Michelle Obama Politics

Michelle Obama Confronts Heckler – “Listen to me, or you can take the mic.”

Her name us not Barack,  it’s Michelle. She wasn’t elected to public office, she is married to an office holder. And she does not write policies, implement policies or sign bills into law. That job belongs to Congress and the guy she married. His name is Barack.

Yet, for some strange reason, some people think that going to, and interrupting a speech by Michelle is a way to get their point heard. That was apparently the thinking of a gay rights activist, when she began shouting at Michelle at a fundraising speech on Tuesday.

Her name is Ellen Sturtz, and she apparently wanted Michelle – the unelected woman married to a public official – to do something about the government doing business with companies that may or may not be friendly to gays.

Again, Michelle is not a public official and she responded appropriately,  telling the heckler, “… wait, wait, wait. One of the things I don’t do well is this.”

Sturtz continued her plea for action, leaving Michelle no other choice but to leave the stage.

The video below shows the First Lady in a direct confrontation with the heckler, telling the heckler, that she is prepared to leave the event if the behavior continued. “Listen to me, or you can take the mic,” the First Lady said.

The heckler was eventually escorted from the premises.

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