Canadian hypocrite Politics

Trump Blasts Cruz on Twitter – Calls Him “The Ultimate Hypocrite” and a “Natural Born Canadian”

Donald Trump continued his assault on Ted Cruz on Saturday, using Twitter, along with his many  followers to hit Cruz on the fact that he was born in Canada. “Based on the fact that Ted Cruz was born in Canada and is therefore a “natural born Canadian,” did he borrow unreported loans from C banks?”

And the fact that Ted Cruz failed to disclose the almost $`1 million in campaign contributions he received from Goldman Sachs. “Greatly dishonest of #TedCruz to file a financial disclosure for & not list his lending bans- then pretend he is going to clean up Wall St”

And a hit on Ted Cruz for his “New York Values” criticism of New Yorkers. “Everybody that loves the people of New York, and all they have been thru, should get hypocrites like Ted Cruz out of politics!”

Then Cruz’s claim that his is opposed to gay marriage. “If Ted Cruz is so opposed to gay marriage, why did he accept money from people who espouse gay marriage?”

And speaking the truth for a change, calling Cruz “the Ultimate hypocrite.” “Ted is the ultimate hypocrite. Says one thing for money, does another for votes.”

hypocrite Paul Ryan Politics

Paul Ryan Demands “Family Time” – Voted Against Family Leave Bill

In the never ending saga that is the hypocrisy in the Republican Party, we bring you this little nugget from Paul Ryan.

One of the demands Paul Ryan made to the members of the Republican party last week, was that he get regular time off to spend with his family. According to Paul Ryan family time is very important and he wants to be around to see his kids grow up.

That’s a very fair and admirable statement.

But why wasn’t that same consideration given to other employees when the Paid Family Leave Bill hit the House floor for a vote? According to the results of the vote, Paul Ryan was one of the many Republicans who voted against the paid family leave bill.

To quote a report from the Jazebel on this topic, “perhaps if Paul Ryan hadn’t spent much of his political career fighting laws that promote realistic work-life balance for parents of all socioeconomic levels, asking for family time would make him look more like a hero and less like a hypocrite.”

hypocrite Politics

Republican Rand Paul is Going After ‘the Black Vote’ – Must Be Another Presidential Election

He’s running for president, and he’s a politician. That said, Rand Paul and others like him will twist and turn and squeeze themselves in any shape or reshape possible, if it gives them the ability to get a vote in 2016. So yes, he will pander to the Black community, to the Hispanic community, to women, to gays. These are just some of the groups Rand Paul and the Republicans have hammered over the last few years but, he is running for president and he’s a politician… and he’s a Republican!

So here goes Rand Paul the pretzel!

You’ve got to give this much to Rand Paul: Kentucky’s junior senator is willing to do something almost unheard of in modern presidential politics, which is to make arguments that not everyone in his party already cares about. For this reason alone, Paul is probably the most interesting presidential hopeful out there, if not the most likely to succeed.

Paul’s latest gambit, as you may have seen, involves an appeal to black voters, who generally have about as much attachment to the Republican Party as Donald Sterling has to his wife. This unusual courtship, which included a speech to the Urban League in which Paul actually quoted Malcolm X, led to a spate of media stories in the past week about a new contest between the parties to win over black voters in closely divided states.

hypocrite Politics

Meet Clarance Thomas – Another True Republican Hypocrite – PIC

This is just one example of many. And yes, he is a Republican hero!

hypocrite Mitt Romney Politics Republican

Romney Cries “Dirty Politics,” While Perfecting The Art of Dirty Politics

Get this! Someone is accusing the other person of running a “dirty” campaign. Can you guess who the accuser is?

If you said Mitt Romney, you would be right.

The man who used his money to destroy all of his Republican primary opponents is now accusing President Obama of playing dirty politics. At a campaign event yesterday, Romney said the president is trying to “smash” the country apart to win the election. Romney’s claims was in reference to a statement Vice President Joe Biden made about Republicans putting “y’all back in chains” if they win the White House. Biden was talking about Republicans’ desire to eliminate regulations on businesses, allowing them free rein to do whatever they want.

Here’s his full statement:

“Look at what they [Republicans] value and look at their budget, and what they’re proposing. Romney wants to … He said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchain Wall Street. They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”

That statement was an open door for Mitt Romney who, over the last month or so, found himself in defensive mode as the Obama Team brought daily questions about his taxes, policies and his negative ads. Not one to miss an open door opportunity, Romney pounced on Biden’s statement;

 “This is what an angry and desperate presidency looks like. President Obama knows better, promised better, and America deserves better … His campaign strategy is to smash America apart and then try to cobble together 51 percent of the pieces.

“Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago and let us get about rebuilding and reuniting America.”

Romney’s record clearly speaks for itself. His very first ad against the president was called a lie by all the fact-checking news agencies. In that ad, Romney used a clip of Obama quoting John McCain in 2008 where McCain said, “if we keep talking about the economy, we’re gonna lose.” In Romney’s ad however, Romney edited the clip to make the audience think President Obama was saying those words.

The ad was just the first in a long list of Romney ads that fact-checkers have called lies or highly misleading. But as you read Mitt Romney’s statement above, you’ll think he was a poster boy for the Mormon Church or something, and based on his almost record-setting campaign lies, a poster boy for the Church he’s not.

Asked to respond to Romney’s statement, Ben LaBolt – Obama’s Campaign Spokesman said, “Governor Romney’s comments tonight seemed unhinged and particularly strange coming at a time when he’s pouring tens of millions of dollars into negative ads that are demonstrably false.”

