George Bush Politics

Before We Invaded Iraq, Bernie Sanders Said This… – Video

Way before George Bush took his eye off the ball in Afghanistan and decided to invade Iraq in what eventually drained this nation of thousands of troop lives and over a trillion dollars, Senator Bernie Sanders warned of the dangers of invading Iraq.

Too bad Bush didn’t listen.


Rush Limbaugh to Republicans – Lie about Iraq – Blame Failure on Obama

Rush Limbaugh wants all the Republican candidates for 2016 to stop admitting that the invasion of Iraq was a failure. Instead, the mouthpiece of the Republican party wants the other members of his party to blame Obama and Democrats for the war and everything else that went wrong with the Bush-led invasion. 

His advice to Republicans is to say that Democrats “attempt[ed] to divide this country by sabotaging the war effort” and “these things we’re living with today… are the result of the Barack Obama presidency.”

In other words, the mouthpiece of the Republican party want Republicans to lie about the war and its outcome. And the so-called “Christian Conservatives” will gladly accept Limbaugh’s talking point.

Listen to the audio here.

Donald Trump Donald Trump jeb bush marco rubio Politics

Donald Trump on Iraq “We shouldn’t have been there”

Now that Jeb Bush is totally ridiculed by both Democrats and Republicans for saying that, given what he knows now he would still invade Iraq, other Republican presidential pretenders are jumping on the bandwagon trying to distance themselves from Jeb Bush, George Bush and the whole Iraq invasion.

Enter presidential pretender, Donald Trump. Apparently, he and Preside Obama are in one accord when it comes to the Iraq invasion.

On “Fox and Friends,” co-host Steve Doocy asked Trump about reports that the Islamic State took control of Ramadi in Iraq and whether Trump would call for “boots on the ground” following ISIL’s latest attack.

“Well, I would have never been in Iraq,” Trump answered, according to a clip highlighted by Mediaite.

Co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck later asked Trump if he thinks the U.S. should have left Iraq, given what we know now.

“We shouldn’t have been there, and once we were there, we probably should have stayed,” Trump said. “The Middle East has been totally decapitated. It’s a mess. The balance has been lost between Iraq and Iran.”

Trump then referenced Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who on Sunday struggled to explain whether the decision to invade Iraq was a mistake.

“These characters, like Rubio made a total fool of himself on Chris Wallace’s program, talking about ‘We’re better off without Saddam Hussein.’ Give me a break,” Trump said. “Right now we have ISIS, which is worse than Saddam Hussein. At least Saddam Hussein did one thing: he killed terrorists. He was very good at killing terrorists.”

Trump noted that Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction.

“We had very bad intelligence. He had none,” he said.

Dick Cheney George Bush Iraq ISIS

Jesse Ventura – Bush and Cheney are Responsible For Whats Happening in Iraq – PIC

I must say, I totally agree.

Iraq isil ISIS Syria Syria

Mother’s Emotional Plea to ISIS for Her Son’s Release – Video

After seeing the brutal killing of American journalist James Foley last week, Shirley Sotloff, mother of another captured American journalist Steven Sotloff, issued a video plea to the leader of the terrorist group asking for her son’s release.

“”Steven is a journalist who traveled to the Middle East to cover the suffering of Muslims at the hands of tyrants. Steven is a loyal and generous son, brother and grandson,” Shirley Sotloff says, adding that her son “is an honorable man and has always tried to help the weak.”

“I ask you to please release my child,” she says, “I plead with you to grant me this.”


Michael Brown Mike Brown Shooting Politics

Watch President Obama’s Statement on Michael Brown’s Murder – Video

President Obama made a statement on the US efforts in Iraq against the terrorist group ISIS, and the ongoing tensions in Ferguson Missouri where 18 year old Michael Brown was murdered by police.

Watch the President’s statement below.

Dick Cheney George Bush Politics

John McCain Blames Obama for The George Bush Manufactured Problems In Iraq

(AP Photo/Matt York)

What else is new? Republicans, including John McCain himself have blamed Obama for everything that has gone wrong in this world since the beginning of time.

