George Bush Iraq Politics war


As seen on America The Not So Beautiful

June 17, 2014

By Mike Caccioppoli

David Gregory is an asshole. So is EVERY mainstream media moron who does a “segment” with one of the Bush cronies who got us into the Iraq war to begin with over 10 years ago. We know the right-wing plan is to simply prey on the ignorance of Americans (always their plan) and pretend Bush and company never existed. That the Iraq war is Obama’s fault because hey Mr. and Mrs. Shit kicker..he’s President now ain’t he??

Yes the ignorant American public, the uneducated masses who allow the Republican party to exist since we know it couldn’t exist anywhere else. But OK, we expect it from the R’s. We don’t expect the media, the people who are supposedly intelligent to comply with the right wingers game plan (hey, what happened to the “liberal” media?) This is exactly what they do when people like Gregory or Anderson Cooper put guys like Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Dick Cheney, Ari Fleischer, John McCain, et al. on national television to ask their “advice” on what to do now in Iraq.

Let me ask these media folks a question. Would you put on a serial killer to talk about gun control? A rapist to talk about women’s rights?

We know the answer, it’s a simple one. So why the fuck do they continue to put these Iraq war architects on to get their advice on how to quell the fighting in Iraq? The same guys who claimed the war would be done with quickly. The same guys who thought it was the right time for Bush to dress like a dick and step off an aircraft carrier to proclaim “Mission Accomplished.” The same politicians who were one hundred percent behind the war to begin with.

Kristol, the arrogant know nothing killer of women and children, said back in 2003 that the war would be over “in two months.” Two fucking months! Yet there he is on “Meet the Press” being asked by that putz Gregory, “What should we do now Mr. Kristol?” It’s unbelievable! Tim Russert must be turning over in his grave knowing that he would have simply pulled the video of Kristol saying the war would end in two months back in 2003 and ask him why should anyone listen to him now?

THAT would be the question to ask if someone had the urge to put this bullshit artist on television. This is what Paul Wolfowitz said in 2003…“It’s hard to conceive that it would take more forces to provide stability in post-Saddam Iraq than it would take to conduct the war itself and to secure the surrender of Saddam’s security forces and his army. Hard to imagine.” Hard to imagine yes, because it actually happened! Yet there he is, another mass murderer on national television shows being asked his “expert advice.” As though this son of a bitch actually walks on two legs.

Want more?

Dick Cheney is 2003..”My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.”  

“I think they’re in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency.” 

John McCain..“Make it a hundred…That would be fine with me.” -to a questioner who asked if he supported President Bush’s vision for keeping U.S. troops in Iraq for 50 years.

Paul Wolfowitz in 2003..“There’s a lot of money to pay for this. It doesn’t have to be U.S. taxpayer money. We are dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon.”

I could go on and on and on…doesn’t matter. Aside from people like Ed Schultz and Lawrence O’Donnell, we see this pattern of putting people who are a total failure on television and asking their opinion and advice on major, life or death situations and policy. As though all of recent history has been erased. As if the thousands upon thousands of deaths, both U.S. military and Iraqi civilians never happened at all. It’s disgusting and unethical.

Yet they continue to get away with this lazy, intellect free journalism because the average citizen of this country doesn’t have a clue. They failed in school and they continue to fail in life. History doesn’t matter.

This is why as a country, we continue to die.


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The GOP is Lying – Bush Made The Decision To Bring The Troops Home, Not Obama – Video

Once again, Jon Stewart of The Daily Show is leading the way, pointing out a simple fact that the rest of the so-called main stream media is missing – the same Iraq failures that lied us into war in Iraq, are the same ones beating the drums for more troops to re-invade Iraq, and they’re blaming Obama for withdrawing the troops in the first place.

Failures like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Bill Krystal, Paul Wolfowitz and the rest of the Republican caucus have piled on the president at a time of foreign conflict, and they are dragging the president through the mud because he chose to carry out Bush’s original plan in bringing all American troops out of Iraq.

Stewart pointed out their backwards thinking when he said, “four wrongs make a right.”

Stewart showed John McCain doing what he does best – lying, saying that “the decision was made by the Obama administration to not have a residual force in Iraq.”