We agree with you Ben!

hypocrite Mitt Romney Politics presidential

Mitt Romney Thinks Telling This Lie Makes Him More Patriotic

Mitt Romney has said it over and over, but no one ever fact checked his claim. We had no reason to because the statement made us feel extra patriotic. Then again, we are talking about Mitt Romney – the ultimate Flip Flopper –  and with that in mind, Buzzfeed did some simple fact checking and revealed yet another Romney falsehood!

Here’s the lie.

You know, we (Americans) are the only people on Earth that put our hand over our heart during the playing of the National Anthem.

The video and pictures below tells the full story.

Let’s see what the people do in China…

in Brazil…

and how about the people of France?

And Ghana?

Oh Willard. One of your claims to fame is that you ran a successful bid as head of the Olympic Games. Did you not see participants from other countries placing their hands over their hearts too? Or maybe you think Americans are so gullible, that you can say anything and get away with it…!

See more at Buzzfeed.

hypocrisy hypocrite occupy wall street Politics

Jon Stewart On The Eric Cantor Occupy Wall Street Hypocrisy

Jon Stewart sums it up perfectly when showing the hypocrisy of the entire Republican party, especially that of Eric Cantor. Broadcasting Cantor’s call for the Teaparty to take to the streets in protest, Stewart then compares Cantor’s reaction to that of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Stewart shows different clips of Cantor and other Republican leaders encouraging the Teaparty to march to “take the country back,” but when Occupy Wall Street began doing the same, they were called “mobs” by these same leaders.

Stewart then surmised that Cantor had to be the one kid on the playground who’d always throw the ‘yo mama’ jokes at everyone, you know, playing the dozens. Then as soon as another kid tried to respond, Cantor stops the kid and accuses him of  “dividing the playground.”

Yep, that’s Cantor for you!

hypocrite Michelle Obama Republican Rush Limbaugh Sarah Palin United States

Michelle Obama Eat Ribs – The Republican’s World Stops Rotating

Media hound Rush Limbaugh knows how to grab the attention of the audience, and it is so obvious that when he say stupid idiotic things on his radio show and the media dive on his nonsense, it makes him feel good – makes him feel like he’s accomplished something meaningful, like he’s made some significant contribution to humanity. In short, giving Rush Limbaugh and his kind the time of day is allowing him to continue his attention grabbing permanent delirium. This week, in his effort to grab the spotlight again, macho-man Rush Limbaugh is picking on the First Lady, Michelle Obama.

The issue?

Like all First Ladies, Michelle Obama choose to show the American people – parents in particular – the dangers of childhood obesity and the benefits of eating healthier. She has never urged, demanded, advocated or required that anyone give up their eating ways and “eat tree barks” to become healthy. What she is doing is providing valuable information to the public and allowing the American people to decide for themselves – like they always have – what foods are best for them and their families.

For this reason, Michelle Obama has come under constant attack from people in the Republican party, namely, Sarah Palin and now Rush Limbaugh. Evidently, providing Americans with information is now against the law and these Republican pundits and commentators will go out of their way to show Americans how dangerous having this information is.

All Eyes On Michelle

She ate ribs on a recent ski trip with some friends and the world stop turning!!!

Well, at least the Republican’s world stop turning. The sudden jolt from their stopped world caused all kinds of  mayhem and the protectors of the Republicans were sent out to investigate. Seeing the First Lady eating this stake caused Rush to flip his lid. “She is a hypocrite,” he said, then the tirade began…;

“I’m sure you’re aware that nutritionist-at-large Michelle Obama is urging, demanding, advocating, requiring what everybody can and can’t eat. She is demanding that everybody basically eat cardboard and tofu. No calories, no fat, no nothing — gotta stop obesity. Except as in the case of all leftists, that’s true for you, but not for them.”

Their ears perked up. The people of the Republican world stood at attention. Their leader was talking. Rush continued;

“Michelle My Belle, minus the husband, took the kids out to Vail on a ski vacation, and they were spotted eating and they were feasting on ribs, ribs that were 1,575 calories per serving with 141 grams of fat per serving. Now I’m sure some of you members of the new castrati: “This is typical of what you do Mr. Limbaugh, you take an isolated, once in a lifetime experience, and try to say that she’s a hypocrite.” She is a hypocrite. Leaders are supposed to be leaders. If we’re supposed to go out and eat nothing — if we’re supposed to eat roots, and berries and tree bark and so show us how. And if it’s supposed to make us fit, if it’s supposed to make us healthier, show us how.”

“The problem is — and dare I say this — it doesn’t look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice. And then we hear that she’s out eating ribs at 1,500 calories a serving with 141 grams of fat per serving, yeah it does — what do you mean, what do I mean?”

Of course, Limbaugh – who is himself massively overweight – has every right to talk about obesity. So he continued suggesting that Michelle’s not following her own advise, and is therefore overweight;

“Haven’t seen any evidence here if that advice is being followed that it works, that’s all. It’s just, look it folks, leaders lead. They can sit up there, they demand we do this and demand we do this and demand we do that, but show us. Poor kids are living in food deserts, parents are unemployed, kids got no place to go other than the mall, hang around for scraps at the Orange Julius place, maybe get some papaya juice out there, and then they hear about Michelle My Belle and the kids 1,500 calories per rib serving — 141 grams of fat, I’m just saying. Mom and dad unemployed, kids in the food court hoping for some drips of papaya juice and there they are eating ribs, skiing in Vail.”

Information is a cancer to the Republican world. If the people of that world gets information, then it will be harder for their leaders to control them. So anyone providing knowledge to the inhabitants must be despised, considered as enemies and must be prosecuted.

As all dictators know – you controlled the masses by controlling the message. Always suppress knowledge and information… Always!

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