CNN Herman Cain

Herman Cain Makes Ad Calling Blacks Lazy, Unpatriotic Cheats

The hits just keeps on coming.

Recently, Herman Cain called blacks “brainwashed” because a huge majority vote Democrat. But that wasn’t all Cain said about the black community.

In another ad made in 2006, Herman Cain through his high-profile role at AmericaPAC, allowed what can easily be one of the most vile, despicable political ads ever! An ad, whose only perceivable intent is to put down an entire group of people. Herman Cain (who is black in case you haven’t noticed and referred to as “the face of AmericaPAC”) kept the ad that quotes almost all the stereotypes used to insult the black community.

And in 2012, if he makes it that far, Cain wants your vote.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

63 replies on “Herman Cain Makes Ad Calling Blacks Lazy, Unpatriotic Cheats”

Jack Boardman That link as a source would fail you on any paper on any college campus.

* Primary source, firsthand written evidence of history made at the time of the event by someone who was present

* Secondary source, written accounts of history based upon the evidence from primary sources

* Tertiary source, compilations based upon primary and secondary sources

If Mr. Cain can make the asinine statement "…don't condemn me because the first black one was bad…" meaning President Obama, than he's liable to say anything. The Republican party likes to induct these 'Clarence Thomas-like characters to create an illusion of inclusion of African-Americans in their party, but they're not fooling anybody. Mr. Cain will never be elected the President of the United States because the GOP will never 'allow' him to be.

Ezra Grant I guess now it is up to the readers to decide that now isn't it Ezra. I would suggest that you try to get the MSM to play this on the air. If they won't touch it? There is your proof. If they will and you can prove that this is Herman Cain speaking…I will vote for Obama! That is my level of confidence. If you cannot find a MSM outlet like MSNBC to play this clip will you vote for Mr. Cain?

So, what documentation do you have to back up your claim that this is Mr. Cain. Otherwise this is just slander and is a desperate attempt to destroy a successful black man. Pathetic

Jack what you are involved in is not a dabate, what your fingers tapped out is called SLANDER. You have made an accusation and are running the lie. Your hands are just as dirty as the author of this article. Character is much easier kept than recovered, you need to throw it in recovery mode…..

Emory David Roberts True, they don't. That is up to the one speaking the lines, cadence, inflection, tone and style are easily modified for a relatively short period. I've scoured Google for any rebuttal to this, and thus far found nothing. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to continue this, as sleep beckons.:)

Jack Boardman Obama stole paperclips in college and popped some little girls balloon with them at the mall. Now give me a source that proves I am wrong. LOL As for your article…did you see that date? Did you notice that that very old article does not source anywhere that that is Mr. Cains voice? I am not going to go back and forth with you. Anyone reading these posts knows that you source the info that is put out there, unless of course you want to prove to me with a source that Obama did not steal paperclips in college and used them to pop some little girls balloon with them at the mall. I will tell you what…you just spread that article to every major news source you know and see if anyone will pick it up and run with it. Good try my friend.

Jack Boardman, also, as someone whose family owns a recording studio and works with the equipment regularly, differences in acoustics and recording equipment do not change speaking style. And I assure you, the differences between whoever is speaking in this ad and Herman Cain are pretty conclusive.

Jack Boardman, also, as someone whose family owns a recording studio and works with the equipment regularly, differences in acoustics and recording equipment do not change speaking style. And I assure you, the differences between whoever is speaking in this ad and Herman Cain are pretty conclusive.

Jack Boardman No…You have that backwards. It does not have to be a court of law. You always have to source…at least that was what I learned in college. LOL Where is your source?

Jack Boardman, after meeting the man in person and hearing his voice, I'm here to tell you that Herman Cain is nowhere in this fabrication Neither is your typical "I'm Herman Cain and I approve this message."

I sincerely hope Mr. Cain brings an army of defamation lawyers down on your head. This a disgusting and dishonorable way of expressing your disagreement with Mr. Cain. Oh, and by the way, you forgot the "I'm Herman Cain and I approve this message." You might want to get it right before you attempt a fabrication.