Of course that was a lie and McCain knows it. But like the rest of his Republican buddies, blaming Obama is the way to go!

Asking “why did Obama snatch defeat from the jaws of victory,” Stewart played a clip of Fred Kaplin explaining that the decision to bring the troops home was in fact, made by the Bush administration before Obama was even elected in 2008.

“President Bush signed a treaty at the end of 2008, The Status of Force Agreement,” Kaplin said in the clip, “which said that all US forces, not just combat forces, but all US forces would be out of Iraq by the end of 2011!”

So they are blaming Obama for a treaty that was already signed before Obama even took office. These liars are amazing!


Iraq Politics

President Obama’s Press Conference on Iraq – Video

The President of the United States spoke today about the unfolding crisis in Iraq and America’s role, if any, in bringing some form of stability to the country.

George Bush Politics war

Bush’s Press Secretary Forgot The Year They Took Us Into War in Iraq

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Usually, one remembers the dates that’s important to them. Their birthday, their anniversary, the year they graduated from high school or college, the year they invaded another nation and declared war on that nation… well, maybe that last one is not that important, especially when thousands of Americans died and tens of thousands of Americans lost limbs in said war. And who cares that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens lost their lives? Remembering the year we invaded Iraq is not a big deal.

Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary for George Bush, could not remember when he and the administration he worked for took this country into war. In an apparent attempt to criticize the Obama administration for the present security situation in that nation, Fleischer took to Twitter and tweeted this:

Just for the record, and in case other Bush mouthpieces wanted to get into this conversation, George Bust invaded Iraq in March of 2003.

After TalkingPointsMemo pointed this out in a post, Fleischer responded with a casual “thank you,” then stated that he must have hit the wrong key on his keyboard.

Yea, sure you did Fleischer! Sure you did!


Blaming Obama For Iraq Is Like “blaming your current lover for the herpes you got from some dude 10 years ago”

He’s rude. He’s a pundit. Put those two together and you get rude punditry that, after you’ve past the rudeness, the punditry makes a whole lotta sense.

So Iraq is apparently falling into the hands of some very bad people and like expected, Republicans found their scapegoat.

As with everything else in their eyes, president Obama is to be blamed. After all, it was he who ended the decade old war in Iraq, a war that cost Americans over a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives. Obama even had the nerve to bring the remaining troops back home to their families. The Audacity!

So the uprising in Iraq now is obviously Obama’s fault. This according to Republican Senator John McCain.

“Everybody in his national security team, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ought to be replaced,” the Arizona Republican warmonger said. “It’s a colossal failure of American security policy.”

Of course, Senator John McCain and all of his warmongering buddies in Congress who decided to invade a country that had nothing to do with September 11th, are now deflecting blame to Barack Obama,  the one man in Washington that stood against the Iraq invasion from the very beginning.

But the Republicans and their deflection game is being called out,  and no one calls them out better than The Rude Pundit!

Once more, Barack Obama’s presidency is swallowed and squandered by the devastated landscape George W. Bush left behind.

Obama is already getting the blame for the uprisings, the Sunni on Shiite violence, the radical Kurds taking what they always wanted (aided by average, everyday Kurds). It’s like blaming your current lover for the herpes you got from some dude ten years ago because he’s there and why the fuck not direct your rage at someone who is convenient instead of yourself and your own stupid decisions.

Benghazi Dick Cheney

The Nerve! Dick Cheney Wants to Hold Hillary Cinton “Accountable” For Benghazi

And who should be held accountable for Iraq? Because both Dick Cheney and George Bush walked free, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands died in a war they pushed and encouraged. A war whose foundation was based in a lie. Cheney however, takes no responsibility, no accountability for those killed because of his doings, Hillary Clinton however, should be “held accountable” for the four Americans killed in Benghazi… this, according to war criminal Dick Cheney!

The Nerve!

Dick Cheney, the former vice president who was in office during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 and later pushed the country into war with Iraq based on faulty intelligence, said on Sunday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be “held accountable” for four Americans that died during a terrorist attack in Benghazi.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, host Chris Wallace asked Cheney if Clinton “did anything wrong,” and if she should be “held responsible for the events surrounding that attack.”

