
Fire Breaks Out in Basement of IRS Building

They say a transformer is to be blamed, but I blame Republicans!

A transformer fire broke out Monday in the IRS building, NBC Washington reported.

The building at 1111 Constitution Ave. NW was evacuated.

The fire broke out in the basement of the building and caused traffic closures in the area.

Fox 5 DC reported there were no injuries, but 12th Street is closed at Constitution Avenue.

Chris Wallace Politics

Breaking News – Fox News Has Had Enough of The IRS Crap

Something very interesting went down on the Fox News network on Sunday. It appeared the Fox people are beginning to come to their senses – as impossible as that may seem – and they are beginning to question the authenticity of their Republican man made IRS controversy.

On Sunday’s program, Chris Wallace interviewed Republican Representative Charles Boustany and based on his questions, I would concluded that the IRS nonsense has reached the point of Fox skepticism, even for the nonsense-pushers themselves.

WALLACE: Congressman, let me interrupt you, too, if i may. Because a lot of people … including some Republicans, some of your colleagues say that your committee and the House Oversight Committee have blown this because of the fact that you should have given Lois Lerner immunity. I mean, let’s face it — nobody really cares what Lois Lerner did, the question is did she get it from higher ups or just the decision by a mid level bureaucrat in the IRS? Why not give her immunity a year ago under subject, of penalty of perjury and say were you given direction by anybody above you?

BOUSTANY: Well, that is a debatable point. And it’s worthy of discussion. But the fact is we’re still being obstructed by the IRS. We’ve now gone through two — we have two confirmed IRS Commissioners and two acting commissioners and we have still not gotten all the documents that we need to conclude this investigation. The fact is I want to follow the facts, on this, from the ground up starting with the Cincinnati office. we’ve had good interviews.

WALLACE: You’ve had a year, sir. You’ve had a year.

When Fox News becomes tired of your BS, perhaps it is time to give it up.

Watch the clip below to see Wallace grill Representative Boustany.


Music Racism tax evasion

Lauryn Hill’s Goes All In On IRS and Racism

On June 28th, one day before she was scheduled to begin her sentence for tax evasion,  Lauryn Hill took to her Tumblr page and let it all out.

In her open letter, she wrote:

The concept of reverse racism is flawed, if not absolutely ridiculous. Most, if not all of the negative responses from people of color toward white people, are reactions to the hatred, violence, cruelty and brutality that they were shown by white people for centuries. Much of the foundation of the modern world was built on the forced free labor of black peoples. The African Slave Trade, the institution of slavery, colonialism, its derivative systems, and the multiple holocausts throughout history, where whites used race as the defining reason to justify their oppression, conquest, and brutal treatment of non-white peoples, are how race became such a factor to begin with.

The initial claim by the oppressors, followed a moral imperative (so they said) that people outside of Occidental and European birth were in savage and cursed conditions, and that God justified the captivity of these people, and the rape and pillage of their lands.

Ironically, these oppressors would try to discard this same God, who supposedly justified this brutality, in the name of Darwin, whose famous line ‘survival of the fittest’ was used to justify criminal behavior once the Bible could no longer be used as a hiding place for economic domination and evil intention.

Spirituality and morality were replaced by capitalism, and with it a conscious shift of focus toward the exploitation of the vulnerable.

In order to justify reverse racism one would have to first create an even playing field, undo the generations of torture, terror, and brutality, and then judge whether or not a non-white person is in fact a racist. This approach would require people to examine the need/addiction to feel superior to someone else for no justifiable reason, and the myriad policies: Spiritual, political and social, that it bore. True dominion is self evident and not the result of sabotaging another in order to achieve it. That would be an illegitimate as well as a fleeting position. The Universe, will eventually seek to right/balance itself.

