Canada Canadian Politics

Canadian Born Ted Cruz Sued Over his Claim of Being a “Natural Born” US Citizen

“I never breathed a breath of air on this planet when I was not a U.S. citizen,” Canadian born Republican presidential candidate, Ted Cruz said at a CNN town hall.  “It was the act of being born that made me a U.S. citizen.”

He added: “There will be some who try to work political mischief on it, but as a legal matter, this is clear and straightforward.”

But apparently the matter is not settled. It is not “clear and straightforward.” Numerous law professors and constitutionalists have raised questions about Cruz’s eligibility to be president of the United States. Some even said flat-out that the man born in Canada cannot run for the highest office in the land. One lawyer in Chicago is bringing his questions and concerns to the court.

Lawrence Joyce, a lawyer and Republican, is taking Ted Cruz to court. Yes, he is a Republican supporting Ben Carson, but Mr. Joyce wants no questions hanging over Cruz’s head if he becomes the Republican nominee for President. And apparently, Joyce is well aware that Democrats like Alan Grayson already have their lawsuits lined up… waiting…!

“What I fear is that Ted Cruz becomes the nominee, come September, Congressman Alan Grayson of Florida will go forward with his threats and probably several other Democrats will file suit to prevent Ted Cruz from being on the ballot,” Joyce, a pharmacist and attorney from Poplar Grove, Ill, told USA TODAY.

Joyce’s suit is just one of a few. A federal lawsuit was filed in Texas last month asking for a determination of Cruz’s eligibility to run. And voters in New York, who raised similar concerns about Cruz’s citizenship, on Thursday filed a challenge with the state Board of Election challenging the senator’s eligibility to be on the ballot.


Canadian hypocrite Politics

Trump Blasts Cruz on Twitter – Calls Him “The Ultimate Hypocrite” and a “Natural Born Canadian”

Donald Trump continued his assault on Ted Cruz on Saturday, using Twitter, along with his many  followers to hit Cruz on the fact that he was born in Canada. “Based on the fact that Ted Cruz was born in Canada and is therefore a “natural born Canadian,” did he borrow unreported loans from C banks?”

And the fact that Ted Cruz failed to disclose the almost $`1 million in campaign contributions he received from Goldman Sachs. “Greatly dishonest of #TedCruz to file a financial disclosure for & not list his lending bans- then pretend he is going to clean up Wall St”

And a hit on Ted Cruz for his “New York Values” criticism of New Yorkers. “Everybody that loves the people of New York, and all they have been thru, should get hypocrites like Ted Cruz out of politics!”

Then Cruz’s claim that his is opposed to gay marriage. “If Ted Cruz is so opposed to gay marriage, why did he accept money from people who espouse gay marriage?”

And speaking the truth for a change, calling Cruz “the Ultimate hypocrite.” “Ted is the ultimate hypocrite. Says one thing for money, does another for votes.”

Canadian Politics

Rand Paul – Ted Cruz “is a Natural Born Canadian” #Truth

If I had to pick sides in this fight over Ted Cruz’s Canadian birth to an American mother, and whether that Canadian Birth qualifies Cruz as a “Natural Born” American, I will definitely side with Rand Paul.

Paul is one of the more sensible people on the Republican side running for president, sensible probably because he is not really a Republican, but a libertarian.

Paul went on Fox News today and answered the question that lawyers and constitionalists have wondered about ever since Ted Cruz entered the Republican  presidential nomination contest – whether or not Cruz was a natural born American citizen. Rand Paul’s answer took the confusion out of the issue and simplified it enough that even the Supreme Court would understand.

“Cruz is a natural-born Canadian,” Paul said. “He was naturally born there. The question is, can you be natural-born Canadian and natural-born American at the same time? Maybe, but I think the courts will have to decide it, because it’s never really been decided.”