“She was secretary of state at the time that it happened,” Cheney opined. “She was one of the first in Washington to know about it. I think she clearly bears responsibility for whatever the State Department did or didn’t do with respect to that crisis.”

“I do think it’s a major issue,” he added. “I don’t think we’ve heard the last of it yet, and I expect that she will be held accountable during the course of the campaign.”


Benghazi Benghazi George Bush Politics

Republican Army Colonel to Republicans – Forget Benghazi, Investigate Bush and Cheney

Retired. U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson is not very fund of his party these days, and their insistence that there is something more to discover in yet another Benghazi investigation, is not winning them the colonel’s friendship award either.

The Colonel, who miraculously still considers himself a Republican, thinks a different investigation should be done – one focused on war criminals George Bush and Dick Cheney.

Speaking about the Republicans and their never ending Benghazi investigations, Wilkerson said;

“It’s very difficult to handle a crisis, and you take the talking points points from whomever you can get them who’s on the scene. In this case, as I understand it, the CIA provided most of the talking points.”

“You can’t ever get it right right up front, so, I don’t find that to be a great problem.”

After asserting that he remains a member of the Republican Party, Wilkerson said that he does find it concerning that the GOP focuses on Benghazi over more pressing issues.

“I find it an enormous problem that they go after something like this, Benghazi – tragedy that it was – and they don’t go after something that is a colossal tragedy like the war crimes of Richard Bruce Cheney,” he insisted.

“The fact that I was a member of that administration will haunt me to the grave,” he concluded.

Wilkerson is the former Chief of Staff for Colin Powell.

bill o reilly Dick Cheney Politics

Dick Cheney #Fail – Reason for Iraq War? Weapons of Mass Destruction

In a recent interview on Fox News, former Vice President and beneficiary of the war in Iraq Dick Mr Halliburton Cheney, maintained that the war in Iraq was good for America because, get this, it made sure Iraq didn’t have any weapons of mass destruction.

“They finger pointed you and Bush and I don’t want to do that,” Fox host O’Reilly said, “But we spent a $1 trillion on this with a lot of pain and suffering on the American military. What did we get out of it? Beside Saddam being out of there?”

Cheney began blabbering about nothing, prompting O’Reilly to ask again. “But what,” he asked, “right now, what do we, what do we get of Iraq for all of that blood and treasure? What do we get out of it?”

“What we gain,” Cheney answered, “and my concern was then and it remains today is that the biggest threat we face is the possibility of terrorist groups like al Qaeda equipped with weapons of mass destruction, with nukes, bugs or gas. That was the threat after 9/11 and when we took down Saddam Hussein we eliminated Iraq as a potential source of that.”

What Cheney failed to clarify was exactly how do you eliminate Iraq as a source for WMDs when intelligence showed that the country had no weapons of mass destruction.

What we know is that Halliburton made of like a bandit. A bandit who stole both lives and money, and Cheney was driving the get away truck!

criminals Politics

What To Do With The Gun Violence Offenders – Ever Heard of The Dirty Dozen?

Have you ever wondered how to curb, or even merge violent crime prisoners here in the U.S. prison system back into a form of societal life? Have you ever heard of the movie, The Dirty Dozen? In 1967, an awesome war movie enlisted or drafted violent, life-sentence type prisoners into the Army during World War II to fight against the German war machine. It featured some of the greatest actors of that time such as Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Ernest Borgnine and living legend Hall of Fame Football running back, Jim Brown.

The premise of the movie was to take these violent criminals from prison, train them to become soldiers and send them into battle, supervised of course by a US Army Major. The goal was to get the best out of these hardened criminals.

At any rate, that’s what the U.S. could do with these prisoners here in our jails. They seem not to mind violence so why not establish a real-life “Dirty Dozen” squadron of soldiers. Put them right in the middle of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and all of the hot spots around the world. Send the violent offenders that are condemned, those on a life sentence, the rapist and extreme violent gang members that have been reeking havoc here in the States. With that, prisons would be freed up of violent offenders and would be filled with more of your “white collar” criminals instead.

Just last week, a member of Congress was thinking about re-introducing the notion of a Draft again. Really? With the dangers all over the world right now, terrorists are ready and violence are on our borders due to the drug war. Why would we even want to consider a Draft? There is another alternative, a deterrent that may work in our favor instead of the dreaded Draft.