Of course there are white people who live transcendent lives, not exploiting ill-gotten privilege or perpetuating the sins of their ancestors who used violence and deceit as a means to gain advantage over others. Humanity in proper order is obligated to acknowledge the Truth, whoever it comes from, be they Black, White or other. Righteous indignation is simply a response to long-standing evil.

Much of the world is still reeling from the abuses of Imperialist selfishness, misunderstanding, ignorance and greed. Black people remain in many ways a shattered community, disenfranchised, forcefully removed from context and still caged in, denied from making truly independent choices and experiencing existential freedom. Their natural homes, just like their natural selves, raped and pillaged of the resources and gifts God has given to them. Interpreted through someone else’s slanted lens and filter, they remain in many ways, misrepresented. Taxation without proper representation, might I remind you, was the very platform of protest that began the Revolutionary War, which gained this country its independence from England. Anger is not only the natural response to the abuse of power, but is also appropriate when there is no real acknowledgment of these abuses, or deep, meaningful and profound change.

If we took all of what we deem horrible regarding the criminal abuses that black people have committed over this country’s history, and add it all up, it still does not compare to the hundreds of years of terrorism, violent domination, theft, rape, abuse, captivity, and beyond that black people have suffered under the ideologies and systems of white supremacy, racism, and slave based paradigms. I say this only to say that abuse unresolved begets or creates abuse. How then does the chief offender become the judge? Might does not necessarily mean right. Right is right. People forcibly reduced to sub-human existences, so that they behave in sub-human ways, helps a system to justify itself or feel less guilty about its blood saturated foundation and gross crimes against humanity. People, like plants, grow where the light is. When you enclose a plant and limit its light source, it will bend itself toward the light, for the light is necessary for its survival. This same thing happens to people locked in communities where little light and little opportunity is allowed them, survival then forces them to twist and/or bend toward the only way of escape.

There is good. And I both acknowledge and encourage the good. Instead of throwing out the Baby with the bath water, we do well to expose the intentionally poisoned water the Baby has been forced to soak in since its origin in these lands. America’s particular brand of hypocrisy is gross (double entendre).

I shuddered during sentencing when I kept hearing the term ‘make the IRS whole’… make the IRS whole, knowing that I got into these very circumstances having to deal with the very energies of inequity and resistance that created and perpetuated these savage inequalities. The entire time, I thought, who has made black people whole?! Who has made recompense for stealing, imposing, lying, murdering, criminalizing the traumatized, taking them against their wills, destroying their homes, dividing their communities, ‘trying’ to steal their destinies, their time, stagnating their development, I could go on and on. Has America, or any of the nations of the world guilty of these atrocities, ever made black people or Africa whole or do they continue to sit on them, control them, manipulate them, cage them, rob them, brutalize them, subject them to rules that don’t apply to all? Use language, veiled coercion, and psychological torment like invisible fences to keep them locked into a pattern of limitation and therefore control by others. You have to remain focused to cease from rage.

The prosecutor, who was a woman, made a statement during sentencing about me not doing any charity work for a number of years during my ‘exile.’ A) Charity work is not a requirement, but something done because someone wants to. I was clearly doing charitable works way before other people were even thinking about it. And B) Even the judge had to comment that she, meaning I, was both having and raising children during this period. As if that was not challenging enough to do. She sounded like the echo of the grotesque slave master, who expected women to give birth while in the field, scoop the Baby up, and then continue to work. Disgusting.

When you are beaten and penalized for being independent, or truly self reliant, then you develop a dysfunctional relationship with self-reliance, and a fear of true independence. When you are beaten or threatened with death for trying to read a book, then you develop a dysfunctional relationship with education. When families are broken up by force and threat of violence, then the family structure becomes dysfunctional. When men who would naturally defend their women and families are threatened with castration and death, then this natural response also becomes dysfunctional. When looking at the oppressor is punishable by violence, then examination of him and his system becomes a difficult and taboo thing to do, despite every bone in your body demanding it. When questioning or opposing oppression is punishable by death, imprisonment, or economic assassination, then opposing systemic wrong in any or all of its meta manifestations is a terrifying concept. Anyone forced to live so incredibly diametrically opposed to that which is natural to themselves, will end up in crisis if they don’t successfully find a way to improve or transcend these circumstances! All of which require healing. It is only by the Grace of God and the resilience of the people that things haven’t been worse.

