shows the First Lady in a direct confrontation with the heckler, telling the heckler, that she is prepared to leave the event if the behavior continued. “Listen to me, or you can take the mic,” the First Lady said.

The heckler was eventually escorted from the premises.

Featured Michelle Obama

Motorcycle Escort For White House Threatens to Shoot Michelle Obama

A D.C. police officer who worked as a motorcycle escort for White House officials and other dignitaries was moved to administrative duty Wednesday after he allegedly was overheard making threatening comments toward Michelle Obama, according to several police officials.

The police department’s Internal Affairs Division is investigating the alleged comments and notified the U.S. Secret Service Wednesday, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to give details of the investigation.

The motorman allegedly made the comments Wednesday morning as several officers from the Special Operations Division discussed threats against the Obamas. It was not immediately clear where the alleged conversation took place or exactly how many officers took part in the conversation.

During that conversation, the officials said, the officer allegedly said he would shoot the First Lady and then used his phone to retrieve a picture of the firearm he said he would use. It was not immediately clear what type of firearm was allegedly shown.

An officer overheard the alleged threat and reported it to a police lieutenant at the Division, who immediately notified superiors, the officials said.

“We received an allegation that inappropriate comments were made. We are currently investigating the nature of those comments,” D.C. police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump said in an e-mail. She declined to discuss the matter further.

Police officials declined to identify the officer. Officials from the U.S. Attorney’s office declined comment.

Barack Obama Christmas Michelle Obama Politics United States weekly address White House

The President And First Lady’s Christmas Message

President Obama was joined by the First Lady for a joint address this weekend, as they both wished the American people a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. The couple especially thanked the men and women in the military, as some of them come home from the war in Iraq while others still serve in other areas of the world.

“This holiday season at the White House,” the First Lady said, “we wanted to show our thanks with a special holiday tribute to some of the strongest, bravest, and most resilient members of our American family – the men and women who wear our country’s uniform and the families who support them.”

The President continued, thanking the troops for their service, and expressing his joy with the families of those returning home for the Christmas holidays.

For many military families, the best gift this year is a simple one – welcoming a loved one back for the holidays. You see, after nearly nine years, our war in Iraq is over.  Our troops are coming home.  And across America, military families are being reunited.

Michelle Obama Tid Bits White House

First Lady Michelle Obama Found Shopping At Target – Pics

What do you do when you’re the first lady and have everything at your disposal? No, you don’t go to Disney World, you go shopping… at Target! And that was exactly what Michelle Obama did yesterday, when she was spotted cruising the aisles of the department store.

Michelle Obama Politics

Obama – My Family Is Fine With One Term

In an interview with NBC’s Today show, President Obama states that his wife and daughters would have been okay if he had decided not to run for a second term, saying;

“Michelle and the kids are wonderful in that if I said, `You know, guys, I want to do something different,’ They’d be fine. They’re not invested in daddy being president or my husband being president.”

The President said that the First Lady would be the first one to encourage him to do something “a little less stressful” if she didn’t believe that what he was doing was best for the country.

Michelle Obama Tid Bits

Michelle Obama Gets Down To Beyonce – Video

She just could be Beyonce’s competition. Watch as the First Lady of The United States, Michelle Obama, get’s down to some Beyonce.


hypocrite Michelle Obama Republican Rush Limbaugh Sarah Palin United States

Michelle Obama Eat Ribs – The Republican’s World Stops Rotating

Media hound Rush Limbaugh knows how to grab the attention of the audience, and it is so obvious that when he say stupid idiotic things on his radio show and the media dive on his nonsense, it makes him feel good – makes him feel like he’s accomplished something meaningful, like he’s made some significant contribution to humanity. In short, giving Rush Limbaugh and his kind the time of day is allowing him to continue his attention grabbing permanent delirium. This week, in his effort to grab the spotlight again, macho-man Rush Limbaugh is picking on the First Lady, Michelle Obama.

The issue?

Like all First Ladies, Michelle Obama choose to show the American people – parents in particular – the dangers of childhood obesity and the benefits of eating healthier. She has never urged, demanded, advocated or required that anyone give up their eating ways and “eat tree barks” to become healthy. What she is doing is providing valuable information to the public and allowing the American people to decide for themselves – like they always have – what foods are best for them and their families.

For this reason, Michelle Obama has come under constant attack from people in the Republican party, namely, Sarah Palin and now Rush Limbaugh. Evidently, providing Americans with information is now against the law and these Republican pundits and commentators will go out of their way to show Americans how dangerous having this information is.

All Eyes On Michelle

She ate ribs on a recent ski trip with some friends and the world stop turning!!!

Well, at least the Republican’s world stop turning. The sudden jolt from their stopped world caused all kinds of  mayhem and the protectors of the Republicans were sent out to investigate. Seeing the First Lady eating this stake caused Rush to flip his lid. “She is a hypocrite,” he said, then the tirade began…;

“I’m sure you’re aware that nutritionist-at-large Michelle Obama is urging, demanding, advocating, requiring what everybody can and can’t eat. She is demanding that everybody basically eat cardboard and tofu. No calories, no fat, no nothing — gotta stop obesity. Except as in the case of all leftists, that’s true for you, but not for them.”

Their ears perked up. The people of the Republican world stood at attention. Their leader was talking. Rush continued;

“Michelle My Belle, minus the husband, took the kids out to Vail on a ski vacation, and they were spotted eating and they were feasting on ribs, ribs that were 1,575 calories per serving with 141 grams of fat per serving. Now I’m sure some of you members of the new castrati: “This is typical of what you do Mr. Limbaugh, you take an isolated, once in a lifetime experience, and try to say that she’s a hypocrite.” She is a hypocrite. Leaders are supposed to be leaders. If we’re supposed to go out and eat nothing — if we’re supposed to eat roots, and berries and tree bark and so show us how. And if it’s supposed to make us fit, if it’s supposed to make us healthier, show us how.”

“The problem is — and dare I say this — it doesn’t look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice. And then we hear that she’s out eating ribs at 1,500 calories a serving with 141 grams of fat per serving, yeah it does — what do you mean, what do I mean?”

Of course, Limbaugh – who is himself massively overweight – has every right to talk about obesity. So he continued suggesting that Michelle’s not following her own advise, and is therefore overweight;

“Haven’t seen any evidence here if that advice is being followed that it works, that’s all. It’s just, look it folks, leaders lead. They can sit up there, they demand we do this and demand we do this and demand we do that, but show us. Poor kids are living in food deserts, parents are unemployed, kids got no place to go other than the mall, hang around for scraps at the Orange Julius place, maybe get some papaya juice out there, and then they hear about Michelle My Belle and the kids 1,500 calories per rib serving — 141 grams of fat, I’m just saying. Mom and dad unemployed, kids in the food court hoping for some drips of papaya juice and there they are eating ribs, skiing in Vail.”

Information is a cancer to the Republican world. If the people of that world gets information, then it will be harder for their leaders to control them. So anyone providing knowledge to the inhabitants must be despised, considered as enemies and must be prosecuted.

As all dictators know – you controlled the masses by controlling the message. Always suppress knowledge and information… Always!

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