Still confused? That’s the problem. Sometimes we look at the simplest of issues and confuse the hell out of them. If Ted Cruz was born in Canada, then he is a Natural Born Canadian with an American mother. It’s really not that confusing.

Canada Canadian Politics

No, Ted Cruz’s “Natural Birth” Status is Not Settled Law – Video

Seems to me there’s too much controversy surrounding Ted Cruz’s birth to take his presidential ambitio1n seriously.

Although some may say Cruz, who was born in Canada, is a Natural Born U.S citizen base on a Harvard Law study, a more recent and in depth study from Boston University suggests otherwise.


Canadian Politics

John McCain – Ted Cruz’s Canadian Birth Might Be an Issue

Canadian born Ted Cruz recently renounced his Canadian citizenship and is now trying to be an American president.

In addition to Donald Trump and others – even some in Cruz’s own Republican party – the questions are swirling. Can someone born in another country be a Natural Born U.S citizen.

John McCain is rightfully questioning how Ted Cruz, who held dual citizenship and thus, considered himself a Canadian a little over a year ago, can now run for president of the United States.

In an interview Wednesday on Phoenix radio station 550 KFYI’s Chris Merill Show, McCain said he “doesn’t know” whether Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him eligible to be president. Cruz, whose father was born in Cuba, asserts that he is a U.S. citizen because his mother was an American.

“I know that came up in my race because I was born in Panama, but I was born in the Canal Zone which is a territory. Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona when it was territory when he ran in 1964,” McCain said.

“That’s different from being born on foreign soil. I think there is a question. I’m not a constitutional scholar on that, but I think it’s worth looking into. I don’t think it’s illegitimate to look into it.”

Asked if the Supreme Court might have to weigh in on the “natural born citizen” issue, McCain said, “It may be, that may be the case.”

Canada Canadian Politics

Donald Trump’s Spokesperson Brings up Ted Cruz’s Canadian Birth – Video

Yesterday, Donald Trump stated a fact for a change, that Ted Cruz is a Canadian by way of birth who recently renounced his Canadian citizenship when he decided to run for president here in America. And today, Trump’s spokesperson continued the Cruz is a Canadian talk, although she is not fully closing the door on the slight chance that Cruz could legally run for President of the United States.

Donald Trump’s national campaign spokeswoman on Wednesday hinted that the fact that Ted Cruz was born in Canada could hurt his presidential run, despite having previously defended Cruz on the issue.

“There’s a ton of voters who are a little uncomfortable voting for someone outside of the country,” Katrina Pierson told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “And the fact that Sen. Cruz has sort of left this issue off the table for so long has created some of the controversy.”


Birthers Canadian Featured

Birther Will Elect Canadian Cruz for President Because Canada Is Not ‘Foreign Soil’

We all know where Ted Cruz was born. For those who have no idea, Ted Cruz was born in Canada. The reason this is important to know is because Ted Cruz stands a good chance of being the Republican nominee to run for President of the United States in 2016. And the reason this is really important to know is because of a group of Republicans who call themselves ‘Birthers.’

Birthers, as you may know, are those Republicans who believe that President Obama is not really the President of the United States, because they insist without any facts whatsoever, Mr. Obama was born in Kenya. So how do these lost, sad souls qualify Canadian born Ted Cruz to be president, while at the same time disqualifying American born Barack Obama?

Well they claim Ted Cruz’s mother was an American, so that immediately makes Ted an American, no questions asked. But what about Barack’s mother? Wasn’t she an American too, born in Kansas? Of course she was. So the “American mother” argument doesn’t fly. There must be other qualifiers, and thanks to the Texas Tribune, we know the other qualifiers are.

According to these  Birthers, Cruz “has the Hollywood look” to be President. Another Birther suggests that Republicans will vote for Cruz simply because he is a Republican and that’s what they do. It’s a party thing she said. But it was the qualifier of the third Birther that took the ignorance to a whole new level. She advises us that Canada is not considered “foreign soil,” at least not in her view!

See the craziness yourself.

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