Think about it. With violent criminals who are currently imprisoned fighting these wars on behalf of the United States, our sons and daughters would not be on the front lines. Those that seem to enjoy “killing” and violence without remorse would be risking their lives instead.

And they’re already on ‘death row’ or serving ‘life sentences’ anyway. It’s a win-win situation. Problem solved. Prison over crowding, solved. Those that commit violent crimes now would know their punishment – terminal life sentence in the Army or in the Marines. Believe me, I think these guys would have a totally different perspective when someone else is shooting back at them.

Democracy Egypt Foreign Policies Syria United States

Where Democracy Lives

If 2011 will go down in history as a terrible year economically, it will also be known as a turning point year for participatory and representative democracy in many countries throughout the world. True people power, spurred on by technology, second-to-second communications, and defiance of imposing police/military power proved more resilient than even the craftiest dictators. The movements that succeeded in overthrowing one-party, one person or one-ideology governments were not always smooth, and in many cases there is far more work to be done in order for the revolutions to hold onto their gains, but the people who have changed governments are now living in an altered world.

Consider the promise of democracy (the United States still needs to work on some of these):

  • Where democracy lives, citizens do not fear the state.
  • Where democracy lives, the press is freer, but must be more subservient to the truth than ever before.
  • Where democracy lives, the military belongs to the people.
  • Where democracy lives, women, ethnic and religious minorities, and people of all sexual orientations have full civil rights.
  • Where democracy lives, economic and educational opportunities are available to all levels of society.
  • Where democracy lives, the political process is messier, more susceptible to special interests and harder to corral, but power rests with the people.
  • Where democracy lives, justice systems must restore or establish the rule of law, not the rule of the open palm.

As for the countries that are under the most serious political pressure from their citizens,

Democracy now lives in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya

It’s knocking on the door in Syria.

It’s at a turning point in Russia, Hungary, Iraq and Ukraine

This will not be easy, and it’s not clear if the citizens of these countries will eventually taste the fruits of new-found freedom, or if the benefits of democracy will touch their lives. But they are well on their way towards a more productive, politically freer future than they were 12 months ago. The United States has a responsibility to help nurture these democratic movements, even if we aren’t supportive of the groups that are elected under their new political realities.

My hope is that over the next 12 months, more people in the United States and the world over will become involved in their country’s political process from every band of the political spectrum. It’s essential that we have vibrant debate and a full airing of the issues that face us if we are to progress and solve our problems.

So in addition to losing weight, resolve to do one thing that will make the country and the world a better place for all of us. Register to vote. Join an organization. Contact your representative and establish a working relationship with them on an issue. Start a social media site to highlight a concern you have. Be part of the solution.

And join me daily on

Happy New Year!

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Politics Republican United States

Mitt Romney Changes His Position On Whether He Changes His Position

Apparently Mitt Romney thinks the people in the Republican party are fools, or maybe he think they’re easily fooled. Why else would he make this statement?

“I’m not going to change my positions by virtue of being in a presidential campaign.”

That statement smacks the truth about Romney’s record dead in its face. Mitt Romney has changed his posting on every single major issue discussed in today’s politics. From the Individual Mandate,to gays in the military, to immigration, to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Heck,even name represents his changing – from Willard to Mitt because politically,Mitt may be more accepted.

Changing position is what Mitt does. He’s not called Mitt the flip flopper for no reason.

Barack Obama Christmas Michelle Obama Politics United States weekly address White House

The President And First Lady’s Christmas Message

President Obama was joined by the First Lady for a joint address this weekend, as they both wished the American people a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. The couple especially thanked the men and women in the military, as some of them come home from the war in Iraq while others still serve in other areas of the world.

“This holiday season at the White House,” the First Lady said, “we wanted to show our thanks with a special holiday tribute to some of the strongest, bravest, and most resilient members of our American family – the men and women who wear our country’s uniform and the families who support them.”

The President continued, thanking the troops for their service, and expressing his joy with the families of those returning home for the Christmas holidays.

For many military families, the best gift this year is a simple one – welcoming a loved one back for the holidays. You see, after nearly nine years, our war in Iraq is over.  Our troops are coming home.  And across America, military families are being reunited.

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