Much of my music, if not all of it, is about Love, a therapeutic resolve created in response to the lack of messages encouraging people like me toward free moral agency. Helping to ameliorate this condition has never been addressed through the political arena alone. It is a sacrificial work that doesn’t simply happen between the hours of 9 to 5 or Monday through Friday, but when inspiration leads us to avail ourselves for the Truth that needs to be said. Unlike the system too often contrarily demonstrates, we believe that people can be and should be helped, and that trauma should not be criminalized but acknowledged, healed and dealt with. This takes awareness, sensitivity and a level of freedom in my opinion the system lacks. And if we don’t know or understand how to do it, then we humbly refer to a higher authority.

We have no desire to create humanoids, turn people into machines, or dumb them down so that they remain dependent longer than necessary to an antiquated system in denial of its many inadequacies and need to evolve. Instead we seek to educate and shed light on the snares, traps, and enticements that people set up in the name of business that are intended only to catch the sleeping and/or uninformed.

Why would a system, ‘well intentioned’, wait until breakdown or incarceration to consider rehabilitation, after generations of institutionally inflicted trauma and abuse on a people? To me it is obvious that the accumulation of generational trauma and abuse have created the very behaviors the system tries to punish, by providing no sufficient outlets for the victims of institutional terror. Clearly, the institution seeks to hide its own criminal history at the expense and wholeness of the abused, who ‘acting out’ from years of abuse and mistreatment, reflect the very aggression that they were exposed to.


Where’s The Manufactured Outrage Now? IRS Targeted “Progressive” Groups Too

Calling all those “concerned” Tea Partiers and Republicans who cried foul that the IRS targeted Conservative groups. Can you hear me? Are you out there? Here’s another bit of news for you to cry about. Documents released today revealed that the IRS “targeted” Progressives groups too.

Crickets… silence

The Internal Revenue Service targeted progressive groups applying for tax-exempt status in addition to conservative ones, according to IRS documents released by congressional Democrats on Monday.

The documents and an internal IRS report being sent to congressional committees reveal that the tax agency used terms that included “progressive” and “occupy” to flag progressive organizations for extra scrutiny before the 2012 elections.

The revelations greatly complicate the political scandal that has engulfed the IRS over the past few weeks. An inspector general report in mid-May revealed the tax agency had screened conservative groups with words like “tea party” in their name when considering applications for tax-exempt status. Lawmakers from both parties quickly denounced the creation of such “Be On The Lookout,” or BOLO, lists. Republicans in particular argued the finding proved the IRS was trying to tip the scales of the election during the heat of the campaign.

Apparently, when the talking point was “IRS is targeting the Teaparty,” everyone was up in arms. With the new revelation that Progressive groups were looked at in the same way, no one cares.

Shocked? Me neither.


President Obama’s Poll Numbers Rise Despite G.O.P’s Manufactured Controversies

President Obama’s approval ratings have increased since a trio of controversies involving his administration began dominating the news cycle.

Fifty percent of those surveyed in Gallup’s three-day tracking poll released Wednesday say they approve of the job the president is doing, compared to 43 percent who said they disapprove.

The 7-percentage point positive margin is better than where the president stood in the poll over the two weeks before the IRS and Department of Justice scandals broke, and is near Obama’s rating over the waning days of the 2012 campaign when voters convincingly elected him to a second term in office.

Obama’s Gallup numbers are up three percentage points since the pollster’s May 23-25 survey and suggest Obama’s approval ratings held steady, even as the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of Tea Party groups made headlines.

