Featured Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell Covered Up for Russia’s Involvement in Hack of US Election

According to a bombshell report from the Washington Post, the CIA concluded that Russia actively interfered in the election not just to destabilize our political system, but to actively elect Donald Trump.

This conclusion was not something they just pulled out of thin air. Intelligence agencies had arrived at their conclusion in September, and briefed a bipartisan group in the Senate and House about it then, along with President Obama. The President wanted to go forward with a full disclosure of the report, but Mitch McConnell quashed it, threatening to taint any disclosure with the claim that it was being made merely for political gain.

 McConnell was willing to let the Russians meddle in the election because his guy was getting the benefit of their work. This is outrageous.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

In other words, there was active interference on the part of Russia not simply to destabilize our politics, but to actively elect one candidate over another.

Concerned that a unilateral White House statement would appear as though the administration was tilting the election in favor of Democrats, the White House decided to convene a bipartisan panel of elected officials to review the material in the hopes of issuing a unified statement and warning states about possible compromises to their voting systems.

Instead, officials devised a plan to seek bipartisan support from top lawmakers and set up a secret meeting with the Gang of 12 — a group that includes House and Senate leaders, as well as the chairmen and ranking members of both chambers’ committees on intelligence and homeland security.

Read more at Crooks And Liars

Donald Trump Mitch McConnell Politics

Mitch McConnell is “Committed” to Supporting Donald Trump

The same man who stood on the Senate floor and vowed to make a sitting President a “one-term president,”has  issued a statement saying that he is “committed” to supporting Donald Trump for president – Trump, a man who has successfully demonstrated the mannerism of a 3rd grade school boy.

“I have committed to supporting the nominee chosen by Republican voters, and Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee, is now on the verge of clinching that nomination,” McConnell said in a 75-word statement.

“Republicans are committed to preventing what would be a third term of Barack Obama and restoring economic and national security after eight years of a Democrat in the White House,” McConnell said. “As the presumptive nominee, he now has the opportunity and the obligation to unite our party around our goals.”

Mitch McConnell Politics

John Boehner is Gone, Mitch McConnell Now In Their Crosshairs

Now that John Boehner is stepping down from being the Republican Speaker of the House, many conservative “hardliners” – or should I say, the Teapartiers – have set their sights on the Republican Leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell.

Boehner’s move seemed only to embolden the hardliners. Several on Capitol Hill and off suggested that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., would be their next target, and the group Tea Party Patriots began circulating a petition calling for his removal.

McConnell had pledged that the GOP Congress would show voters that Republicans can govern in the runup to the 2016 elections. But conservatives complain that the GOP takeover of the Senate this year has not yielded results, and now a House run by less-proven leaders may test McConnell’s promise once more.

“Mitch McConnell is infinitely worse as a leader than Boehner. He surrenders at the sight of battle every time,” said Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., one of the rebels. “We made a lot of promises to the American people that if we took the Senate that we would do certain things and those things have not been accomplished.”

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Elected, Perchance to Govern?

Mitch McConnell, moderate. I thought I’d never see that characterization, but after last week’s embarrassing, incompetent, dangerous gambit the House Republicans played, he’s looking like the only GOP adult in the room. John Boehner seems to have lost his caucus and is now dependent on the far right to dictate what gets done in the House, and what’s getting done is virtually nothing. Kicking the Homeland Security funding argument to this week will do nothing except make Friday night another frantic opportunity for brinkmanship and Obama-bashing. In the end, Homeland Security will get funding and the president’s immigration changes will stand. The real losers will be the people who work for the agency as they bite their nails and wait to see if they’ll be getting paid for another week. If terrorists read American news sources, they are surely laughing at us.

Not content to make itself look bad on the domestic front, the Republicans doubled down and asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to come and speak to a joint session of Congress, an honor he will deliver this week. Never mind that his visit, essentially a jab at the Obama administrations efforts to negotiate a nuclear treaty with Iran, will only put more on strain US-Israel relations, although there are reports that things might be getting less strained. Mr. Netanyahu, I’m sure, will have important things to say. The problem is that he might want to think twice before attaching himself to the clown car Congress that can’t seem to find money to pay for homeland security, much less debate a serious issue like a possible Iranian nuclear weapon.