Jack Boardman Hate to tell you this my friend but some of these posts come from people who work directly for Mr. Cain. (Not mine) This is not his voice. These came out a long time back and have already been rebutted. I do not know where you get your info but it is faulty. And there is a certain word in there that anyone who knows Mr. Cain knows that he would Never use! Do not believe everything you Google.

Lolly Winne You have a potty-mouth? ROTFLOL! Classy.You have no idea what words would suit me. Consider this: I've called you no demeaning names, but you have done so to me already. Who, exactly has the higher ground?

Ezra Grant – Why don't you try posting these so called "hideous ads" to PROVE your accusations against Mr. Cain, instead of posting fake slanderous garbage like this? I know why, because they don't EXIST! And so WHAT if Herman Cain is trying to get blacks to vote Republican! More power to him! The large majority of blacks want to live in the past and have a victim mentality! Herman wants MORE for them! How is that bad??

Herman is a runaway slave! Runaway slave! He is a republican! Get em boys. Nice try EZdope. Honest to God, at least make a half ass effort the next time you accuse. Cain vs. UNable 2012!

A shame when some cant see themselves leaving the very plantation that still chains black brains. THIS is slander and misinformation about Herman Cain. Be a man and pull the plug, admit that youre a sham. We the people who know Herman Cain, know his voice and his character know that he had nothing to do with this trash. Laurin, you made beautiful points by the way. Herman Cain 2012! Scaring the left since 2011.

Jack Boardman Exactly! Apparently some people don't know, but not only was Herman Cain the face of American PAC, and participated in many of their hideous ads to get blacks to vote Republican, but the PAC was often referred to as HermanPAC. They should google American PAC and get some info!

worst part is how many people will believe it is him? Most people don't check shit out for themselves they just believe what others tell them to. Personally I can't even say if it is his voice or not since I never really listened to him.

Scott Osborn During the 2006 election, Cain was the public face of America’s PAC, a group that used stereotypical language and imagery when calling on Black voters to support Republicans. These ads were often voiced by Cain, and were done in a recording studio with far superior acoustics than TV debates or public speeches.THAT is were this recording came from.

This is GREAT! Herman Cain must be doing really well if this kind of tactic is being used. That is CLEARLY not his voice but I love that you're afraid of him to start making these kind of fraudulent ads! CONGRATS HERMAN! This means your numbers must be doing really well! Here comes the Cain Train.

The left has always had a hard time understanding the difference between strength and weakness. For example, gang members think they show strength. But because they are only strong in numbers, they actually show personal weakness. A person who uses constant foul language in their speech does not look strong and tough, they look like they have a lack of vocabulary. The fact that you have to attack an opponent with a lie shows that you are unable to attack with truth. I like this article actually. It shows this: This is all we have. It also shows: We are afraid of this man and have to attack. I am always ready for a good debate and I believe in the total right to free speech. But dig and find something real. Don't make something up. It makes you look weak.

Perhaps there is someone named Herman Cain that was involved in making this but it wasn't the Herman Cain who will be our next President. Actually the voice of the second guy DID sound a lot like Barack Obama when he is talking to a black audience.

Might as well tell us Allen West made the ad. Or Thomas Sowell. Or Clarence Thomas. Or any other African American conservative. It's racist to play the race card, but I have a feeling EZKool (whoever that REALLY is) doesn't play with a full deck to begin with.

In case you don't know your American History, which I doubt you do, the blacks are being brain-washed by the Democratic party.You know the party that founded the KKK? The party who passed the Jim Crow laws; the party that was against BOTH Civil Rights Acts, the one in the fifties and sixties. Did you also know that a Democrat, who was a woman, by the name of Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood? They voted against the 13th AND 14th amendment.You know the abortion clinic that was made to get rid of the black population? And I ask you, what has the Democrat party done for blacks in the ENTIRE history of America while the Republicans were against everything they did? The Republican Party defended you against all the Democrats did because they thought ALL men were created equal and shouldn't have been treated the way they did. Yet you call them racist and stuff like that. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. And if you're stupid enough to think we're going to for fall this guy(thinking it's Herman Cain) then you have another thing coming. You be ashamed again for making something so stupid and disrespectful against a man who has done nothing to you.

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