Politics taxes

Man Files 122 False Income Tax Returns – Gets $92,000 in Returns

Here’s something original. Barry made over $92,000.00 filing 122 false income tax returns using the information of dead people.

In other news, Republican Senator Rand Paul recently defended Apple’s decision to cheat the American Government out of billions in taxes, by shipping their income overseas. Paul was heard saying that everyone game the system in some way, so Apple did nothing wrong.

I guess what this guy did is okay, using Paul’s standard.

The U.S. attorney’s office said in a release John M. Berry Jr. of Dunkirk, pleaded guilty Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Buffalo to making a false claim against the United States. The charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of $250,000 or both.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Aaron J. Mango, who is handling the case, said between Sept. 3, 2008, and March 25, 2009, Berry filed 122 false income tax returns for the tax years 2007 and 2008 with the IRS.

During that time, Berry obtained the personal and identifying information for 122 recently deceased individuals and then used that information to file federal tax returns. The defendant created fraudulent income and withholding information for the dead taxpayers and filed the returns electronically, Mango said.

The 122 tax returns sought refunds totaling $217,520 from the IRS, of which the defendant received $92,462.12. The refunds were deposited directly into Berry’s bank account, Mango said.

“This case should serve as a warning that our office, working with our law enforcement partners, will not tolerate attempts to either steal the identities of individuals, or the money of the taxpayers of this country,” U.S. Attorney William J. Hochul Jr. “That this defendant would rob the identities of deceased individuals is concerning, and could have brought additional grief and pain for their loved ones.”

Sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 26.

Benghazi Benghazi Politics

The Smoking Gun Shoots Blanks

There’s something telling about Mitch McConnell saying that the health care act will be the major issue in the 2014 midterm elections. It means that he realizes that the GOP will smoke its triple scandal orgasm cigarette and move on before the year is out. It also means that he operates in the same blindered echo-chamber the far right has occupied since March of 2010. Yes, the IRS does have a role to play in the ACA’s rollout and implementation, but it’s not going to be responsible for the death of the Republican Party. The party faithful are doing a good enough job of that.

After a week of terrible news, two major polls–CNN/ORC and Gallup–are showing that President Obama’s approval ratings are holding steady in the low 50s, but that many Americans are not satisfied with many of the answers the members of his administration, and he, are giving. That’s understandable. These are undeniably poor governmental practices, and if anybody has broken the law, then they should be punished. But that will be difficult.

What happened at the IRS office in Cincinnati sounds suspicioulsy like the office of any other overworked, understaffed institution in the United States. People made choices on their own, seemingly without a lot of oversight, and they tried to be efficient in the face of technology inefficiencies and a dash of confusion. There’s no conspiracy here, despite the right wing’s continuing bleating, because there were some left wing groups that got caught up in the excess scrutiny. Plus, at the time, most of the new groups asking for tax-exempts status were Tea Party affiliated because that’s when they rose to power, so that was the bulk of the applications to begin with. And there’s no evidence (yet) that a majority or even a large cohort of these groups was denied their tax-exempt status because of their affiliation. This is not a scandal: It’s incompetence, and that’s not criminal.

The ongoing drama in Benghazi is likewise a government muddle, but it looks like it’s mostly a CIA-State Department fight that resulted in terrible editing and a tragic miscalculation of what was happening on the ground. Again, is there  evidence of illegal activity? Probably not, but the GOP will spend more time than it needs to trying to unearth something that isn’t there.

The Justice Department’s rummaging through the Associated Press’ phone records is the most chilling of the three issues because it combines the worst of the War on Terror with a violation of the trust that journalists have with their sources. Its’ also the most disappointing aspect of the Obama Administration’s continuation of policies put in place during George W. Bush’s tenure in the White House. Perhaps this will result in a national shield law, something that, until now, the Obama administration has been against.