This is also the week that the Supreme Court will hear arguments in King v. Burwell, the case that challenges whether the federal government can give subsidies to people who buy health insurance on the federal exchange. The plaintiffs believe that only those who buy policies on state exchanges should get subsidies. Which of course begs the question, if the court rules for the plaintiffs, will they work feverishly to make sure that the states without exchanges set them up quickly so the law can work and millions of people can keep their health care?

Of course not.  This is most likely the final attempt to destroy a law that is working wonderfully and is fundamentally changing the health care landscape for the better. Also, the states that would suffer the most if the subsidies are struck down will be the poorest, reddest states in the country. You know, the ones whose citizens vote against their interests by electing governments that seek to limit the programs their people desperately need.

And the state that would suffer the most? Florida. Does Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio have a fall back plan if millions of Floridians lose their health insurance? No. Do both of them want to be president? Of course, but what a catastrophe either of them would be.

And finally, this week will see the rollout of the PARCC tests across the nation. School districts are hoping that their technology holds up and that students can navigate the many screen they’ll need to use in order to answer the questions. Some families have decided that they don’t want their students to participate, so they’ve opted out, or “refused” to take the tests as the officials like to characterize it, The testing will take almost three weeks and then return in late April or early May, taking more valuable time and resources from classrooms and actual learning. The tests will mean almost nothing to students, but for teachers, they will count for 10% of their yearly evaluation (in New Jersey, at least). I give these tests five years, and then the education establishment will move on to something newer.

March is certainly roaring in.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Featured Mitch McConnell Politics

Mitch McConnell Takes Credit for Democrats’ Economic Growth

After being a leader of The Party of NO, going against every economic policy implemented by the president and Democrats and being a member of the party that shut down the government, Mitch McConnell is now doing his best trying to take credit for economic prosperity we are now facing in this country.

McConnell actually had the nerves to say this;

“After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope; the uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress,” McConnell said on Wednesday.

“So this is precisely the right time to advance a positive, pro-growth agenda.”

The comment provoked snide chuckles from Democrats. The Democratic National Committee emailed out a statement with the subject line “DNC to McConnell: Hahahahahahahahahahaha.”

Here’s the statement from DNC Communications Director Mo Elleithee:
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. That Mitch McConnell is one funny guy. He likes to remind people all the time that he’s not a scientist. Now we know he’s not a mathematician or an economist either. The fact is, under President Obama we’ve had 57 straight months of private sector job growth leading to nearly 11 million jobs added. All Republicans have given us is a government shutdown that cost the economy $24 billion. I get why he wants to take credit for the economic recovery. But maybe he should first do something to help contribute to it.

Healthcare Mitch McConnell ObamaCare Repeal

Mitch McConnell Promising an Obamacare Repeal Vote in The Senate

Republican Senate Majority Leader-elect, Mitch McConnell, campaigned on repealing Obamacare, promising to uproot Obamacare “root and branch” he often said, and the voters in Kentucky, who benefit most from Obamacare decided to put McConnell in charge.

So in an effort to keep his promise to take away his constituents healthcare, McConnell is already gearing up for a repeal vote in the senate.

“Number one: We certainly will have a vote on proceeding to a bill to repeal Obamacare. … It was a very large issue in the campaign,” he told Roll Call in an interview published on Monday.

Republicans will have 54 members in the new Senate to convene on January 3 – short of the 60 needed to overcome an expected Democratic filibuster on a bill that repeals Obamacare.

Though he spoke of a more cooperative and functioning Senate, McConnell insisted that Republicans “will go at that law [Obamacare] – which in my view is the single worst piece of legislation passed in the last half century – in every way that we can.”

Featured Mitch McConnell

Confirmed – Mitch McConnell is Bussing Supporters Around Kentucky

The Hill obtained an email sent out earlier this month by Mitch McConnell’s campaign,  begging supporters to join them on an all expense paid trip to different events around Kentucky. The supporters are asked to contribute to the “enthusiastic atmosphere” at McConnell’s campaign events.


