criminals Politics Racism tweet

Today’s Racism – Minnesota Republican Likens NBA Players to Criminals

Given that blacks represent the majority of players in the NBA, it is easy to see the racism in this Republican’s statement.

A Minnesota legislator’s tweet about the NBA has prompted hundreds of responses, with many on social media calling it racist.

State Rep. Pat Garofalo sent a tweet Sunday that read: “Let’s be honest, 70% of teams in NBA could fold tomorrow + nobody would notice a difference w/ possible exception of increase in streetcrime.”

The Star Tribune reports that when asked about the tweet, the Farmington Republican said he was “talking about NBA’s high arrest rate and that they are the only major pro league that testing positive for marijuana is not a substance abuse violation.”

Garofalo added: “No intent beyond that.”

Within two hours of his tweet, more than 600 people retweeted it and hundreds more responded. Many called the comment he made in the tweet racist.

criminals Entertainment Payday 2

What I’ve Been Playing: Payday 2

I’ve been waiting for this game for quite a long time and two days into playing, I am in love.

Payday 2 is a team based game where you are a squad of criminals who embark on various missions. Doing so, you receive cash which can be used to buy new weapons, new masks, and can be also used to customize all your gear.

What I love:
-The first Payday was also team based but just wasn’t very good at it. The HUD was too limited, the missions could be done without a team, the classes showed no major difference, and you really never needed help. In Payday2 the HUD now shows your entire team, their health, armor, ammo, and equipment. Each mission requires you to work with them and use their special skills to accomplish each heist.
-Every time you level up, you gain a skill point that can be used to level up certain classes. Now thankfully each class is significantly different from one another and each has a special ability
-The first Payday had..uh maybe 5 or so missions? Now we have upwards of 12 missions (probably more) and certain missions has various parts to them.
-I love being the bad guy in a game, it’s something you rarely are in video games. There’s a certain essence of “badass” about it.
-The guns! Oh how I love the choices of them all! The first Payday was limited to just a hand few, Payday 2 has over 9 standard weapons and just as many secondary weapons.
-The graphics! Oh this game looks beautiful compared to the last game. Then again a video in 360p would look better than the first Payday.
-The options to do each Heist are endless. You can stealth it or go in guns blazing. A door can be opened in four different ways, cameras can be taken down in numerous ways, locks can be broken or picked; Oh the choices are wonderful!

What I dislike:
-Nothing honestly.

Bonus section! What I hate:
-The leveling system is just stupid. Each skill costs 1 skill point and a large amount of cash. To “Ace” a skill requires three points and an even larger amount of cash. Tier 3 level skills cost three points and a six figure cash amount….
-The guns are so expensive that I want to cry. A G36 rifle costs $200k and each upgrade can vary from $10k to even more. Thankfully we don’t have to pay for ammo, otherwise I’d quit.
-Grinding every level. I’ve put five hours into the game and hit have hit level 24. Once I hit 24 I spent the next hour playing a serious heist, earned a ton of cash, but gained next to nothing in experience. The grind begins. I don’t even know where to start with this. In the first Payday, you simply went to the multiplayer menu, selected a map and difficulty, and you were shown the available games. For Payday 2 they introduced A large, constantly updating map which shows all the available heists, their difficulty, pay, experience, lobby leader, and the open slots available. As nice as it sounds, having all that info shown to you, the map is glitchy move around, it updates too slow, and new missions aren’t able to be set up by yourself so you must play what the game says you must.

-You’re being shot! In a normal first person shooter, when you’re being shot at a red arrow or something of similar nature pops up in the direction you’re being shot from. It’s a tried a truth method that nearly ever shooting game uses. In Payday2 a half red circle shows up from what part of your is being shot it, in example an enemy can be in front of you but shooting at your left arm, thus it’ll show your left side is being shot. This has completely confused me and led me to be spinning in circles to find a guy who’s probably just right behind me.

Don’t get me wrong, I will max out my level in Payday 2 and continue to play this game till I find something more exciting to play with my friends. It’s a fun fun game and can be replayed till time ends. I love being a criminal, love the new improvements they’ve made, and love the gameplay. It’s not a perfect game, but I’m quite alright with that.

criminals Politics

What To Do With The Gun Violence Offenders – Ever Heard of The Dirty Dozen?

Have you ever wondered how to curb, or even merge violent crime prisoners here in the U.S. prison system back into a form of societal life? Have you ever heard of the movie, The Dirty Dozen? In 1967, an awesome war movie enlisted or drafted violent, life-sentence type prisoners into the Army during World War II to fight against the German war machine. It featured some of the greatest actors of that time such as Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Ernest Borgnine and living legend Hall of Fame Football running back, Jim Brown.

The premise of the movie was to take these violent criminals from prison, train them to become soldiers and send them into battle, supervised of course by a US Army Major. The goal was to get the best out of these hardened criminals.

At any rate, that’s what the U.S. could do with these prisoners here in our jails. They seem not to mind violence so why not establish a real-life “Dirty Dozen” squadron of soldiers. Put them right in the middle of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and all of the hot spots around the world. Send the violent offenders that are condemned, those on a life sentence, the rapist and extreme violent gang members that have been reeking havoc here in the States. With that, prisons would be freed up of violent offenders and would be filled with more of your “white collar” criminals instead.

Just last week, a member of Congress was thinking about re-introducing the notion of a Draft again. Really? With the dangers all over the world right now, terrorists are ready and violence are on our borders due to the drug war. Why would we even want to consider a Draft? There is another alternative, a deterrent that may work in our favor instead of the dreaded Draft.

Think about it. With violent criminals who are currently imprisoned fighting these wars on behalf of the United States, our sons and daughters would not be on the front lines. Those that seem to enjoy “killing” and violence without remorse would be risking their lives instead.

And they’re already on ‘death row’ or serving ‘life sentences’ anyway. It’s a win-win situation. Problem solved. Prison over crowding, solved. Those that commit violent crimes now would know their punishment – terminal life sentence in the Army or in the Marines. Believe me, I think these guys would have a totally different perspective when someone else is shooting back at them.

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