The right wing has been waiting for the opportunity to investigate the president for over four years, and they’ve finally received their opportunity. They will probably be disappointed, but not until they’ve extracted some political coinage for their trouble. This will boomerang on them if it means that immigration and tax reform are sacrificed in the name of non-existent conspiracies.

And really, if you want to compare Obama to Nixon, then you probably weren’t alive during the 1970s, and if you were, you learned the wrong lessons.

For more, go to and on Twitter @rigrundfest


Question That Broke IRS News Was Planted

The Washington Post is reporting that the question that led Lois Lerner to disclose the IRS’s wrongdoing was planted by none other than Lerner herself.

Celia Roady, the lawyer whose question led Lerner to disclose the committee’s wrongful targeting of conservative groups, said Friday that Lerner asked her to ask the question.

“On May 9, I received a call from Lois Lerner, who told me that she wanted to address an issue after her prepared remarks at the ABA Tax Section’s Exempt Organizations Committee Meeting, and asked if I would pose a question to her after her remarks,” Roady said. “I agreed to do so, and she then gave me the question that I asked at the meeting the next day. We had no discussion thereafter on the topic of the question, nor had we spoken about any of this before I received her call. She did not tell me, and I did not know, how she would answer the question.”

Citizens United Nancy Pelosi Politics

Nancy Pelosi Blames Citizens United for IRS Controversy

I completely agree with Nancy Pelosi. If the Supreme Court had done the sensible thing instead of catering to partisan idealogy and struck down Citizens United, we would not be dealing with this nonsense today.

The IRS is under heavy fire from both parties following recent revelations that some in the agency singled out conservative groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for a certain tax-exempt status.

Pelosi condemned those actions Thursday, saying those responsible “were wrong and must be held accountable.”

But the Democratic leader was also quick to link the scandal to the broader issue of campaign finance, arguing that the episode would never have happened if Congress overhauled the system to eliminate so-called 501(c)(4) groups altogether.

Those groups, which do not have to disclose their donors, have gained power and prominence since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision empowered them to participate directly in elections provided they focus primarily on “social welfare” and not candidate advocacy.

“These actions highlight why we must overturn Citizens United,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol. “There is a very thin line … that these so-called ‘social welfare’ organizations must make their priority promoting social welfare, rather than engaging in politics. Clearly, this has not been [the case].

“I paint everybody with the same brush, right to left,” she added. “I think it all should go.”

Politics taxes

I.R.S – 1400 Millionaires Paid Zero Taxes in 2009

If the family struggling to put food on the table, or keep a roof over their heads make a mistake on their tax returns and is audited, the taxman will bring out the army to make sure that family pays all the taxes they owe. But if you’re a millionaire, you could get away with paying nothing, while your income reflects six or more digits.

A new report issued by the IRS shows that over 1400 people who earned more than 1 million dollars in 2009,  paid zero in taxes. Credit this effort to keep the rich happy to two things;

  1. The raping of the tax system through tax loopholes set up to primarily pacify the greedy;
  2. A lobbying group voted into Congress by the American people. This group of lobbyists is called the Republican Party.

But let’s not forget the Republican’s claim, that providing the rich with more tax cuts in the form of Corporate loopholes and welfare, is the only way to create jobs. With this ideology, no one would have expected the unemployment rate to balloon to 10.2% in 2009 and now stands at 9.2%

It is time that Americans and Republicans face the truth – extra tax cuts and tax loopholes that benefits the rich does nothing for everyday middle-class America, and the Bush Administration supports this conclusion when massive trillion-dollar tax cuts were given to the wealthiest people in America, resulting in 700,000 people a month losing their jobs at the end of his term.

At a time when middle class America is being asked to give up the shirts off their backs to keep the economy from falling into total destruction, the millionaires and billionaires in this country should at least be asked to pay something back. Maybe not 90% like they paid in the 1950’s, or the 50% they paid under the Reagan administration. But having millionaires pay zero in taxes should be unheard of, especially in this economic crisis.

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