“Senator McConnell is seeking volunteers to join him on a 3-day campaign bus tour around the state on October 20-22 to show our support for Kentucky coal. You would join local supporters in contributing to an enthusiastic atmosphere at each of his events,” she wrote.

Bussing in supporters isn’t a new tactic for McConnell, who has done it to fill out crowds during his previous appearances at the annual Fancy Farm picnic. Democrats have derided the move, however, as a sign of low enthusiasm for the Republican.

They again charged McConnell’s move to bus in supporters suggested momentum is headed in Grimes’ favor.

“It should surprise no one that Mitch McConnell is left to purchase grassroots support after he and his allies have spent more than $50 million running from his failed 30-year record in Washington. Momentum is clearly on Alison’s side as she draws record-breaking crowds of Kentuckians and runs laps around McConnell’s rusted DC-based campaign,” said Kentucky Democratic Party Chairman Dan Logsdon.

Mitch McConnell Politics repealing Obamacare

Mitch McConnell Lied Again – You Cannot Have Kynect Without Obamacare

By now I’m sure you’ve heard the bogus and outrageous claim by Republican Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell.

In his one and only debate with Alison Lundergan Grimes earlier this week, McConnell was asked about his plans for Obamacare if reelected to the Senate to represent the people of Kentucky.

It should be noted that McConnell already sits in that seat, he is the Senator for that state. But he knows that Republicans in Kentucky don’t like Obamacare and they want it repealed, even though Obamacare – they call it Kynect in Kentucky – provides them with life saving healthcare.

McConnell also know that Republicans cannot repeal Obamacare. They have tried over 50 times to no avail. And even if they win the Senate in November – and it’s looking more likely that they will – Republicans will not be able to repeal the law because the president is not going to sign any legislation that kills healthcare for millions of Americans.

But in the debate, McConnell could not avoid lying to the people of Kentucky, the people he represents, the people who wants the Obamacare repealed although they are benefitting from the law. When asked about his plans for healthcare, McConnell lied… twice!

“Kentucky Kynect is a website,” McConnell said. “The website can continue, but in my view the best interests of the country would be achieved by pulling out Obamacare root and branch.”

His first lie was trying to separate Kentucky Kynect from Obamacare as if they are two different entities. Kynect is not just a website, it is a marketplace set up and funded by Obamacare. Uprooting Obamacare “root and branch” is in fact, uprooting Kynect “root and branch,” and thus, eliminating health care for hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians.

His second lie? That re-electing him to the Senate will magically result in repealing Obamacare,  as if the last 50 trials were just practice.

What’s the odds that the people of Kentucky picked up on these lies? Don’t bet on it. They are mostly Republicans.

Mitch McConnell Politics Senate

New Poll – Alison Lundergan Grimes Overtakes Mitch McConnell in Kentucky

(AP Photo/Stephen Lance Dennee)

Maybe the voters in Kentucky are smarter than we thought. They kept voting for Mitch McConnell election after election, sending him back to Congress even when it was clear the Republican did nothing for the state. So maybe in this cycle these voters were just pulling our legs all along. According to a new poll, these voters now favor Alison Grimes.

We can all exhale, although, briefly!

After two polls in his favor, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has slipped behind Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes in his re-election bid, according to the latest Bluegrass Poll.

Grimes, Kentucky’s secretary of state, now leads the five-term senator 46 percent to 44 percent among likely voters, the survey found. Libertarian candidate David Patterson had 3 percent support in the poll, while 7 percent of likely voters said they were undecided.

While Grimes’ advantage is within the poll’s margin of error, it represents a 6-point swing to the Democrat since the survey was last conducted in late August.

Mitch McConnell Politics

Mitch McConnell Refused to Debate Alison Lundergan Grimes

The Republican Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, has been in Congress since the beginning of time, and was present at George Washington’s inauguration in 1789.

One would think McConnell would have all his ducks in a row and be able to point to all the advantages Kentuckians would benefit from by keeping him in Congress. One would think McConnell would be happy to debate anyone who dares question his experience and qualification for being in Congress. But one would be wrong. According to reports, McConnell is doing all he can to avoid any debate with his opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes.