Sitting in his weekly chain on CNN, John McCain continued spitting his nonsense simply because like Fox News, he often goes unchallenged. For whatever reason now, Republicans and McCain are blaming Obama for the calamity that is Iraq.

Iraq, remember that place, where the Bush administration and Dick Cheney told 935 lies to fool us into an unnecessary war, where thousands of Americans were killed and thousands more dismembered? That place where John McCain and these same Republicans voted to invade? Yea, that Iraq… is now somehow Obama’s fault! Can’t you see the connection? It’s as clear as… night!

So on CNN’s State of the Union, McCain said that because of Obama, the terrorist group ISIS is roaming the land doing whatever they will. McCain is blaming Obama for pulling out the troops and ending the war…although the end of the war and its terms were negotiated before Obama even became president, under the Bush administration.

But of course, this point went unchallenged.

The senator said Obama’s targeted strikes in Iraq aren’t enough.

“That’s not a strategy. That’s not a policy,” McCain said. “That is simply a very narrow and focused approach to a problem, which is metastasized as we speak.”

McCain called for airstrikes in Syria and for the U.S. to give weapons and supplies to the Kurds in order to fight ISIS.

“There’s a vacuum of American leadership all throughout the Middle East,” he said.

CNN host Candy Crowley asked McCain to respond to the widely-held belief that he opposes everything Obama does when it comes to foreign policy.

“I predicted what was going to happen in Iraq,” he said. “And I’m predicting to you now, that if we pull everybody out of Afghanistan, not based on conditions, you’ll see that same movie again in Afghanistan.”

Dick Cheney Politics

Hillary Clinton Slams Dick Cheney’s Hypocrisy in Interview – Video

You know how to Dick Cheney always blame President Obama for mistakes he and George Bush made? Every chance he gets Cheney goes on national television and point fingers at President Obama, ignoring the fact that the 10 year disaster in Iraq happened under Bush’s watch.

Well Hillary Clinton has had enough of the Cheney lies and hypocrisy,  and in an interview airing tonight on Fusion, Clinton sets the record straight once and for all!

When asked about Cheney’s claim that “rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many,” Clinton said, “He should’ve been talking about himself, shouldn’t he?”

She added;

“I don’t know why he’s saying what he’s saying, and clearly we don’t need that kind of vitriol and finger pointing,” Clinton continued. “One of the things we’ve lost over the last few years is that idea where we’re going to have our differences but when we face problems, whether they’re humanitarian problems, terrorist problems, whatever they might be, we need to come together and work together and we need to have a nonpartisan approach. And he keeps trying to inject a personal and partisan approach where it doesn’t belong.”


Dick Cheney Politics

Bill Clinton On DICK Cheney – He’s Mad Because Obama is Not Cleaning His Mess Fast Enough

In an interview with David Gregory from MSNBC, former President Bill Clinton hit the nail on the head when he explained why Dick Cheney is so upset with the Obama administration, especially when it comes to the war in Iraq. According to the former president, Cheney is “attacking the administration for not doing an adequate job of cleaning up the mess that he made.”

Gregory: The former vice president Dick Cheney said of President Obama in an op-ed claims that Al-Qaeda is decimated is not true, and in fact is on the march. The argument that America is less safe under President Obama. Do you believe Dick Cheney is a credible critic on these matters?

Clinton: (laughs) If they hadn’t gone to war in Iraq, none of this would be happening.

Gregory: It wouldn’t be happening in Syria. terrorist actors?

Clinton: Well it might be happening in Syria, but what happened in Syria wouldn’t have happened in Iraq. Iraq would not have been in effect drastically altered as it has been, but Mr. Cheney has been incredibly adroit for the last six years or so attacking the administration for not doing an adequate job of cleaning up the mess that he made. And I think it’s unseemly.

And I give President Bush, by the way, a lot of credit for trying to stay out of this debate and letting other people work through it.

So true, so very very true!


