Celebrities Michelle Obama Politics

Michelle Obama is Not Ruling Out Plastic Surgery

WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama turns 50 this week, and she isn’t ruling out future use of plastic surgery or Botox.

The first lady tells People magazine in an interview hitting newsstands on Friday, her birthday, that women should be free to do whatever they need to do to feel good.

Mrs. Obama adds that she doesn’t imagine resorting to plastic surgery or Botox but that she’s also learned to “never say never.”

The first lady has never missed a health checkup, including a mammogram or Pap smear, and has had a colonoscopy.

As for diet and exercise, Mrs. Obama says she doesn’t “obsess” about what she eats but makes sure to include fruit and vegetables.

Her workouts have evolved to include things like yoga that she says will keep her flexible.

Featured Healthcare News

Top Plastic Surgeon Being Sued For Chopping Off Patient’s Entire Nose

Plastic isn’t always fantastic. In just the latest example of surgery gone too far, New Yorker Vishal Thakkar is suing Tulsasurgeon Dr. Angelo Cuzalina for chopping off his nose duringsurgery.

Cuzalina, a member of the Oklahoma Medical Board and president of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, completed eight surgeries on Thakkar between 2006 and 2007 before allegedly making the cruelest cut, his lawsuit alleges.

During one surgery, Thakkar claims, Cuzalina took cartilage from his ear to rebuild his nose without his consent.

Thakkar told Fox23 News Tulsa, “I woke up with pain behind my ear and I said to the nurses, what part of ‘Under no circumstances, do not touch my ears do you not understand?”

Thakkar says Cuzalina later emailed him an apology, but then, in another surgery the doctor took cartilage from his rib.

Despite these warning signs — and several infections — Thakkar continued to go under the knife and eventually woke up from one procedure with a gaping hole in the middle of his face, his lawsuit alleges. “[Dr. Cuzalina] told me that there was an infection in there and since I was on the operating table and unconscious he had to make the decision,” Thakkar said.

h/t – radaronline

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