After all his time in Washington, people are still trying to figure out McConnell, and they want to know where he stand on the issues, so of course, they try having the two candidates together to express their views. For the most part, Alison Lundergan Grimes has made herself available, but Mitch it seems, has better things to do.

In a recent KSR radio interview, Alison Lundergan Grimes was onsite with no McConnell to debate. The radio station said that they extended an invitation to both candidates for Kentucky’s Senate seat. McConnell initially said he would attend, but then changed his mind. KRS said, “We have an invitation out to McConnell to come on the show as well, and if he doesn’t accept, Grimes will win the KSR vote.”

Today, Kentucky Sports Radio said that McConnell had agreed to come on the show then stopped returning their calls and emails, “Don’t tell me you’re going to come, and then not come. Why do people have to lie? … They don’t return my calls and emails.”

This is normal behavior for Sen. McConnell. In June, McConnell refused to respond to a debate invitation from The Beattyville Enterprise, “The Enterprise has twice sent email requests for McConnell to appear in Beattyville for a debate, but no response has yet been received.”

Twelve days ago, Sen. McConnell accepted a debate invitation from The Appalachian News-Express but quickly backed out because he was going to be on a bus tour of Kentucky during ALL of the potential dates.

The evidence is clear. Mitch McConnell is afraid to debate Alison Lundergan Grimes. He has turned down debate invitations from media and organizations across the state of Kentucky. It looks like Kentucky voters will only get one chance to see the two candidates debate. The only debate in the Kentucky Senate race is scheduled for October 13.

Alison on KRS Radio

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Senate Sense

I have gone on record as saying that the Democrats will somehow come out of the midterm elections still controlling the Senate, if only because Vice president Joe Biden will be the deciding vote in a 50-50 chamber.

That was last week. And a new spate of polls has the left in a bit of a tizzy, since they seem to show the GOP potentially picking up 7 seats, which would give them clear control. Let’s take a look.

RealClearPolitics shows nine tossup races on their election map, but new polls last week also show Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado and Georgia moving to the right. One notable poll, from Qinnipiac, is clearly and outlier, but especially in Colorado, the trend is towards the Republican. Electoral-vote also shows the same trends, although a mouse-over some of the more contested states shows razor-thin majorities in Colorado, Arkansas and Iowa. And over at the Princeton Election Consortium, the Meta-margin is currently at R+0.9 using a polls-only model.

So what does this mean?

That the races are still too close to call and that we need many more polls to make some sense of where we stand. No candidate in any of the contentious states has 50% in any poll or poll average, making it difficult to gauge anything other than movement towards one candidate or the other. In the end, the Senate race will be one of bragging rights since President Obama will veto anything he doesn’t like. The big repercussions will have to do with judicial and other nominees, where the Senate will most likely advise, but not consent. And in 2016 the GOP will be at the disadvantage, having to defend 23 seats.

The best news for the left, though, is the news that the GOP is still moving farther to the right, as evidenced by this past weeks Values Voter Summit.  As long as Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Perry are the faces of the Republicans, they will continue to lose national races.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

Barack Obama Mitch McConnell Politics

Alison Lundergan Grimes’ New Mistake – Her “I’m Not Barack Obama” Ad

That is where I think Alison made her mistake. I still don’t understand why all these Democrats are running away from the President when the President is the only one in Washington fighting for the American people. Seems like the most obvious choice would be to adapt the president’s policies, fight for the people instead of billionaires, and let the chips fall where they may. But no, these Democrats think running away from the president guarantees their ticket to Washington.

Alison Lundergan Grimes is against Kentucky’s Mitch McConnell and according to the latest polls, she is falling way behind. This is her way to try and get back in the race, to tell the people of Kentucky that she is not like Obama.

“Mitch McConnell wants you to think I’m Barack Obama. Mitch is the same guy who thought Duke Basketball players were [from the University of Kentucky]! Or who’s attacking me on coal after doing next to nothing while we’ve lost thousands of coal jobs? He even said it’s not his job to bring jobs to Kentucky.”

“I’m not Barack Obama. I disagree with him on guns, coal and the EPA.”

SIDENOTE – Kentuckians are enjoying all the benefits of Obamacare, something Mitch McConnell is trying to take away from them. Yet, these people will apparently vote to put McConnell back in office.



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