Politics war

Yes, Joe Biden Predicted This Iraq Outcome 8 Years Ago

But they – the Bush administration – chose not to listen to the wisdom of the Biden.

In 2006, Biden was a senator from Delaware gearing up for a presidential campaign when he proposed that Iraq be divided into three semi-independent regions for Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds. Follow his plan, he said, and U.S. troops could be out by early 2008. Ignore it, he warned, and Iraq would devolve into sectarian conflict that could destabilize the whole region.

The Bush administration chose to ignore Biden. Now, eight years later, the vice president’s doom-and-gloom prediction seems more than a little prescient.

Old sectarian tensions have erupted with a vengeance as Sunni militants seize entire cities and the United States faults the Shiite prime minister for shunning Iraq’s minorities. While the White House isn’t actively considering Biden’s old plan, Mideast experts are openly questioning whether Iraq is marching toward an inevitable breakup along sectarian lines.

“Isn’t this the divided Iraq that Joe Biden predicted eight years ago?” read an editorial this week in The Dallas Morning News

Dick Cheney Politics

Fox’s Megyn Kelly Attacks Another Warmonger on Fox – Video

Like Dick Cheney, John Bolton was a big pusher of the original plan that led to America’s invasion of Iraq. And like Dick Cheney,  Bolton now blames Obama for Iraq.

But when Bolton made a stop to the Republican safe zone of Fox News, where blaming Obama is the foundation of their very existence, Bolton found out that there is a hot seat in Rupert’s building and soon realized that he was sitting in it. Dick Cheney found himself in that very seat a few days ago.

Enter Megyn Kelly.

The conversation focused on the worsening conditions in Iraq and the decision to invade in the first place. When Bolton said that past decisions are “irrelevant to the circumstances we face now,” Kelly got animated.

“I know, you keep saying that but it actually is relevant to a lot of people out there who are wondering, ‘How did we get here?’ Is it not relevant to ask, ‘How did we get here?'” she asked.

“Well, it’s very interesting, but the decision-maker has to look at the environment we have now,” Bolton responded, saying it’s for that reason he is opposed to President Obama’s plan to send 300 military advisers to Iraq.

Kelly wasn’t done talking about Bolton’s role in the military misadventure.

“You know that a lot of people are out there tonight saying, ‘Well, weren’t you one of the people who was in favor of going into Iraq in the first place and Is that why you don’t want to discuss the past ten years and whether they were worth it?'” she asked.

Bolton said he would be “happy to discuss the past 10 years and we can start 10 years before that if you want,” but he stressed that it’s “not the question that America faces today.”


Dick Cheney Politics

Fox’s Megyn Kelly Blew Dick Cheney’s Mind When She Blamed Him for Iraq – Video

Megyn Kelly of Fox News stepped out of character on Wednesday during an interview with Dick Cheney and his spawn. Kelly apparently found herself actually denouncing Cheney’s lie that his record on the Iraq war was spotless.

“Time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well in Iraq, sir.” Kelly said to Dick. “You said there was no doubt Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. You said we would be greeted as liberators. You said the insurgency was in its last throes back in 2005, and you said that after our intervention, extremists would have to ‘rethink their strategy of jihad.’ Now, with almost a trillion dollars spent there, with almost 4,500 American lives lost there, what do you say to those who say you were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many?”

Cheney’s draw dropped as the the words from Megyn’s mouth navigated their way through the cobwebs of his brain. He was confused. This wasn’t supposed to happen. The sign on the camera said ‘Fox,’ but somehow he must have ended up on MSNBC. She looked like Megyn Kelly, but she was sounding like Rachel Maddow.

What da…?!

He had to say something. In his confused state of mind be blurted out, “No, I just fundamentally disagree, Reagan — I mean, Megyn.”

Then Rachel disappeared and Kelly reappeared. The questions got easier as the interview continued and he was able to relax and wallow in the muck of his talking points – blaming Obama for everything!


Those first few minutes had to be someone’s idea of a cruel joke! Ha ha! T’wasnt funny guys, T’wasnt funny at all…


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