George Bush Politics war

Bush’s Press Secretary Forgot The Year They Took Us Into War in Iraq

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Usually, one remembers the dates that’s important to them. Their birthday, their anniversary, the year they graduated from high school or college, the year they invaded another nation and declared war on that nation… well, maybe that last one is not that important, especially when thousands of Americans died and tens of thousands of Americans lost limbs in said war. And who cares that hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens lost their lives? Remembering the year we invaded Iraq is not a big deal.

Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary for George Bush, could not remember when he and the administration he worked for took this country into war. In an apparent attempt to criticize the Obama administration for the present security situation in that nation, Fleischer took to Twitter and tweeted this:

Just for the record, and in case other Bush mouthpieces wanted to get into this conversation, George Bust invaded Iraq in March of 2003.

After TalkingPointsMemo pointed this out in a post, Fleischer responded with a casual “thank you,” then stated that he must have hit the wrong key on his keyboard.

Yea, sure you did Fleischer! Sure you did!

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